Holy furnace

Chapter 817

"This is not his self-proclaimed title, but a title that is universally recognized and recognized by the entire universe! It is said that when he was named Emperor Yuanzhong, auspiciousness descended from the sky, and a fairy light penetrated the starry sky from the depths of the universe. Being crowned by bathing, his title has been recognized by the Great Dao of the entire universe! No matter now or in the future, there is only one Emperor Yuanzhong in the entire universe, even after a million years, there will still be only one Emperor Yuanzhong!" Zhang Wudao said in shockingly endless , One sentence almost scared Chen Zhan to death!

"What kind of person is he, who is recognized as the emperor by the world? There are such people in the world? It's almost unheard of. Is it the Taoist body? Or the innate Taoist body?" Chen Zhan asked.

"Neither. It is said that he is not a divine body, but an ordinary mortal body, but his cultivation talent is amazing, so good. It is said that he did not start cultivating until he was 20 years old. It only took half a year to build the foundation successfully. " Zhang Wudao said.

"At the age of 20, building the foundation for half a year can indeed be regarded as an extraordinary talent, but this is not considered a heaven-defying posture, right? Many descendants of the Holy Land can do it, even the three of us can do it ?” Chen Zhan was puzzled.

"Listen to me." Zhang Wudao shook his head, and continued, "Emperor Yuanzhong built the foundation in half a year, and after a year, he directly crossed the consecration and entered Lingxu, which can be regarded as a talent. However, Emperor Yuanzhong did not make any progress in the next ten years. , has never been able to break through the bigu realm. Until one day the realm is suddenly broken, and then it will be regarded as the rise of Emperor Yuanzhong."

"Being in Bigu for ten years, such aptitude can only be considered average, not a genius." Chen Zhan shook his head.

"If it's just like this, it's true, but if it's true, then there is no current Emperor Yuanzhong." Duanmuyu sighed, and said, "Emperor Yuanzhong entered the Bigu Realm at the age of 30 and rose from the morning sun. Break into bigu at the beginning, then break into heartbeat when the sun is high at noon, enter yuanhua after the sun goes down in the evening, enter the peak of yuanhua when the moon is high at midnight, break through three realms in one day, and break through 27 levels in a row. What do you think of such talent?"

After listening to Duanmuyu's words, Chen Zhan fell silent and fell into a sluggish state. After a long time, he came back to his senses. The corners of his eyes twitched, and he said, "Is this still a person?"

Breaking through the three realms in one day, such a record has never been done before, and there must be no one to come, even the ancient emperor has never had such a record, and even the Daoist human king is far behind, it is simply not There is no comparison between human beings and divine bodies!

"So he is not him, he is Emperor Yuanzhong." Zhang Wudao said, "It is said that after he broke into the Yuanhua Realm, he stayed in the Yuanhua Realm for hundreds of years. Up to now, no one knows whether he has broken through or not. But what is certain is that this person must still be alive, in the Qingxu Temple!"

"Has he ever fought Ziwei?" Chen Zhan asked, he yearned for such a character, he was undoubtedly a real strong man, otherwise it would be impossible to be recognized by Dao.

"I don't know the specific record. The elders never allowed me to ask, and never told me." Duanmuyu shook his head, and said, "They said they were afraid of hurting my Dao heart. No way, do you know?"

"I don't know." Zhang Wudao also shook his head and said, "The reason is the same as yours. The elders were afraid that my Dao heart would fall, so they didn't tell me everything. I just heard this part secretly."

"Qingxu Guan, that kid Huiyuan Zhongdi's Baoshan seal is very likely to be the heir of Yuanzhong Emperor. How could it be so simple? In fact, even now I don't think he will be beheaded by the ruling seven kills. Said Maybe there will be a huge reversal at that time!"

"Since Tie Fengyuan used the blood talisman, he has been abolished! Using external force in this kind of battle, using the strength that his ancestors have condensed in advance to fight against the enemy, he no longer has any dignity in martial arts. Such a person dies If you die, you will die! Shame on Nanling!" Chen Zhan, who still had a little appreciation for Tie Fengyuan when he showed the first two moves of ruling the seven kills, showed extreme disdain at this time, and did not even look at him at all. It's all a huge insult.

"In Qingxu's view, that kid knows the Wind Clan's Yu Bu, and maybe the Wind Clan will jump out in the end, and the relationship between that kid and Lei Tian is inseparable. Let them make troubles by themselves, and we don't want to interfere." Finally, Zhang Wudao said, The three retreated a hundred miles again, deciding to wait and see what happened.

The so-called blood talisman is a kind of talisman that is condensed by the power of the lacking realm with its own blood. A certain powerful magical power or secret technique can be sealed in the talisman. It can only be opened with the power of blood essence from the source, once opened, it will absorb blood essence to kill the enemy!Tie Fengyuan's blood rune is sealed with the third form of the Judgment Seven Kills, as long as he uses his own blood essence to activate the Blood Rune, his mana and blood essence will be activated by the Blood Rune to perform the Judgment Seven Kills. Strictly speaking, the three styles are not his power, but the power of his ancestors. It is impossible for him to achieve this step with his own ability!

"Kill..." Tie Fengyuan roared, the scepter of judgment was full of light, and the divine light was brilliant, and a unparalleled divine power struck out, splitting the void!

puff!Although Li Haoxuan managed to dodge with Yu Bu, his shoulder was wiped off after all, a piece of flesh was cut off, and a large rain of blood was brought up!However, Li Haoxuan is still calm. At this time, he has fallen into a deep level of enlightenment. In his spiritual world, the majestic mountain represented by the Baoshan Seal stands high on the ancient ground. Afterwards, this mountain Suddenly it started to tremble violently, and a huge change happened at this time. Suddenly, the mountain grew limbs and a head, and finally stood up from the ground with a bang, with its head reaching the sky and its feet on the ground. The ground turned into a living person!Li Haoxuan looked intently, and immediately found that the person transformed by the Baoshan seal had exactly the same face as him, and exuded an extremely ancient and majestic aura!At this time, he is Baoshan Yin, and Baoshan Yin is him. On his body, countless immortals, birds and beasts kneel down and worship him, as if he has transformed into the king of the ancient world at this time!

"Hold the mountain seal as the mountain, master the power of the earth. The human king seal is the man, and master the power of the world! The heaven-turning seal is the sky, and the power of the sky! Hold the mountain seal, the human king seal, and the heaven-turning seal, and divide the heaven, earth and people... "

Boom!At this moment, an inexplicable Taoist sound echoed in Li Haoxuan's heart, which seemed to come from the Baoshan Seal itself, or from this heaven and earth avenue!At this moment, when he felt this inexplicable Dao rhyme and opportunity, Li Haoxuan suddenly burst out with an incomparably powerful divine power, and his confused eyes suddenly regained clarity. When he fell down, Li Haoxuan's whole body suddenly retreated, and he escaped this fatal blow at the very moment!

At the same time, Li Haoxuan's right hand suddenly changed, forming a handprint that had never been manifested in the world. Immediately, the towering mountain above him disappeared in an instant, replaced by a huge phantom as high as hundreds of feet!

Boom!In an instant, when Li Haoxuan's handprint was pinched, his aura instantly climbed to a height that people looked up to, a kind of supreme coercion spread from his body, looking down on the world, like a king born, everyone couldn't help it There is an impulse to worship!

I am the king of people, and I rule over all living beings, and I am the seal of the king of people!

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