Holy furnace

Chapter 818 Killing Tie Fengyuan

At this time of life and death, Li Haoxuan finally comprehended the Baoshan seal, and comprehended a more powerful human king seal from it!Human King Yin rules the world, and Li Haoxuan immediately exploded with unimaginable supreme power for the first time. This is an ancient art that transcends everything in the world. From a certain point of view, it is really not weaker than Emperor Sutra. Once it is used, it will immediately have the potential to swallow mountains and rivers, and it can collapse mountains and rivers with a single raise of the hand!

"What kind of printing method is this, how can there be such an aura!"

"Why do I feel as if I saw a great emperor rising! What is that phantom behind him? Is it a great emperor!"

"How is it possible! My realm has been suppressed, the breath of a king!" In the distance, many people were shocked, shocked by Li Haoxuan's sudden change. This momentum is very powerful, full of majesty, almost trembling, can't help it Worshiping, as if facing a great emperor who returned from ancient times!

"Ah!" Tie Fengyuan roared, facing Li Haoxuan's man Wang Yin, even he felt a burst of fear, as if he was facing the Lord of all living beings, he felt an unstoppable sense of awe in his heart!He was yelling with great momentum, but the sense of fear did not dissipate at all, as if he was really facing an unrivaled king!

"Dang!" Li Haoxuan squeezed his seal, and the whole person turned into a man Wang Meng and attacked forward. Suddenly, there was a loud bang, Tie Fengyuan's ruling scepter was blocked by Li Haoxuan for the first time, and the supreme fluctuation on it seemed to be afraid The coercion in Li Haoxuan's body was suppressed at this moment!

Then, Li Haoxuan swung his fist again, with the posture of a supreme king, wide open and closed, and with the posture of a human king, he punched the God of Destruction Fist. With a bang, the world fell apart, and finally, the golden ruling scepter was blown away by Li Haoxuan's punch, scoffed A sound slid across Tie Fengyuan's shoulder, almost beheading Tie Fengyuan himself!

"It's so fierce!" All the spectators in the distance changed their colors at this moment. Li Haoxuan's fighting power has improved to a higher level after becoming a king, even stronger than before. Fighting Saint, with a big hand in the air, directly grabbed Tie Fengyuan!

"Kill!" Tie Fengyuan yelled, the divine power of the ruling surged, all of it was poured into the ruling scepter and slashed out at once, the void was shattered, and the divine power was mighty!However, everything is useless in front of Li Haoxuan's big hand. At this time, Li Haoxuan is the king walking in the world, commanding all living beings. When he pressed down with one hand, he immediately hit the ruling scepter into nothingness. Then, the big hand continued to press down like a broken bamboo, with a click Tie Fengyuan directly suppressed from the void, all the bones in his body were broken, and his whole body exploded!

"Back!" Everyone gasped when they saw this, and fled immediately. Tie Fengyuan, who was so strong before, was suppressed by the current Li Haoxuan with one hand. This gap in strength shocked everyone, making Zhang Wudao and Duanmu Yudu's complexion changed drastically, he didn't expect that Baoshan Yin could change again and evolve into this kind of holy technique!

"Donghuang is an outstanding person! If he can go back to Donghuang this time, he will have a seat on the road to the emperor in the future!" Zhang Wudao said, giving Li Haoxuan a supreme evaluation!

"Pfft!" Li Haoxuan's king seal was truly invincible, and he pressed it again. Immediately, Tie Fengyuan's two arms exploded, turning into blood mist amidst screams!

"Hateful!!!!" Tie Fengyuan's hair was disheveled, all his ruling power was scattered, the golden light faded, and he fell to the bottom again. All shed blood and tears!

"You can't live without doing your own crimes! No one can save you!" Li Haoxuan said, although the situation has reversed now, he didn't want any more changes, so he stepped out again!At this time, Li Haoxuan represents the king, every step he takes can make the world tremble, like the lord of ten thousand races walking, shaking the whole world!

Li Haoxuan pinches the human king seal, and every time he hits it, the mountains and rivers can be shaken. This kind of attack is not only aimed at the physical body, but also can hit the opponent's soul. As long as it is locked by it, the five elements of the human king seal can span endless In the sky, one seal will surely see blood!

puff!Tie Fengyuan coughed up blood again, and was directly shattered below the waist, leaving only a body and head falling continuously in the void, even the intestines in the body flowed out, and blood gushed out.

Li Haoxuan looked coldly at Tie Fengyuan who had been abolished by him, there was no wave in his eyes, neither hatred nor pity!Previously, Tie Fengyuan had persecuted him time and time again, and it was at this time that he killed him. If he hadn't comprehended the unrivaled secret art of the king's seal at the most critical moment, he would definitely have encountered accidents, karma, and retribution. , everything started because of Tie Fengyuan, so naturally it should end with him!

"I'll see you on your way!" In the end, Li Haoxuan said coldly, stepping up and down.Although he knew that the Tie family was the giant of Nanling, and that Tie Fengyuan was definitely a pivotal figure in the Tie family, but the matter had already come to an end, and since this was the case, it was impossible for him to be merciful if he could kill a big enemy. Kill Tie Fengyuan in front of him!

"You can't kill me!" Tie Fengyuan yelled, and at this moment, he opened his mouth and spit out a white light, which instantly turned into a supreme dragon spear, piercing towards Li Haoxuan's eyebrows with a whoosh!

"Dang!" Li Haoxuan squeezed the seal, urging him to move the king's seal with the true meaning of shattering, a loud bang sounded, and with a click, the opponent's Supreme Dragon Spear was directly shattered into the void. It's hard to bear his supreme blow!

The next moment, Li Haoxuan stepped forward, swiped the knife with his hand, and chopped off Tie Fengyuan's head with a bang!

"This... Tie Fengyuan was beheaded?!" Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, whether it was a monster-level powerhouse or an ordinary monk, they all fell into absolute silence at this moment!These two fought unimaginably fierce battles, both sides were on the verge of extinction many times, but in the end it was the unknown strong man who won and killed Tie Fengyuan?

At this time, Li Haoxuan, covered in blood, stood proudly in the void. His body was covered with blood, some of his own, some of Tie Fengyuan's. The aura of a king and the image of Shura coexisted, shocking everyone!

"Tie Family..." After a brief silence, everyone felt an unspeakable panic. Tie Fengyuan was beheaded. A monster who has been stunning since childhood and determined to become the Great Emperor Road, he traveled across the South. Ling, who was invincible in his generation, ended up being beheaded in the Sunset Mountain Range today. This ending was so tragic that one couldn't help but sigh!At the same time, more people began to evacuate. They were afraid that the Tie family would suddenly appear and intervene in this matter with a supreme attitude. At that time, these people would be unable to bear it, and might be killed as accomplices!

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