Holy furnace

Chapter 812 The heavens are destroyed

"Boom!" The unimaginable terrifying energy burst out suddenly, as if it was going to turn the whole world into nothingness and chaos!In the Great Destruction, Li Haoxuan collapsed and flew out in an instant, bleeding all over his body. Although he had mastered the fifth form of the Destruction Fist, All Heavens Extinction, this move was too heavy on his body, even if he But the current him can't use it at will, and now he has suffered a great backlash when he hits a move, and there are continuous crackling explosions in his body!

However, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, because the power of the fifth form of the Shattering God Fist was beyond his imagination, and this will become another trump card of his. Its power is still higher than that of the Baoshan Seal and the Dahe Sword!

"Ah!!!" On the other side, Tie Fengyuan yelled, the second form of the Judgment Seven Kills was broken, he fell out of the mysterious mood of the Judgment, and his whole body was hit by Li Haoxuan's Tianmie, If it wasn't for the battle armor on his body that saved his life, he would have turned into a blood mist now!However, even so, he suffered a terrifying impact, his body was cracked, his body was covered in blood, and he was sent flying far away, coughing up blood!

"Ruling Seven Kills..." Tie Fengyuan yelled as he retreated, his mana surged all over his body, he stared at Li Haoxuan viciously, wanting to continue to perform Judging Seven Kills!

However, it was impossible for Li Haoxuan to give him a chance, leaving an afterimage on the spot as soon as he moved, and rushed over. Although he didn't believe that Tie Fengyuan in this state could continue to perform the ultimate move of ruling the seven kills, he didn't want to bet. Don't dare to gamble, because the time for the Mad God Art is about to come, once the Mad God Art recedes, his divine power will fall to the bottom, and there may be many changes at that time!

"Boom!" After Li Haoxuan caught up with Tie Fengyuan, his big golden hand immediately patted it down. .Immediately, a huge grinding disc appeared in the void, rumbling towards Tie Fengyuan to suppress it, trying to wipe it out of the void, the great grinding disc of heaven and earth!

puff!Tie Fengyuan's verdict of seven kills was interrupted in an instant, and he sprayed blood again, and was sent flying far away, spilling endless blood all the way.

"Dang!" Seeing Li Haoxuan's big hand slapped down again, a trace of fierceness flashed across Tie Fengyuan's eyes, his body suddenly turned gray and white at this time, and he punched Li Haoxuan's big hand!At this time, Tie Fengyuan used his natal supernatural powers to greatly increase the strength of his physical body, and healed his injured body in an instant. He wanted to compete with Li Haoxuan again!

However, everything was useless, Tie Fengyuan screamed again, his gray body instantly returned to its original shape, and was slapped flying by Li Haoxuan, dripping with blood, his entire right hand was completely deformed, almost crippled!

"Pfft!" Li Haoxuan rushed over, displaying all kinds of supernatural powers and secret techniques, overwhelming Tie Fengyuan!At this time, except for a few supernatural powers that easily reveal his identity, he has shown them one by one, just to kill the enemy in front of him faster, because Tie Fengyuan is much more difficult than he imagined. Not strong, but able to perform the supreme secret technique of ruling seven kills, and his own vitality seems to be in a mysterious state, so it is difficult to kill in a short period of time!

In the distance, everyone was stunned. They didn't expect that the life-and-death battle between Li Haoxuan and the young master of the undead would develop to this point. More people didn't expect that Tie Fengyuan would be so against the sky. When he shouted the verdict seven kills, everyone felt a chill in their hearts. They couldn't imagine what kind of scene it would be if he really played the third style of the verdict seven kills!Fortunately, they were stopped by Li Haoxuan in the end, which made many people inexplicably relieved, only a few people such as Chen Zhan frowned slightly, a little disappointed!

Now seeing that Tie Fengyuan was suppressed by Li Haoxuan, and even the verdict of seven kills was unable to recover, everyone thought that this life-and-death fight would finally come to an end!Although they felt a little sad for the fate that Tie Fengyuan was about to face, everyone had to admit that Tie Fengyuan was able to achieve this step and was worthy of the name of a monster, which was enough to make everyone remember and move.

"Clang..." Another tragic collision, Tie Fengyuan screamed in pain, his black hair stood on end, with bright red plasma stained on his black hair, he looked extremely miserable and embarrassed!Since the seven kills were broken, he has been suppressed to the extreme and has been at a disadvantage. He has no power to parry at all. He can feel that his energy is constantly draining. He knows that if he continues, he will die in the opponent's arms sooner or later. Fist!

"Kill!" Li Haoxuan yelled, every blow was unrivaled divine power, and he had already shown his true anger. In the end, he rushed forward, grabbed Tie Fengyuan's arms with both hands, raised his head to the sky and screamed, with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers, unexpectedly Tie Fengyuan's arms must be torn apart!

"Ah..." Tie Fengyuan yelled, he felt that his arms were being torn apart by tremendous divine power, and the meridians and bones in them were broken and shattered under this huge force, but in an instant, The vitality in his two arms was wiped out, and every cell in them died!

Boom!The void was shaken, and Tie Fengyuan's body instantly ignited a fire of life, blazing with energy, shattering the void. He was forcing Li Haoxuan to let go by burning his source, otherwise the two of them would perish together!

As the boundless energy surged, monstrous array patterns appeared on the sky, branding the void, and one after another dao pattern presented a strange and mysterious pattern, exuding an extremely tyrannical great power, which almost suppressed the entire world, making him The void here is directly shattered!

When this innate energy appeared, Li Haoxuan also had to avoid the edge temporarily, because this kind of fire was too terrifying, and once it was touched, it would never be extinguished again, so he let go of it instantly, stepped back a hundred feet, and looked at the other party coldly !

Tie Fengyuan's blond hair was stained with blood, and he screamed in pain, looking at the hands drooping on his sides, without a trace of activity, his eyes were full of anger and madness.

"I, Tie Fengyuan, are the strongest in the world..."

Tie Fengyuan roared in pain, it was hard to accept this reality, being crippled by Li Haoxuan in front of so many people was more uncomfortable than killing him, there was almost crazy killing intent in his eyes, he looked up to the sky and screamed, Two piercing killing intents shot out from the crazy eyes, and a terrifying rhythm sounded again, shaking the void!

In the distance, everyone was extremely shocked. Although Li Haoxuan's final victory could be foreseen from just now, but now after seeing Li Haoxuan crippled Tie Fengyuan's arms, everyone still felt a chill in their hearts!In particular, quite a few descendants of the Great Supreme Sect have high self-esteem and have been invincible for a long time. Everyone thinks that they are invincible in their hearts. Except for a limited number of people, there are not many people who can be seen by them. However, at this time, with their own eyes Seeing that a powerful monk who is also the young master of the Holy Land will be killed, everyone's eyes are a little unnatural, as if they saw their future self in Tie Fengyuan.

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