Holy furnace

Chapter 813 Judgment Scepter

In the distance, everyone was extremely shocked. Although Li Haoxuan's final victory could be foreseen from just now, but now after seeing Li Haoxuan crippled Tie Fengyuan's arms, everyone still felt a chill in their hearts!In particular, quite a few descendants of the Great Supreme Sect have high self-esteem and have been invincible for a long time. Everyone thinks that they are invincible in their hearts. Except for a limited number of people, there are not many people who can be seen by them. However, at this time, with their own eyes Seeing that a powerful monk who is also the young master of the Holy Land will be killed, everyone's eyes are a little unnatural, as if they saw their future self in Tie Fengyuan. .

The gazes of some young lords of the Holy Child towards Li Haoxuan also changed at this time, from the original indifference to fear and vigilance. Many people began to plan in their hearts, considering whether to shoot and kill him at this time, because Li Haoxuan's combat strength is no longer just enough to make them afraid, it is enough to make them feel chills and fear. There is no doubt that this will definitely be a great enemy in the future. They are not sure how to deal with it, even if they all have quasi-emperor-level supernatural powers Secret technique, but that also didn't bring them the slightest confidence, even if they lost the seven kills, what could they do?If they really match up, few people dare to say that they are sure of victory, and maybe most people will follow the path of the young master of the dead and Tie Fengyuan.

Meng Xian'er is slender and graceful, standing in the sky in white clothes, the brilliance flowing in her beautiful eyes, and a faint radiance of charm exudes from her body. At this time, although her face is still calm, the brilliance flowing from her eyes It can still be seen that her mind is not calm, being disturbed by Li Haoxuan's supreme combat power, even the heart of despair cultivated by Tai Shang Dao is not calm.

Not far from Meng Xian'er, Song Yunxuan, who was also like a fairy of Nine Heavens, changed slightly, showing surprise. Concentrate.

Beside Song Yunxuan, Zhang Weiyi, dressed in gray, was very calm, with the aura of the avenue of nature flowing on his body, a faint brilliance flowing from his body, his calm eyes were as deep as the ocean, standing motionless in the void, like Li Haoxuan's unparalleled The battle strength also failed to bring him the slightest shock.Therefore, among the people watching the battle, he was the only one who was so calm, as if he didn't move the mountain, but Chen Zhan was already full of fighting spirit, and he was trying his best to control what he wanted to shoot!Li Haoxuan is a strong man worthy of his shot, which makes him hard to restrain himself!

"Ah..." Tie Fengyuan roared suddenly, roaring up to the sky. After his two arms were crippled, he went completely crazy, and fell into a crazy demon state. Roaring up to the sky, his whole body was full of blood, and infinite blood soared into the sky, turning into the Supreme Dao pattern. At this time, he was covered in blood as if standing in the Supreme God Formation, and the terrifying energy and spirit rushed to the sky like a stormy sea rise up!At this time, Tie Fengyuan's black hair danced wildly, like an unrivaled demon king. Now, in order to kill Li Haoxuan, he has desperately used his own blood essence to forcefully activate the third move of the Judgment Seven Kills!

It is conceivable that once this blow is struck, no matter whether Li Haoxuan will be killed or not, Tie Fengyuan himself will most likely be wiped out physically and mentally, because he has injected all his essence, blood and vitality into it to motivate Supreme Secret technique, until now, he is not afraid of falling, only to kill the enemy!

"You have no chance!" Seeing this, Li Haoxuan said coldly, the Judgment Seven Kills is indeed too terrifying, even if he has cultivated the fifth form of the God of Destruction Fist, he doesn't want to take risks for it, no one knows that the Judgment Seven Kills will be so powerful What kind of situation, if you are not careful, you will fall, he doesn't want to gamble with his life!

Afterwards, Li Haoxuan turned into a ray of divine light again and charged over, directly unleashed the first four moves of the Destroyer Fist, trying to interrupt the opponent's seven kills!

"Boom!" Immediately, the whole world collapsed in an instant, and the huge power of the God of Destruction Fist surged directly, and slammed heavily on Tie Fengyuan's body!

"Roar..." Tie Fengyuan roared angrily, wave after wave of powerful divine power, and countless lines turned into cliffs to block Li Haoxuan's Supreme Fist, but everything was useless, he himself was burning At the cost of life, he performed the Judgment Seven Kills, and now he was suddenly hit by Li Haoxuan's crushing blow, and immediately coughed up blood, his bones creaked, almost smashed to pieces!

"Boom!" After a successful blow, Li Haoxuan came over again, smashing directly with his red-golden fist, destroying all obstacles with supreme divine power!At this moment, Li Haoxuan exerted his god-like physical body to the extreme. Even though he fought against the young master of the undead and Tie Fengyuan successively, his physical body was still in a mess. It is possible to suppress Li Haoxuan in terms of physical body, just like resisting it, he will end up with hatred. Moreover, Li Haoxuan has a hundred thousand gods in his body, which is enough to provide him with a steady stream of mana!In the past, when Li Haoxuan was physically weak, the effects of these divine kingdoms were not obvious, but now that Li Haoxuan has entered the bigu state, the huge effects of these divine kingdoms in his body are immediately revealed, which can almost be called his capital to stand at the peak!

"Kill..." Li Haoxuan's eyes were cold, every move was a killer move, without any mercy!He is very clear that today is not a contest between the two sides, but a real life-and-death battle, either you die or I die, if you are soft-hearted at this moment, maybe you will die the next moment!He has long known the cruelty of the practice world, this is one of the rules, and he can't change it!

Click!Li Haoxuan's continuous attacks deformed many places on Tie Fengyuan's body, but every time the battle armor on him would glow, canceling out most of Li Haoxuan's divine power, if not for this, Tie Fengyuan would have been beaten long ago exploded!In the end, Li Haoxuan became ruthless, and forcibly tore off one of Tie Fengyuan's arms, and smashed it into pieces with the God of Destruction Fist. With a pop, a large amount of blood exploded and poured on him, making him look like an ancient demon god!

At this time, Tie Fengyuan had already been beaten beyond human form, and his whole body was constantly flying upside down, his whole body was bloody and bloody, it was too horrible to look at!However, at this moment, Tie Fengyuan suddenly laughed out loud. The laughter was so crazy and cold that everyone jumped in their hearts suddenly, as if something ominous was about to happen!

"You are dead." Looking at Li Haoxuan who was about to continue to attack, Tie Fengyuan parted his lips, and said in a cold voice, "If God comes, I can't save you! Judgment Seven Kills Fourth Form, Judgment Scepter!"

Boom!At this moment, no matter whether it was Li Haoxuan or the spectators, a huge heavenly voice suddenly sounded in everyone's heart, and then, a feeling of heart palpitations rose in everyone's heart, as if seeing the aura of extinction machine!In the distance, some bigu eighth-level and ninth-level monks suddenly fell from the air with a scream at this time, bleeding from their mouths and noses, and their faces showed horror, and they were frightened to death before they even landed!

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