Holy furnace

Chapter 789

"Looking for death!" Seeing that the Lightning Bird was looking at him and the others coldly, Li Haoxuan was furious. He jumped down from the cliff with a loud shout, and stomped his right foot directly towards Senior Brother Lu's head. The speed was so fast. It was like turning into a meteor, almost cutting the air open!

"Bold!" A young monk behind Senior Brother Lu yelled when he saw this, raised his hand and hit a huge copper tripod, directly hitting Li Haoxuan!On top of the copper tripod, the brilliance circulates, the quaint atmosphere exudes an inexplicable grand aura, it is a rare magic weapon!

However, the bronze tripod was shattered the moment it touched Li Haoxuan's right foot, and was smashed to pieces with a click, flying everywhere.Li Haoxuan's speed didn't slow down at all, he continued to fall after crushing the copper tripod, and reached Senior Brother Lu's head in an instant!

"Get out!" Senior Brother Lu looked cold, he directly raised his right hand and punched Li Haoxuan's foot, a blue brilliance flashed on the right fist, and a powerful aura manifested, shaking the void!

There are really no weak people who are qualified to come here, all of them are late-stage bigu characters!Moreover, this person dared to hit the Lightning Bird's idea. His own strength is really strong, and his strength has reached the state of half-step heart. Facing the monks of the seventh and eighth levels of bigu, he can be beaten to death with a single palm, so facing the same Li Haoxuan, who has not released his peak fighting spirit, has no fear at all, just one punch is enough to let you know what the difference is!

However, the next moment he knew what the gap was!Li Haoxuan's right foot directly stepped down, and the powerful divine power burst out suddenly at this moment, golden energy and blood rushed to the sky, as if he had turned into an ancient God of War!

Click!There was a crisp sound, Senior Brother Lu's bigu shattered instantly, and then the swamp was shaken, and the metal collapsed with a bang, and the infinite mud rolled up into the sky, shaking it up to a height of ten feet, which shocked the lightning birds in the sky , A look of fear flashed in his eyes.

The swamp was shaking, countless mud splashed, and everyone on it was blown away, and they couldn't fly here, so everyone could only cling to the cliffs, with confused expressions on their faces, as if they hadn't seen it yet. Come back to your senses amidst all that has happened!

Boom!After a breath, there was a loud crash in the turbid mud, and Li Haoxuan, who was surrounded by golden light, rushed up from the mud. The golden light enveloped his body, and his real body was not stained with a trace of mud!

Although, when everyone looked into the depths of the mud, they immediately found strands of bright red blood spreading out in the mud. After a while, a headless corpse emerged from the depths of the mud. However, it was swallowed by a huge strange beast in the blink of an eye. No deposit!

"Ah..." A monk yelled when he saw this, extremely sad, and was about to kill Li Haoxuan immediately!However, his cry stopped in an instant, because a ray of divine light fell from the sky, directly blasting him into ashes, leaving nothing behind!

This was not Lei Tian and Gongsun Bubai's attack, but the Lightning Bird in Tianji was startled by him, and a divine thunder directly knocked down the opponent and reduced him to ashes!Li Haoxuan was startled by the opponent's blow. You must know that this is a monk of the seventh level of bigu. Even if Gongsun Bubai and Lei Tian wanted to kill them, they would not be able to kill them with one blow, but the opponent was in the hands of Lightning Bird. But he couldn't hold on to one move, and his success became the ashes of calamity!No wonder there are rumors that once this bird grows up, it will definitely become a terrifying beast, which can compete with the Almighty!

"Cruel!" The lightning bird is violent by nature, especially after seeing blood. After turning the young monk into ashes with one blow, he went into a frenzy again. It was several feet in size, and it fell down overwhelmingly, trying to wipe out everything on the ground!

"Ah..." There was another scream. Although a girl in white tried her best to avoid it, she couldn't escape.Seeing this, the others ran for their lives amidst the screams, each running in different directions, and all of them reached the extreme speed. However, the Lightning Bird was given the name Lightning, and its speed was unimaginable. Can cross space, no one can escape in its hands!

But Lightning Bird is quite spiritual, and he didn't attack Li Haoxuan immediately, because he felt a dangerous aura from Li Haoxuan!Boom, in the end, the lightning bird opened its mouth and spit out the monstrous divine fire, which directly ignited the swamp. Countless monks were stained by this divine fire, and turned into coke amidst crying!This is a kind of divine fire that uses mana as its source, as long as there is still a trace of mana, the flame will not go out!

At this moment, there were several roars from not far away, and another group of monks who entered the swamp were affected for no reason, and one of them was also hit by the divine thunder. Did not fall, but resisted hard!Afterwards, this group of monks fought one after another, each using their supreme supernatural powers and magical weapons to fight against the Lightning Bird. However, these people could not gain the upper hand at all, because they were unable to fly here, and they were greatly restricted. Can only play +[-]% or so!

"Not even a half-step heartbeat!" Gongsun Bubai was surprised. Among those people in the distance was a strong man named half-step heartbeat, but at this moment, he was powerless against the lightning bird, and kept retreating.

"Let's go!" Taking advantage of the large number of people on the other side to attract firepower, the three of Li Haoxuan turned around and left, submerged into the depths of the swamp. They have already comprehended almost the Dao Yun here, and they may not be able to gain more if they continue to stay. , it is better to look for other opportunities.As for the previous killings and what happened to other people, it has nothing to do with them. People don't hurt the tiger's intentions, but the tiger hurts people's hearts. The cruel law of the practice world.

The swamp is vast, and I don't know how long they walked. After killing many quagmire monsters, the three of them finally set foot on the hard mountain again!

"It feels so good to be down to earth!" Stepping on the hard mountain, Lei Tian couldn't help but said joyfully, and then he stimulated the divine power in his body, and found that he still couldn't fly here, and shook his head in disappointment.

"Not being able to fly may not be a good thing." Li Haoxuan said, and then, the three of them began to take a detour, preparing to return to the original road. According to the changes in the map, they were already far away from the old road, and they had to speed up. just work.But this detour was very fruitful for them, and it was worth it.

"Wow..." A loud wolf howled, causing all the ancient trees around them to tremble violently, making a rustling sound.

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