Holy furnace

Chapter 815 Enlightenment in Desperate Situation

"After all, it's just a waste!" Tie Fengyuan roared, the pleasure of ravaging the other party made him even more crazy, the ruling scepter turned into a supreme soldier, and it fell down with one blow, causing the world to collapse, and swept Li Haoxuan away with a puff , all in tatters, even more miserable than Tie Fengyuan before. .Moreover, Tie Fengyuan's speed is no slower than him at this time, even if it is not as good as Yubu, it is only a line behind, he can't escape at all, he can only bear it passively!

"Om..." At this juncture of life and death, the Baoshan seal above Li Haoxuan's head suddenly buzzed and trembled, wisps of black and yellow air fell down, and they all made buzzing vibrations, shaking Tie Fengyuan. However, this power is too amazing, it does not belong to Tie Fengyuan itself; the power comes from the blood-colored talisman, although the Baoshan Seal is powerful and mysterious, it still cannot Resisting this kind of power that obviously surpassed their level, they were split open by the Judgment Staff with a click and completely shattered!

"Struggle to the death, you will die today, God will not save you even if God comes!" Tie Fengyuan was cold, at this moment he had the chance to win, he seemed to be able to see Li Haoxuan being cut under the starry sky by himself, washing himself off with the other party's blood It is humiliation!

"Bang!" The golden scepter swiped, and Li Haoxuan was sent flying again. At this time, his energy and mana were rapidly depleting. It was an injury, if it wasn't for the body protection of the cold iron sword and the continuous supply of mana from the [-] Divine Kingdom, he would have been in danger at this time, and the seven kills were ruled to be an unrivaled secret technique, which was cast out by Tie Fengyuan in some unknown way , has almost surpassed the scope of the Bigu Realm, and even in this sealed place, the strength far surpassing the Heartbeat Realm has erupted, and it is difficult for ordinary people to compete!

Click!Li Haoxuan coughed up blood, and a few more bones in his body were broken. The previously broken bones hadn't been completely repaired, but now a few more were broken, which made his aura even more weakened.

"Baoshan Seal!" Li Haoxuan pinched the seal, and the majestic mountain reappeared, blocking Tie Fengyuan's fatal blow for it!He has been waiting, because he believes that Tie Fengyuan's state against the sky cannot go on without limit, and must have a certain limit like the Mad God Art. As long as he can endure the other party's divine power to the end, It must be able to counterattack strongly!

However, he found that if he continued, he might not be able to wait for that time!Because Tie Fengyuan still has no signs of a decline in his divine power up to now, and his divine power has dropped to a terrifying level. If it continues, I'm afraid it really won't last long.

"First seal, open!" Finally, Li Haoxuan formed a seal with one hand, put it in front of him, and shouted in a low voice.Boom, in an instant, there was a loud bang in Li Haoxuan's entire purple mansion, and pieces of mysterious avenue runes manifested at this time, dotted in the void, and then, these runes changed rapidly, Rearranged and combined, it turned into a big rib pattern!Afterwards, when the formation of the big Luo pattern was completed, a purple bead slowly rose from it, and exploded instantly with a bang, and endless purple mist surged out, roaring and rushing in all directions.

At this point, Li Haoxuan could only undo his spiritual seal, and then use his unparalleled primordial spirit to better grasp the Dao seal and gain more time!At the same time as the spiritual seal was released, Li Haoxuan pinched the seal again with his left hand, and the shattered Baoshan seal appeared in the void again, exuding mysterious fluctuations!Baoshan Yin has been tempering with him for many years, has experienced catastrophe after catastrophe, has already completed several transformations, and can be quickly reorganized even if he is scattered!

However, the reorganization of Baoshanyin this time allowed Li Haoxuan to grasp a different kind of fluctuation!Li Haoxuan has never felt this kind of fluctuation before, it is incomparably mysterious, at this moment, he seems to merge with Baoshanyin, he can clearly feel Baoshanyin's emotions, even as if he has transformed into that majestic mountain , can clearly feel all the creatures on the mountain, apes, tigers, cranes, snakes, etc. At this moment, he seems to have become the master of this mountain, feeling all things that are active or inactive, tangible and intangible, He saw all beings and felt the emotions of all beings!

When the Baoshan seal was swept away by the ruling scepter, when the majestic mountain collapsed, he seemed to hear the roar and unwillingness of all the creatures, the howling of tigers and the cries of monkeys, no longer as crisp and quiet as before, but full of violence and anger!One after another, the living beings watched helplessly and angrily as the ruling scepter continued to sweep, projecting the will in their hearts onto Li Haoxuan's heart!

They are helpless and helpless, willing to die for Li Haoxuan, willing to coexist with my lord.

"Baoshanyin... Baoshanyin... This kind of printing method is far from the end, there must be a way ahead!" Li Haoxuan felt the inexplicable emotion conveyed to him by Baoshanyin, and his heart rose violently A strong belief seems to have realized something at this time!The Baoshan seal is very mysterious. He only knows that it is related to Mr. Da in the legendary Invincible Hall, but he doesn't know the relationship between the two. This seal is something he comprehended from the infinitely small world. At first he thought It was created by himself, and later he realized that it was a gift from the infinitely small world, not the Tao and Dharma that he had realized by himself, so he always believed that this Baoshan seal was definitely not as simple as he imagined, and there might be follow-up changes , and now, after a narrow escape, he finally saw a slight change in Baoshan Yin!

Li Haoxuan's eyes are bright, and his powerful spiritual power roars in his purple mansion, bringing him a strong vitality and vitality. The soul is the essence of life, and the soul is full only when the soul is strong. At this time, Li Haoxuan unlocked the With the power of the sealed primordial spirit, the feeling of fatigue on his body immediately dissipated, and he became alive again. Mana is the divine power that combines spiritual energy with the power of the primordial spirit. Now Li Haoxuan's primordial spirit power has skyrocketed, and his mana naturally rises, making his body crackle With a loud bang, he quickly repaired the injuries in his body!

Afterwards, Li Haoxuan made seals with his left and right hands respectively, the palms of both hands were crystal clear like jade, extremely bright, and then there was a loud boom in the void, and two majestic mountains appeared at the same time. For other changes, he had a premonition that this was his only lifeline!

"It's useless!" Tie Fengyuan's eyes were cold, and he said in an extremely gloomy voice. At the same time, the ruling scepter was swept away, and a divine light split the world, and with a click, Li Haoxuan's two sacred mountains collapsed, and his whole body was blown away. Go out, covered in blood!

At this time, Li Haoxuan's body had countless terrifying scars, and even bones were exposed in the air. The previous blow really almost cut him in half, and even his body, which was comparable to a god's body, could hardly support it!

However, Li Haoxuan's expression was incomparably calm, he was realizing the Tao, and wanted to regain his vitality from despair!

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