Holy furnace

Chapter 790 Mad God Art

Li Haoxuan and the others were surprised, a wolf howl could have such power, it was really strong, and the opponent was not close to their position, at least there was still a considerable distance!Sure enough, more than ten miles away, the three of Li Haoxuan saw that giant wolf with two horns on its head, roaring upwards, and under its feet, one after another, large cracks spread, almost shattering a small mountain range!

"This is a two-horned gray wolf?" Li Haoxuan felt awe-inspiring after seeing this giant wolf. He has a great understanding of this species, and it is definitely a terrifying strange beast. Bloodline, he had killed one back then, but now he saw a two-horned gray wolf that had entered the realm of the law. The powerful energy and blood in the opponent's body shocked him. Just standing there was enough to make Fang Yuan All the monsters within a hundred miles all knelt down and surrendered.

This kind of strange beast can definitely be called a demon king of the previous generation. After Dacheng, even Da Neng might not be his opponent. Li Haoxuan was hesitating. Extracting the blood of the wolf god, although unsuccessful, pointed out another way.Although the two-horned wolf is powerful, the three of them may not be able to fight together. However, after careful consideration, Li Haoxuan finally retreated, because he found that the two-horned wolf was ordering the pack of beasts. There are constantly fierce beasts gathering here, and the strength of the lineup is beyond imagination!

Normally, Li Haoxuan might take risks, and if he doesn't succeed, he can escape from the sky, but he can't fly here, so the risk is very high, once he is surrounded, breaking out will not be easy!

"It's a two-horned wolf, invincible. Zhang Wudao and Duanmuyu may not be opponents when they come. Let's retreat." As the young master of the Lei family, Lei Tian is really well-informed, and he can see the two-horned wolf at a glance. powerful, said to the two through sound transmission.

Then, the three retreated quietly. They didn't want to provoke such a powerful existence. The risk was too great. It was no different from ordinary beasts.

However, before they exited far, they were attracted by a huge lake!The clear water above this huge lake is so clear that everything nearby is reflected in it, like a huge mirror!

In fact, what attracted them was not the big lake, but the reflection on the big lake!I saw a huge cliff reflected on the surface of the lake, densely carved with countless lines on the cliff, like silver hooks painted on iron!

When the three of them saw this, they looked up, but found that there were no mountains around, let alone cliffs. According to common sense, it was impossible for them to be reflected on the surface of the lake. Even if they opened their eyes, they still found nothing!In the end, the three of them came to the lake, carefully observed the stone carvings in the lake, and immediately felt a mysterious charm of the Dao!

"It's a divine treasure..." Lei Tian was the first to scream, extremely excited, he can be sure that this is definitely not a mirage or the like, but a real imprint of the Dao, which is more complete than the previous lightning bolt. It's even worse on the bird cliff!

"It should be an extremely strong person from the past who enlightened here. During the process of enlightenment, his Tao was engraved by this world and reflected on this big lake!" Li Haoxuan said with the same excitement, being able to be imprinted by the world Dao, what a strong man that is, definitely beyond the power level, maybe it is an ancient saint!

The three of Li Haoxuan hurriedly gathered their minds to study carefully. This is an unimaginable opportunity. It is very likely that it is a magical secret technique left by the ancient sages. Not to mention completely penetrated, just learning some superficial knowledge is enough for them to benefit endlessly. , This is not some mysterious dao rhyme, but a real supernatural power secret technique, which has been recorded in the way of the dao pattern. Once you can decipher the dao pattern, you will be able to see the supernatural power contained in it!

"Crazy God Art!" Finally, after a day of careful study, Li Haoxuan discovered a supreme God Art from the reflection in the lake, the Mad God Art!

Mad God Art, the name alone is already extraordinary, and it is definitely one of the supreme magical powers that can stand proudly in the past and the present. It is extremely complicated and difficult to guess.Li Haoxuan was shocked to the point where he couldn't be more impressed by it after deducing it seriously. It is indeed a sage's technique, it is really too heaven-defying!

The Crazy God Art is a special method that can circulate the blood in the body, integrate the blood and mana, and then play it with a specific secret technique, which can double the comprehensive strength of one's own strength in a certain period of time!This means that once Li Haoxuan uses the Mad God Art, not only his strength and speed, but also his physical strength and primordial spirit strength will also be doubled!This kind of secret art can really be regarded as a veritable art against the sky. If it is spread out, it will make the world crazy. With this kind of magical art, Li Haoxuan can break his original shackles almost instantly, and display unimaginable Strong combat power!

However, although the Mad God Art is quite against the sky, its mad state is not endless and can only be maintained for a period of time. Moreover, after the mad state disappears, its own strength will fall to the bottom, which is almost only about [-]% of the original strength!Unless one's own blood is abundant and the physique is special, then the sequelae of the Mad God Art can be avoided. For example, the major gods can easily use the Mad God Art without being affected by any sequelae!

"You really live up to the name of Mad God!" Li Haoxuan was deeply impressed by it, and sighed inwardly.At the same time, he also thought, if this mad god formula is in the hands of the god body, how far can it be used by it?

But Li Haoxuan quickly put all these distracting thoughts away, the most important thing at the moment is to comprehend the Mad God Art!Afterwards, he sat cross-legged in front of the huge lake, motionless, and devoted himself to comprehend it, imprinting the mad god tactic into his primordial spirit!

For the next ten days, Li Haoxuan, Lei Tian, ​​and Gongsun Bubai all sat quietly in front of the big lake to comprehend their own way!As their understanding of this avenue gradually deepened, the imprint of the avenue on the lake began to become weaker and weaker, and finally turned into a phantom, dissipated and invisible, and was no longer visible.Because the Great Dao inscribed here has been comprehended and absorbed by people, and cannot exist between heaven and earth in the form of Dao patterns.

After another five days, the three people opened their eyes at the same time, and finally comprehended the Dao that they had comprehended completely.

"It's actually broken!" Lei Tian was taken aback after opening his eyes, and then laughed.Indeed, the aura of law in his body became more intense. He successfully broke through here, from the Bigu Fourth Heaven to the Bigu Fifth Heaven, standing on the same level as Li Haoxuan.

"I'm still a little short." Gongsun Bubai stood up regretfully, but he was also very satisfied, being able to comprehend such a magic trick was more surprising than breaking through.

"Okay, the dao pattern here has disappeared, it's time to go on the road." Li Haoxuan said, and then the three bowed to the big lake in front of them, and walked away at the same time.They didn't ask each other how they felt, but they all knew that everyone had received their own supernatural powers, and that was enough!

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