Holy furnace

Chapter 785 The Conference Begins

The Sunset Mountain Range is one of the top ten mountain ranges in Nanling, ranking sixth, covering an area of ​​more than a million miles. There are countless monsters and various species, and there are even descendants of powerful monsters handed down from the ancient prehistoric period. The central area It is regarded as one of the forbidden areas of Nanling. Unless one has the cultivation base of the Great Sacred Realm, one will die if one enters. As for the strong below the Almighty, there is no way to find the entrance to the central area!

This is a very ancient world, full of original taste!Few people come here on weekdays, both mortals and monks respectfully stay away from this place, but today, the outskirts of the Sunset Mountain Range are crowded with people, and people continue to come across the void from afar, directly submerging into the Sunset Mountain Range!Because today is the first day of the Nanling Conference, countless outstanding talents gathered in the Sunset Mountains, wanting to take a chance and find a peerless Taoist weapon that can make them run rampant in the world!

"This is the Sunset Mountain Range? It really is majestic!" Looking at the Sunset Mountain Range full of lush old trees, Li Haoxuan sighed.Looking at the mountain range in front of him, he couldn't help but think of the Hundred Thousand Mountains in Donghuang. The Hundred Thousand Mountains were also like the mountain range in front of him, as if they were lying on both ends of the earth!

"I feel a breath of shock!" Gongsun Bubai said the same, his feeling was the same as that of Li Haoxuan, the first image that popped up in his mind was the Hundred Thousand Mountains, as if there was a supreme being dormant in it !The aura is many times stronger than that of the outside world. Birds and beasts haunt, most of which are ancient alien species, and they are all extremely powerful.

"It is said that there was a Holy Spirit that was about to reach completion in the Sunset Mountain Range!" Lei Tian said.

"What? Dacheng Holy Spirit? That is an existence on the same level as Dacheng Divine Body!" Li Haoxuan was shocked when he heard this.

"Well, after Dacheng, it is true that you can compete with Dacheng's divine body." Lei Tian explained, "I heard that after the birth of the Holy Spirit, he wanted to absorb the blood of all living beings to become a Dacheng Holy Spirit, but was killed by a certain emperor. But this is just a legend That's all, no one knows if it's true or not. Let's go, there are probably quite a few people inside now, let's go in too!"

"Will Thunder Light come too?" Gongsun Bubai asked suddenly.

"I will come." Lei Tian said in a deep voice, "this time the family has issued an order, anyone who wants to take a chance can enter, without any restrictions, he will come naturally!"

"Brother Li, you have the imprint of Thunder Light on your body, you must be careful when the time comes, he may make a surprise attack!" Lei Tian said to Li Haoxuan again.

"How dare he lay hands on you on such an occasion?" Gongsun Bubai asked in surprise.

"Of course he doesn't dare to attack me, but he dares to attack you." Lei Tian said.

"If he dares to come, he will be beheaded." Li Haoxuan said indifferently, as long as the opponent's realm is suppressed to the bigu state, Li Haoxuan will not be afraid to compete with the opponent.

"It's better to be careful." Lei Tian was taken aback when he heard this, and then nodded with a smile.He knew Li Haoxuan's combat power, and perhaps within the same realm, he could truly be fearless of thunder.

"En?" Right at this moment, a cold and biting killing intent suddenly appeared, descending on the three of them in an instant, causing the three of them to tremble at the same time, and then, the killing intent faded away like a tide, as if it had never happened before. Appeared in general.

"It's him!" Before turning around, Lei Tian had already spoken, and said to the two of them, "The thunder light has arrived! This is his warning to us, and he will attack you."

"I'll wait for him." Li Haoxuan said calmly. This place is still on the outskirts of the Sunset Mountain Range. The opponent's realm has not been suppressed, and he still has the coercion of the Heartbeat Realm. Fearing the opponent, if Lei Tingguang really dared to appear, he would definitely not mind sending him on the road!

After finishing speaking, Li Haoxuan headed towards the Sunset Mountains first. Along the way, they had already seen countless monks coming across the void, entering the Sunset Mountains in groups, each of them exuded a powerful aura, Even the weakest person has a realm no lower than the fifth level of bigu!

"Duanmuyu!" Suddenly, Li Haoxuan's pupils narrowed slightly, but he saw a young monk in Tsing Yi in front of the road, it was Duanmuyu from Liuli Palace!

As if sensing Li Haoxuan's gaze, Duanmuyu turned her head, nodded slightly after seeing Lei Tian and the others, and walked straight in front of her without saying anything.With his status, it is considered polite to be able to nod to the three of Li Haoxuan, it is really not to the point of bowing down to make friends.

"Sure enough, he's here too." Gongsun Bubai sighed. To them, Duanmuyu's threat was greater than that of those with strong emotions. Except for a limited number of people, basically no one could fall into his eyes. Even if the cultivator of Heartbeat Realm is among them, I'm afraid he should avoid him three points!

"I feel that he is stronger than before!" Li Haoxuan said in a deep voice, he felt a sense of detachment from the other party, as if he had truly broken through to the realm of heartbeat, but this kind of dao rhyme is very mysterious, and it seems to be breaking through. The critical point between the boundary and the unbroken boundary made him unable to see through.

"Try not to be an enemy of him." Lei Tian said, he didn't feel the change of the other party, but he knew that this person must not be provoked, at least he must not choose to be hostile unless it is absolutely necessary, the background of Liuli Palace is too deep Now, as one of the forces that set the rules, who knows if he has made any preparations for his descendants?

"Duanmuyu is here, it seems that Zhang Wudao is also coming back, these are two powerful enemies again!" Everyone felt a little heavy in their hearts, but they also had some expectations. If they didn't come for the so-called grand event, wouldn't the name be worthy of the name?

"Boom!" Just before the Sunset Mountain Range, there was a sudden loud earthquake in the sky, and a stone horse was seen running across the sky, stepping on the void, and stomping a monk in front of him into a blood mist with one hoof, and then Stepping directly over the blood mist and flying into the Sunset Mountains, the powerful and icy killing intent surged like a vast ocean, covering an area, causing many monks who were also flying in the void in the distance to tremble, and hurried back to the ground, afraid Was trampled to death by the opponent!

The three of Li Haoxuan watched all this in silence, they didn't say anything, let alone do anything.But they can all feel from it that although the South Ridge Conference has not yet started, the bloody battle has already begun. The Sunset Mountain Range is destined to shed the blood of countless strong men in the future. This is a battlefield for the strong , everyone has the possibility of falling!If the strength is not enough, entering it is very likely to become a wisp of dead soul!

"Clang!" At this moment, the sky-shattering sound of gun light resounded, a huge gun light traversed the sky and land, fell straight into the void, pierced into the ground ten feet in front of Li Haoxuan with a bang, and smashed The ground in front of him was cut open almost entirely, revealing a huge gully that was bottomless!

"Waiting for you to die!" Tie Fengyuan's icy voice came from the distant Sunset Mountain Range, shaking the void, and sending it out in a mighty manner, shocking everyone!

Li Haoxuan walked forward calmly, as if he hadn't heard Tie Fengyuan's threat to him at all. As he walked forward, the blood in his body began to boil slowly, his fighting spirit gradually recovered, and he longed for a hearty battle!

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