Holy furnace

Chapter 819 The end of the war

Mengxian'er's calm eyes like water waves were filled with shock, she could hardly believe what she saw in front of her eyes, since the moment Tie Fengyuan showed the verdict seven kills, he knew that he had underestimated Tie Fengyuan, And it was seriously underestimated, and when Tie Fengyuan sacrificed the bleeding talisman, she had almost seen the end of the battle, but in the end, everything was beyond her imagination, and Tie Fengyuan was finally beheaded and wiped out. A neat beheading will count as a fall!

Not far away, Yan Teng felt that his face was a little stiff, his heart was full of shock and panic, this was the first time he felt deeply worried about his own combat power, both Tie Fengyuan and Li Haoxuan had Supreme Combat strength, and Zhang Wudao and others can only be stronger than them, do I really have a chance to stand out in front of them?Moreover, after feeling Li Haoxuan's fighting spirit, Yan Teng is even more worried about his future!Now he has regretted it a bit. If such a strong man can be used for himself, what kind of glory would it be?

On the other side, a young man in a purple battle suit frowned. He was Lei Tian's elder brother, Lei Tingguang. He knew that Lei Tian had a strong man beside him before the South Ridge Conference started, who was worthy of a rivalry with his heart. But now, when he really felt Li Haoxuan's combat power, he realized how powerful this person really is. At this moment, he had to be thankful that he didn't take the lead before this, because this area is very special, and the law of heartbeat has been sealed. In terms of divine power and physical body alone, Lei Tingguang had to admit that he was indeed inferior to Li Haoxuan, if he attacked Li Haoxuan here, he would most likely be the one who died!

Lin Rongrong had been watching the battle between Li Haoxuan and Tie Fengyuan calmly, until now she smiled slightly, turned and left, she knew that the overall situation was over, Tie Fengyuan was dead, so she didn't need to stay.Not far from her, Song Yunxuan and Zhang Weiyi looked at each other and left at the same time. Afterwards, Meng Xianer and others also left at the same time. Their identities are too sensitive. If they continue to stay, some unpredictable changes may occur .

"Cough!" Li Haoxuan was coughing up blood. Although he split Tie Fengyuan alive, his whole body was bleeding. After all, the injuries he suffered before were too serious. The damage also deepened at this moment, the seven kills of the ruling are worthy of being a world-famous magic technique, and left many wounds on Li Haoxuan's body, which looked extremely terrifying!

"Let's die together..." At this moment, a golden divine light suddenly burst out from the severed head, but it was Tie Fengyuan's primordial spirit rushing out from the head. At this time, Tie Fengyuan All thoughts were lost, he knew that he would fall with endless shame, but he was unwilling, so he burned his soul, and made the last attack with the fire of soul, to die with Li Haoxuan!This kind of primordial spirit fire is comparable to karmic fire, once it is contaminated, it will immediately be led to the way of transformation. Li Haoxuan would not be afraid if he had peak combat power, but now he is extremely weak, and Tie Fengyuan's blow can be called Fatal blow!

However, Li Haoxuan didn't move at all. He looked at Tie Fengyuan who was rushing towards him in front of him, and he could even clearly see his crazy and distorted facial features. Then, Li Haoxuan opened his mouth and spit out the word Om. Feng Yuan's primordial spirit exploded directly, dissipated between heaven and earth, and completely fell into this world!

"Boom!" After breaking Tie Fengyuan's primordial spirit with a single voice, Li Haoxuan made another move, and punched out a fist of destruction, blasting Tie Fengyuan's head into blood mist with a puff, only one of them was lost. The limbs and torso fell from the sky, and the blood spilled into the sky!

"It was really beheaded! This time Tie Fengyuan is finished, and the resurrection of the ancient emperor is useless!" Seeing Li Haoxuan directly shattering Tie Fengyuan's primordial spirit, everyone was in an uproar, knowing that Li Haoxuan and the Tie family had formed a feud Enmity, the demise of Yuanshen is death in the true sense, even if the legendary immortal descends into the world, it is impossible for Tie Fengyuan to reappear in the world!

"A generation of evildoers, with the posture of a king, is a pity that he was cut off like this and became history. If he hadn't confronted this evildoer this time, he might have a great achievement in the future. It's a pity, it's a pity, and he died in one day. ,nothing at all!"

"He was very likely to become the future head of the Tie family, but unfortunately he ended up like this, there is no chance."

When Tie Fengyuan really fell, the emotions of all the people present became extremely complicated. It could not be said that it was disappointment, regret or embarrassment, or both. As far as Tie Fengyuan, who was so famous and dared to fight Chen, it really ended in such a sad way.This is a person who can compete for the Great Emperor's Road. If he does not fall, he will undoubtedly become a generation of Holy Masters in the future, and then go to the depths of the starry sky to compete with monks from all over the universe for the Great Emperor's Road!

The premise is that he can go on alive!The road to cultivating immortals is such a cruel one. Whether it is a powerful combat power that can retrograde and defeat immortals, or an innately powerful god-king body, the greatest victory is to survive until the end.

At this time, Tie Fengyuan fell, and everyone turned their attention to Li Haoxuan, this man who was so powerful that he could beat two monstrous cultivators at once, the young master of the dead and Tie Fengyuan, which one? It's not a stunning generation, especially Tie Fengyuan's ruling seven kills and the third style, there are really few people present who are sure to catch it, and it is very likely that they will fall here if they really match up, even Lin Rongrong feels that she There is no chance of winning, even if you enter the solipsistic mood, it is useless, you will be forcibly blasted out by the power of that kind of judgment!But Li Haoxuan did it, although I don't know exactly how he did it, but it is an indisputable fact that he killed Tie Fengyuan at the last moment with a peerless turnaround.

More people began to pay attention to Li Haoxuan's previous seal method, which made everyone feel a sense of worship. It is definitely a supreme holy technique, not weaker than the Judgment Seven Kills!However, when everyone at the scene recalled that holy art, they suddenly found that they couldn't remember it anyway, as if everything was just an illusion!This discovery made more powerful people feel awe, and they were secretly surprised by Li Haoxuan's methods. There is no doubt that if such people can survive, their future is absolutely limitless, and they can compete with them for the title of emperor in the future.

Now that two consecutive life-and-death battles have pushed Li Haoxuan's power to the peak, many people are looking at Zhang Wudao and Duanmuyu in the distance, they are all guessing, now that they are out of the body, I am afraid that they are the only ones who can fight against Li Haoxuan right?

Suddenly a cold breeze blew in, causing the remaining branches and leaves of some ancient trees nearby to shake and make a rattling sound. The battle between Li Haoxuan and Tie Fengyuan almost shattered this mountain range, devastated everywhere, and the void was full of chills. The smell, there was no sound, no one dared to move for a while.Although Li Haoxuan just stood there, everyone felt an unconcealable depression, as if they were still suppressed by Li Haoxuan.

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