Holy furnace

Chapter 816 Shocked the supernatural power of an era

"It's too scary. The ruling seven kills is indeed unrivaled. He will not be able to hold on anymore!" A monster from Zhongzhou said in shock. Before coming, he had already heard the names of Zhang Wudao and Duanmuyu, but for Tie Fengyuan He didn't pay much attention to it. He was just an arrogant man who was a young man, and he didn't see it in his eyes. However, today's battle completely overturned his understanding of Tie Fengyuan. This is a man who is qualified to compete for the strongest. Monster, stronger than him!

"After this battle, who in the same generation in the world can compete with Tie Fengyuan? I am afraid that only Zhang Wudao and Duan Muyu, the holy sons and heirs from the emperor's family, can compete with him. The third form is invincible among the younger generation!"

"I didn't expect that person to defeat the young master of the dead, but it turned out to be in the hands of Tie Fengyuan. The world's affairs are indeed impermanent, and no one can predict! However, Tie Fengyuan's combat power is indeed surprising. This time even Tie Fengyuan If Yuan didn't get the Dao weapon, I'm afraid it would make the Tie family look better!" Many people were discussing from a distance, and they were all shocked by Tie Fengyuan's powerful combat power!

On the other side, Chen Zhan, who was dressed in black, appeared at some point next to two young men, both of whom were facing the wind. Although there was no terrifying aura on his body, he seemed to have become the leader of this world in an instant. focus!

"Tie Fengyuan is so courageous." Duanmuyu said, although his tone was gentle, but it made Chen Zhan beside him change color slightly, and looked at him in surprise.

"He broke the rules, this Nanling Conference has nothing to do with him, no matter how he fights this time, the Tie family will definitely have to pay a certain price! There is no one in Nanling who dares not to take the Glazed Glass Palace and the Ice Palace in their eyes! "Then, Zhang Wudao spoke lightly, with the same gentle voice, without the slightest smoke and fire, but what he said made the whole world tremble slightly, as if he felt the anger in their hearts.

Chen Zhan's expression changed again when he heard the words, and then he said, "Should I make a move?"

"No need." Duanmuyu waved his hand, and said lightly, Chen Zhan is the only existence in Jiushen Palace who can stand side by side with the two of them, even he can't tell Chen Zhan what to do, he can only talk to each other.

"Tie Fengyuan is from Nanling after all, even if we want to dispose of him, it is a matter within our Nanling, there is no need for everyone to know." Zhang Wudao also said, "If I read correctly, that kid should be Donghuang A person of pure vanity."

"Donghuang Qingxu Guan?" Chen Zhan was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, "I have heard of this fairy gate, and it ranks above Qianzhonglou and Qunxingmen, but we have not heard that Qingxu Guan will also participate in it."

"This is normal. The Nanling Conference is huge. I don't know how many people want to enter it. As long as they are not demons and heretics, we don't object to anyone's participation." Duanmuyu said.

"I didn't expect that there would be such an evildoer in Qingxu Temple. Compared with Qianzhonglou and Qunxingmen, there is more than a little difference." Chen Zhan sighed.

"The strength of Qingxuguan is far stronger than you imagined. How could it be comparable to Qianzhonglou and Qunxingmen?" It shouldn't be their strongest, their real strongest should be preparing to participate in Donghuang's own immortal competition, but this kid from Qingxuguan is indeed beyond our expectations, and his combat power is definitely not above any evildoer Next, the physical body is so strong that it is abnormal, and all the supernatural powers of Tie Fengyuan's life were smashed by him! To be honest, Tie Fengyuan's ability to perform the first two moves of the ruling seven kills is indeed beyond my expectation. It seems that it is his challenge Your trump card only surprised me a bit, if it wasn't for relying on the blood talisman to play the third form of ruling seven kills, Tie Fengyuan would have died a long time ago, what a shame!"

"He is very strong." Chen Zhan said suddenly.

Duanmuyu and Zhang Wudao were stunned at the same time when they heard the words, and then realized that what Chen Zhan was talking about was not Tie Fengyuan, but Li Haoxuan, so he nodded and said, "It is indeed very strong. First fight against the young master of the undead, and then Tie Fengyuan. I know where I learned the Yu steps of the Wind Clan, but it is not enough to know Yu steps to be able to achieve this level, only to say that his combat power may really not be inferior to yours."

"His boxing is very strong, domineering and fierce!" Duanmuyu said solemnly, "But his current printing method may be even stronger. This is a magical power that has shocked an era!"

"A supernatural power that shocked an era?" Chen Zhan asked in surprise.

"I don't know the details." Duanmuyu shook his head. He is not very old, so it is impossible for him to really know what happened hundreds of years ago. They are slightly different but very similar! The master uncle told me that the handprint method is called Baoshan Yin, which is the unique art of Qingxu Temple in the East, which shocked an era and swept the entire Ziwei!"

"Sweep the entire Ziwei? Could it be the Emperor's secret technique?" Chen Zhan asked in disbelief as his expression changed.You must know that Ziwei is vast, and there are not a few holy places with the inheritance of the emperor, more than double digits, and every holy place has the ancient scriptures of the emperor. Since the last emperor transformed into Taoism, there has never been a character who can overwhelm all the heroes in the world. Everyone in the world worshiped and admired him, but Duanmuyu said that this person swept away the whole Ziwei, such an evaluation is no longer as simple as a compliment!

"You mean Emperor Yuanzhong, right?" Zhang Wudao said suddenly when he heard this, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Sure enough, you've heard of him." Duanmuyu nodded.

"How could I have never heard of this kind of person? But I am afraid that everyone in the holy land with emperor soldiers knows about it." Zhang Wudao smiled wryly.

"Emperor Yuanzhong? Who is he?" Chen Zhan asked impatiently. He is a martial idiot, but everything related to this can arouse his great interest, and this Emperor Yuanzhong can make Duanmuyu and Zhang Wudao both With such admiration, it is conceivable that he is definitely a legendary figure. He can't wait to know everything about the other party. Although the Chen family is also a holy place, there is still a gap compared with the Liuli Palace and the Ice Palace, which have emperor soldiers. Accessible things are limited.

"Emperor Yuanzhong is not a name, but a title." Duanmu Yu said solemnly, "The so-called Yuan means Yuanhua, and Emperor Yuanzhong means the emperor of Yuanzhong, the great emperor in Yuanhua realm!

"Hiss!" Chen Zhan couldn't help gasping when he heard the words. The word "great emperor" can overwhelm the ages, and it represents the supremacy and invincibility in the world. It means that he is the number one powerhouse among all Yuanhua realms, invincible in the world, and the meaning of the word emperor is too great, not only limited to the Ziwei star field, but also included in the entire universe!

In other words, the meaning of Emperor Yuanzhong is that among all the creatures in the Yuanhua realm in the entire universe, he is the number one. I bow my head and proclaim myself a minister, because I am the emperor of Yuanzhong, and those who are emperors are invincible in the world!

"He speaks so loudly. He is the great emperor in Yuanhua. Isn't he afraid of luck?" Chen Zhan said in a startled voice.As far as luck is concerned, it really exists, especially when it is related to the emperor. If a monk in Lingxu Realm treats himself as the emperor on the spot, or disrespects the emperor, then almost 100% of them will be chopped into ashes during the catastrophe. The objective existence of luck in the dark, because although the emperor transformed into Tao, his Tao is still imprinted in this universe, and no one can desecrate it!

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