Holy furnace

Chapter 781 The end of the war

"It's just two people, I'll send you on your way!" Seeing the middle-aged man in black armor appear on the scene, the shadow in the distance said indifferently without being flustered.While speaking, the Golden Sword Killing Formation had already made a move, and a bang shook the void, directly covering the two of them, trying to wipe them out!

At the same time, the other four complete divine auras also shot at the same time, and the perfect Dao weapon divine power was shot out, shocking the world, almost smashing the sky!Not far away, the purple-clothed man holding half a long whip shouted loudly. Demonic powers were displayed, ghosts weeping and howling, and the attack was the strongest magic power. With the help of four perfect Taoist tools, the old Taoists in Tsing Yi were shocked to death!

"If you want to die, I will fulfill you!" The middle-aged man in black armor snorted coldly, and a black sword appeared in his hand in an instant. The sword was densely covered with dao patterns, and he pointed forward, powerful and violent. And come out, split the void, to resist the three major weapons!

At the same time, the ancient mirror in the hands of the old Taoist in Tsing Yi shot out a brilliant light, and attacked with the golden sword again, while his real body reached the man in purple in one step, and stretched out his big jade-colored hand, grabbing him directly!

"Hum!" The man in purple snorted coldly, his palm instantly turned bright red, and he fought against the opponent, and suddenly, the void exploded. Shattered Mountains and Rivers, now they really fought together, almost instantly shattered the void!

boom!At this time, the old Taoist in Tsing Yi performed a large space teleportation, and instantly moved the two of them to the outside world. The two fought outside the area, and each blow could release a peerless divine light, just like a comet descending into the world!Outer Territory is the last battlefield for the powerful and powerful, and they can fight unscrupulously. Although they cannot cross the universe, they can stay and fight outside the Territory!

"Kill!" Above the sky, four great powers shot at the same time, with unrivaled power, they directly blasted the man in black armor for a full three hundred miles with one blow!However, the man in black was unharmed. Although there was blood at the corner of his mouth, there was immortal light flowing on his battle armor. The defense is invincible!

"Boom!" At this moment, three more powerful coercions appeared, but there were three more powerful ones present!As soon as the three of them appeared, they immediately rushed towards the four powers of the Heavenly Demon God Palace, and each chose an opponent to cross the domain with a large space teleport!Huang Xiaocheng has already suffered too many twists and turns, and he can no longer bear more damage. If there is another divine aura, he may not even be able to keep his last foundation, and he will be razed to the ground!

"Death!" The middle-aged man in black battle armor came across from a distance, and directly involved the last powerful man outside the territory, and fought the sky and the earth with a long spear in his hand, causing the stars to tremble!

"Om!" The starry sky was shaken, and some small meteorites were directly blasted into powder under the power of the Taoist artifact. Fighting is enough to make Ziwei's life miserable, and the red land is thousands of miles away!Only outside the territory can let everyone let go, because there are no creatures outside the territory, and there is only eternal silence!Even with the prestige of great power, it is nothing more than adding a few brilliant rays of light to the lonely universe, and it can't change anything.

"It's gone..." Many people in Huangxiao City woke up at this time, looked at the sky in confusion and muttered to themselves. At this time, they didn't even have time to lament the dilapidation of this ancient city, because they survived Fortunately, only being alive is the most important thing.

One after another, people stood up from the city of God, looking up at the endless starry sky!They can feel the coercion that seems to be absent from the starry sky, and they can even see the brilliance shining from time to time, but that's all, no one can clearly see the battle that belongs to the outside world!The monks in Yuanhua Realm can fly to the outside world, but they dare not, not because the outside world is too easy to get lost, but because they can sense the majestic and extreme coercion of the outside world!It can be predicted that as long as they fly to the outside world, they will be suppressed to death by Taoist artifacts and powerful divine power halfway!This is not a single great power, but ten great powers attacking at the same time, and all of them are supreme powers, not the kind of powers that have just entered the bigu state. Everyone's understanding of the Dao has reached an unfathomable level In this kind of battle, only monks of the same level are eligible to enter it, and the rest of them will die without knowing how to die!

"Is it over? Is this catastrophe over?" Many monks were talking to themselves, feeling that everything that happened before was like a dream!The golden god city that hung in the sky before has disappeared without a trace, and the elegant and quiet fairy bath lake has disappeared at this time, replaced by a huge crack. The endless lake water in it has been evaporated to dryness, and the rest is completely lost by the big crack. Devour and disappear without a trace!

The bustling streets are full of potholes, and the ancient roads are covered with chaotic stone chips!Now there is not a single majestic building left, all of which have been completely destroyed. No building can survive under the pressure of the five Taoist artifacts.

The whole city of Huangxiao was silent. Some people had woken up and were silently looking up at the starry sky. Some people had woken up but were still unable to move. They could only carefully mobilize their bodies to repair themselves. Some people would never wake up. Here comes, Huang Xiaocheng will become the end of their lives, and they will never be able to move forward.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air. Except for some mortals who happened to be protected by the holy formation, the rest of the people who had not practiced almost died cleanly, and all of them were directly shaken into blood mist, leaving no bones left, making Huang Xiaocheng become It became a city of purgatory.

At this moment, no one would think of Meng Xian'er, the number one beauty of the Supreme Dao, and no one would think of the fate of the holy sons and young masters of the major holy places. I am extremely grateful that I was able to survive!

For them, the war outside the territory has nothing to do with them. Many people chose to leave after regaining their ability to move. Experience this kind of thing once is enough to be unforgettable forever, and no one wants to experience it again!

And there are some real powerhouses who are regretting that they have not been able to see the battle of the powerhouses in the Almighty Realm with their own eyes!

Just when the entire Huangxiao City fell into grief and ruin, a young man with an indifferent expression and wearing a blood-colored gown came from outside the city, looked up at the outside world, slowly stepped through the broken city gate, and entered Huangxiao City among!Then, with a flash of red light, the young man disappeared into the night, leaving behind only a deep footprint!

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