Holy furnace

Chapter 788 Vicious

ps: I have some troubles at home recently, so the update is not effective. I'm sorry, brothers. I will try my best to resume the update next week. I hope everyone can vote monthly for the holy furnace, thank you.

The three of Li Haoxuan waited in ambush not far away for a long time, almost half an hour later the Lightning Bird flew out of the nest again to look for food with a roar.

"It's gone!" Lei Tian said excitedly, but the three of them didn't act immediately, but waited until the Lightning Bird flew very far before appearing, quickly climbed to the cliff, and carefully observed the stone carvings.

"This is definitely a handwriting left by a strong man!" Even Gongsun Bubai was excited after seeing these Dao seals, couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise, and began impatiently imprinting the Dao charm here with his spiritual sense.

"In the past, there must have been a strong man who enlightened here and left these Dao seals unconsciously." Li Haoxuan guessed that he was also concentrating on observing the Dao seals in front of him. The dao rhyme contained in it is there, and part of the essence can still be captured after careful perception.

At this time, the three of Li Haoxuan didn't care about him, and their minds were all attracted by the imprint of Dao on the ground. Although the imprint of Dao here is not an ancient scripture or other magical powers and secret arts, it is the result of a powerful man from ancient times. The insights left when enlightening the Dao contain the great opportunity, which is of unimaginable great value for comprehending the Dao of heaven and earth and breaking into a new realm!

As time passed, Gongsun Bubai and Lei Tian gradually revealed an ethereal aura, as if they had merged with the Dao, and there was a tendency to enter the Dao and break through at this time!In fact, the natural capital of the two of them is very high, even if they are not as good as Li Haoxuan, they are not far behind, and now they are already at the peak of breaking through, they only need that sliver of opportunity to break in, for them, Now is the time for this piece of Daoyun!

"Ruth!" At this moment, a melodious voice came from far away, and Li Haoxuan woke up instantly, and immediately found that the Lightning Bird was returning from a distance with a giant elephant in his hands, and the howls were endless.

"Not good! The Lightning Bird has returned." Li Haoxuan was shocked, and quickly woke up Gongsun Bubai and Lei Tian from entering the Dao Realm, and led them to jump off the cliff!The Lightning Bird is extremely powerful. If it really matches, it will definitely be a deadly battle, and the gain outweighs the loss!

"It's a pity! If I were given another day, I might have already passed the level!" Lei Tian sighed and said in disappointment as he watched the lightning bird killing the giant elephant on the cliff.The previous him had indeed seen the opportunity to break through, but it was a pity that he was broken at the last moment, and it was difficult to really break through.

"There is no need to be disappointed, we still have a chance." Li Haoxuan comforted, "There are so many opportunities in the Sunset Mountain Range, even the ancient scriptures. This kind of Daoyun land may not disappear. Moreover, let's stay here for a while and observe more times Even if you can't break through, there will be huge benefits."

Li Haoxuan understood the other party's state of mind. It was the same when he was trapped in the Lingxu Realm and couldn't break through the level. That fleeting opportunity to break through the level was really rare!

"It is indeed a treasure land. If I can find more places like this, maybe I can break through here." Gongsun Bubai also said, with a look of disappointment flashing between his brows.Like Lei Tian, ​​he just lacked a chance to break through.

Since today, the three of Li Haoxuan have been hiding here. When the Lightning Bird left, they went up to the cliff to observe the moment. Although their realm has not increased over time, the aura of Dao on their bodies has become more intense.

"God! That's a Lightning Bird? A beast of the ancient and ferocious bird level!"

"It is indeed a lightning bird. This kind of coercion is too strong, and it is shocking from such a long distance!" On the third day, a group of young monks, led by a middle-aged strong man, discovered it when they were crossing the swamp. The lightning bird on the cliff said with a strange look in its eyes.

"Senior Brother Lu, this Lightning Bird is still underage, why don't we capture him and bring him back to the sect, if we can tame him, he can become our guardian animal when he reaches greatness in the future!" A young monk walking in the front Speaking to the leading middle-aged man, his eyes were full of confidence.

"Don't act rashly!" The middle-aged monk who became Senior Brother Lu took a look at the Lightning Bird and shook his head, saying, "This place is not outside, it is covered by a restricted air field, and the Lightning Bird has an inherent advantage. Let's take a detour, don't fight He clashed!"

"Huh? There seems to be some mysterious moments on the cliff where the Lightning Bird is!" At this moment, a young monk discovered the mysterious Taoist rhyme on the cliff, and exclaimed.

"En?" Senior Brother Lu immediately turned around upon hearing that, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and part of the stone carvings were branded deep into his pupils.

"It's actually the imprint of the Great Dao of the ancient powerhouse!" After that, Senior Brother Lu showed excitement, and said happily, "As expected, it is worthy of the handwriting of the two great shrines. The opportunities are really endless, and you can gain something in this kind of place. good very good!"

"How? Shall we take action to catch the Lightning Bird?" The young monk who spoke before asked again.

"Wait!" Senior Brother Lu was very cautious and didn't act rashly. He shook his head and hid in the dark. He had the same idea as Li Haoxuan and others, and he didn't want to confront the Lightning Bird head-on. No less than the strength of half-step heartbeat!

"Senior Brother Lu..." At this moment, a young monk came up and said softly to Senior Brother Lu, while speaking, he pointed to the halfway up the cliff with his finger.

Brother Lu looked up, and immediately saw three figures sitting cross-legged in a small cave halfway up the mountain. Obviously, they were people who had the same thoughts as them and wanted to observe the Taoist rhyme here.

"Hey." Brother Lu smiled when he saw this, made a seal with his right hand, and pointed towards the mountainside!Immediately, a golden divine thunder struck directly, and the loud bang was almost to the extreme!

"Oops!" Halfway up the mountain, the three of Li Haoxuan had already discovered the existence of each other, but they didn't care about anything with each other, even if the other party wanted to share the dao rhyme here with them, they had nothing to say, after all, it was left by the ancients. Not exclusive to them!However, they did not expect that these people would be so ambitious that they would use them as bait to attract the attention of the Lightning Bird!

Sure enough, at the same time as this divine light appeared, the Lightning Bird's attention was immediately attracted by it, and it flew straight up into the sky. Its scarlet eyes followed the divine light, and instantly stared at Li Haoxuan and the other three. !

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