Holy furnace

Chapter 786 The Grand Canyon


Not far away, a huge boa constrictor soared into the air. It was about three hundred feet long and had two huge meat balls on its head. Through the air, countless rubble were drawn into the sky, and fell from the sky crackling, smashing the ground into big pits one after another under the action of gravity!

"This is a giant python that is about to turn into a dragon, it is invincible!" Seeing this, Lei Tian said hastily, and at the same time, Li Haoxuan and Gongsun Bubai quickly retreated.Now they are already in the Sunset Mountain Range, but the Sunset Mountain Range is really too big, countless people rush into it but are distributed in all directions, the three of them have entered it for nearly an hour, but they have never seen even half of them , but on the way forward, if there are constant rampages, they will block their way!

When encountering some slightly weak monsters, the three of them immediately beheaded them, but if they encountered a powerful monster like the giant python in front of them, they had to avoid the edge temporarily!

"Looking for it like a headless chicken is no way, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. Do you have any clues?" Li Haoxuan asked Lei Tian.

"I have already received a map before I came here." Lei Tian nodded, looked around and projected a map into the void, and said, "This map is unique to Jiushen Palace. The hiding place, but it has marked the approximate range, with him we can get twice the result with half the effort!"

"After all, it's a home game, so preparation is sufficient!" Li Haoxuan smiled and imprinted the map into his mind.

"According to the markings on the map, we are [-] miles away from the nearest treasure trove. The road will not be easy! Moreover, this road is impassable, so we may have to take a detour." Gongsun Bubai After identifying the location on the map, he said.

"Well, although this area was remodeled by the two major shrines, they also left some original features. There may be monsters and creatures above the heartbeat in each area." Lei Tian explained. For all the trials of the monks, I think a large number of monks will die on the way, unable to reach the vicinity of the Immortal Mansion."

The Sunset Mountains are really too big, and have an unimaginably ancient history. There are many powerful beasts in it. Although it is far from the deepest point, it is also quite dangerous. There are various swamps and large lakes in it. , and the cliff abyss, some of which were opened up by the two major shrines, and some of them are the real appearance of this place.In short, this place is full of dangers and murderous intentions. Every step forward will lead to life and death, and if you are not careful, you will be reduced to the blood of alien beasts!

"If the nine great shrines all have this map, I'm afraid everyone will go directly to the fairy mansion closest to us, and there will definitely be a big melee! Why don't we go directly to the farthest fairy mansion Go, maybe you can get there first." Gongsun Bubai suggested.

"Let's see the situation first." Lei Tian said cautiously after thinking for a while, "The farther away from us, the more dangerous it is. It is very likely that we will encounter accidents on the way. Let's go to the nearest place to take a look. If it’s not easy to start, we will move to another place.”

"En!" Li Haoxuan and Gongsun Bubai nodded upon hearing the words, and they both agreed with Lei Tian's proposal. The three of them kept making detours along the way. Far away!Since the third day, they have seen many corpses and blood along the way. Of course, there are also corpses and bones of some monsters. It is scary, and one can imagine that this is the beginning of the bloody road, and the future will inevitably encounter unimaginable wars.

Not long after, they came to a grand canyon towering deep in the mountains, and suddenly found that there were more monks here, all of them were masters, and all of them were people above the seventh level of bigu. Side, gathered together in twos and threes.Seeing the arrival of Li Haoxuan and the others, many people turned their heads to watch, and turned their heads away after seeing Lei Tian's figure. Unless it is absolutely necessary, the name of Jiushen Palace can still hold many people down.Of course, some of them showed disdain after seeing Lei Tian's realm, but they didn't really step forward to provoke.

"It's no less than a blessed land!" Looking at the towering Grand Canyon in front of him, Gongsun Bubai couldn't help but praise.Just in front of them, the huge canyon is vast and boundless, and there are many divine lights shining above the canyon. There are extremely precious fairy grasses such as spirit stones and dragon grasses, full of fairy energy!

"En? You can't fly here, there is a forbidden area." When Gongsun Bubai tried to fly up the canyon, his expression changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice.Li Haoxuan and the two quickly tried, and found that it was true. The mana in the dantian was still mighty and turbulent, but the void was imprisoned, and the only way to move forward was to climb over the canyon with the body. No wonder they saw many people walking on foot. Climbing on the cliffs of the canyon with both hands and feet.

"It seems that this place is not simple, maybe there will be a treasure." Lei Tian rubbed his hands a little excitedly, and began to observe the general situation of the surrounding mountains and rivers. He believed that the two great shrines would never create such a terrain in an ordinary place.There are sword marks and knife marks everywhere on the cliffs of the canyon. It can be imagined that many people must have tried to climb the cliff before.Not far away, a huge lake runs through it, with almost no end in sight, and there may be another way to connect it.

"Ah..." Suddenly, a scream came, extremely miserable!Everyone quickly turned their heads to look, but saw a monk was swallowed by a huge catfish when he was crossing the big lake. After a cry of surprise, he sank directly into the bottom of the lake without making a sound.

"Oh my god, that's a fish? How could it be possible? It has already become a master. How many years have it been to cultivate, let alone hundreds of years!" Everyone exclaimed, and there was a burst of horror, and those who were also preparing to cross the lake were even more so. I was so scared that I backed away again and again, and a lot of cold sweat broke out on my back.

"The waterway is blocked." Li Haoxuan opened his mouth after contemplating, it is impossible to fly here, and it is extremely difficult to use strength on the water surface. Once he is entangled by monsters in the lake, it will be very dangerous.

"It seems that we can only climb the cliff." Gongsun Bubai looked up, the canyon was thousands of feet high, and with their strength, it was not difficult even with bare hands.

However, at this moment, under the watchful eyes of everyone, a huge bird with a size of one hundred feet suddenly flew out from a hidden cave in the canyon. The blow fell from above, and then the big bird circled and swallowed several people directly, and then spread its wings and returned to the original cave, restoring calm to the cliff.

"At least have the strength of the peak of Bigu!" Lei Tian concluded that it would be difficult to fight against him if he couldn't fly.At this time, someone made a move again, or sacrificed their own magic weapons, or started to draw formation patterns, but all of them were useless. The air-forbidden domain here is very mysterious, and all flying techniques that use divine power are prohibited.

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