Holy furnace

Chapter 811 Judging 7 Kills

"In the name of judgment, I give you death!" In the middle of the battlefield, Tie Fengyuan's voice suddenly became hollow, and his words made the heavens tremble. Killing Li Haoxuan with this kind of supreme supernatural power, in order to restore his dignity!

"My way lies in being invincible in this world, in being invincible! Just relying on your bullshit ruling to decide my life? If your ruling is useful, what else do you need to practice?" Imprisoned in an illusory world, Li Haoxuan His eyes are still clear, listening to the mysterious melody constantly ringing in his ears, his heart is empty. In his primordial world, the heavenly sound of Om is constantly reverberating, and every reverberation can make his belief and will stronger. firm!

"There is only my own way in front of me. If anyone hinders me, I will kill him!" In the end, Li Haoxuan roared loudly, and with a bang, his blood rushed to Xiaohan, and the powerful golden light burst directly into the imprisoned space, Then, Li Haoxuan stepped forward and punched out in one go. Raising his hand was the most powerful God of Destruction Fist. In an instant, the void was exploded, and the breath of destruction flowed wildly, corrupting everything, whether it was Dao Tianyin or Tie Feng. In the judgment world created by Yuan, everything is indestructible, and everything is disintegrated under Li Haoxuan's fist, turning into nothingness!

puff!Tie Fengyuan was sent flying, his whole body exploded, and countless blood shot out from his body, staining the sky red!

In the distance, the collapsed Tie Fengyuan was spitting out blood. However, his face showed a very calm expression, and he said while coughing up blood: "The second type of ruling seven kills, everything withers!"

"What! He has even completed the second form? Impossible!" In the distance, a monster's face changed drastically, and he said in shock. .It would be understandable if Tie Fengyuan could complete the first form, after all he has the blood of the Tie family, and his realm has reached the half-step heartbeat, but it is almost impossible to say that he can complete the second form!Judgment Seven Kills has a total of seven moves, and the higher the level, the more difficult it is. From the second move, he has already possessed the fighting power to fight against immortals. Except for the real unrivaled evildoers, how many people can practice this kind of unrivaled killing technique at this age?

"That young man is in danger! Quasi-Emperor-level secret techniques are not so easy to resolve. No matter how strong his combat power is, if his supernatural powers are not strong enough, he still cannot resist it. Even if he does not die, he will suffer a big loss! Unless he uses the mid-level technique weapon!" Some people made such speculations, they didn't think that Li Haoxuan would still be invincible, and the winning streak should have come to an end!

Boom!When Tie Fengyuan performed the second form, his whole body was suddenly enveloped by an infinite divine light like black iron, and a mysterious and vague phantom came from outside the sky, and the invisible killing intent enveloped the world in all directions, enough to destroy everything , Let everything wither!

Tie Fengyuan stepped forward from a distance with a blank face. I don't know whether it is he or the inexplicable phantom who dominates this body now. He is more terrifying than before. His cold eyes are looking at the world, like a fairy descending from the fairy world. Waiter, every step you take can shake the void, with an unparalleled coercion, which makes everyone feel a kind of heart palpitation.

This is a terrifying and mysterious fluctuation, different from the coercion of a middle-grade magic weapon, it is not that powerful but it is even more terrifying!Boom, in the end, Tie Fengyuan punched out, and the billowing majesty erupted like a torrent, like an ocean pouring over, and came directly to suppress Li Haoxuan. The unimaginable terrifying divine light drowned Li Haoxuan, filled with endless murderous intent, making people tremble!

Li Haoxuan retreated quickly, staggered the opponent's blow with the sky mark, and at the same time covered the important parts of his body with the cold iron sword, and the golden bell cover covered his body with supernatural powers. He felt great pressure. , will fall if you are not careful.Now, Tie Fengyuan seems to be a different person, and every killing intent shed from him is extremely powerful, like the light of the world-destroying god, enough to penetrate a monk in the bigu state!

Everyone was stupefied, they didn't expect Tie Fengyuan to be able to display such supernatural power!

At this time, even Chen Zhan's pupils were shining with brilliance, looking seriously at Tie Fengyuan in the distance, a pair of bright pupils seemed to be able to penetrate time and space, and see through the origin of all this.He also didn't expect that Tie Fengyuan could do this, which was enough to make him face up to it. No one has the right to despise the supernatural powers of the emperor, even if the other party has only completed the first form, he is qualified to stand in front of him, and now he has completed the first form. The second style can already be regarded as the enemy of life by him. The strength of Tie Fengyuan is beyond everyone's imagination. Although all this is not in line with common sense, no one thinks that he can really do this step, but the facts are right in front of us. People can change.

"Boom!" Suddenly, Li Haoxuan's body shook violently, and a mouthful of blood spurted out!He found that the current world is full of Dao Laws, full of decaying aura of decay, which makes him feel that the end is coming.This time he has no way to retreat, neither the Skymark Sacred Art nor Shunpo can make him escape such an attack!

"Cough..." He kept coughing up blood, his internal organs seemed to be shattered, and he even felt that his vitality was passing away. The quasi-emperor-level secret technique is really too strong, much stronger than the saint's secret technique Too much, even the Mad God Art has no solution, only passive defense!

"Heaven and earth are in sorrow...all things are withering...the breath of destruction...decline, decay, destruction..." At this most critical moment, Li Haoxuan's heart suddenly calmed down at this moment. Tie Fengyuan's ruling seven kills grasped some unknown opportunity!

"The mountains and rivers are split, the sky and the earth are collapsing, the sky is moving, the stars and the moon are shattering..." At this moment, Li Haoxuan closed his eyes and began to punch, one punch after another, starting from the first form of the Shattering God Fist and continuing until the end. In the fourth form, however, this time he did not stop there, but continued to swing his fists, and an inexplicable Dao rhyme emerged, causing the world to tremble suddenly, and the circulation of the avenue of ruling seven kills suddenly stagnated, almost unable to operate!

"Boom" At this moment, Li Haoxuan's eyes suddenly opened, and he made a mysterious and complicated fist mark with his right hand and punched in front of him!Immediately, the entire world was shattered, the sky seemed to be overturned, the earth seemed to sink forever, and everything ceased to exist.

In this arduous battle to the death, although he was almost killed by the seven rulings, there was a bright smile on his face, because this time his harvest was really great. Not only did he understand a lot of things, but he finally After comprehending the fifth form of the Destroyer Fist, the heavens will be destroyed!

"Boom!" The unimaginable terrifying energy burst out suddenly, as if it was going to turn the whole world into nothingness and chaos!In the Great Destruction, Li Haoxuan collapsed and flew out in an instant, bleeding all over his body. Although he had mastered the fifth form of the Destruction Fist, All Heavens Extinction, this move was too heavy on his body, even if he But the current him can't use it at will, and now he has suffered a great backlash when he hits a move, and there are continuous crackling explosions in his body!

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