Holy furnace

Chapter 82

The battle between Gongsun Bubai and Yuan Hua can be called a battle of gods!The infinitely small world has existed for countless years, and there are only a handful of battles like this. Every battle dubbed the Battle of Gods can be recorded in the annals of history and passed down forever for future generations to look up to!

No one expected such a result, but after thinking about it carefully, they found that this was the most acceptable result. Both Gongsun Bubai and Yuan Hua were hurt, but in the end, Gongsun Bubai was slightly better!

If the law enforcement officers hadn't appeared at the last moment, Yuan Hua would definitely have been pierced through the head by Gongsun Bubai's spear. For monks in their realm, no matter how powerful their magic power is, once their heads are broken, they will die immediately and completely die!

"Even the Demon Knife of Despair has been suppressed, Gongsun Bubai really lives up to the name of being invincible!" The Silian disciple who was kneeling in the void in the distance had a strange feeling in his heart. Enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with them, even enough to overwhelm most of them, except for a few people, few people can compete with Gongsun Bubai! !

"Dare to do something in the infinitely small world, do you think you can be lawless?" The law enforcers hovered in the air, and the powerful coercion radiated in all directions, shocking everyone's hearts, as if standing in front of them was a real god. !

While speaking, the enforcer waved out two golden pills!Afterwards, these two divine pills exploded in the void, turned into pure medicinal power, and were injected into the bodies of Yuan Hua and Gongsun Bubai by the law enforcers!These two elixirs are unworldly god elixirs with extremely powerful medicinal effects. Yuanhua's terrifying blood hole healed quickly when he sat down on the elixirs, and scabs formed. There were bursts of thunder in his body. It's his bones roaring to produce more fresh blood!In just a few minutes, his qi and blood, which had been declining, revived again, and he regained his peak combat power again!

The same is true for Gongsun Bubai. His injuries are no less serious than Yuan Hua's. He also shed blood all over the place. He was almost cut in half and suffered an unimaginable price. If it were another person, he would have bled to death by now. .Gongsun Bubai heard the thunder sound of tigers and leopards in his body, and his body functions quickly recovered. His eyes looking at Yuan Hua were still cold. He is not afraid of the battle of life and death, which can make him stronger!

"Thank you, Law Enforcer!" In the end, Gongsun Bubai and Yuan Hua withdrew their gazes, knelt down towards the Law Enforcer, and said loudly!In the infinitely small world, the law enforcers are the only true gods. No matter how powerful they are, they are no different from ants in front of the law enforcers. Five years ago, Gongsun Bubai was suppressed by the law enforcers with one hand. Bai believes that his strength has improved greatly, but he is still suppressed by the law enforcement with one hand. The greater his own strength, the more he can feel the unfathomable power of the law enforcement!

"You guys are so courageous!" The enforcer looked coldly at Gongsun Bubai and Yuan Hua below, and said, "Who gave you the courage to do something in the infinitely small world? Are you provoking me? Or do you think you are super powerful? I dare not touch you?"

"Disciple dare not!" The two replied at the same time, they could all feel the anger of the enforcer, if they talk back again, they might be killed on the spot!They all remember the saying that the law enforcement officer once said that the most indispensable thing in the concept of emptiness is genius!

"Yuanhua, as a disciple of Silian, you do whatever you want in the infinitely small world. You know the law and break the law. I should have killed you on the spot, but since you have a mission now, I will give you a lighter punishment and go to the fifth floor of the prison." After thinking about it for half a month, if you still don’t know how to repent, I will continue to suppress you!”

"Yes!" The muscles on Yuan Hua's face twitched violently, and he finally nodded in response.

"Gongsun Bubai, the same is true for you. In my opinion, your culpability is even heavier. You have entered the sixth level of prison robbery. If you can kill the prison robber puppet, then you will be released!"

"Yes!" Gongsun Bubai said in a deep voice with a flash of light in his eyes.

"Gongsun Bubai, I will take care of your Sky-Smashing Spear for the time being. None of you are allowed to use your magic weapons during the robbery! Yuan Hua, you should also hand over the Demon Sword of Despair." The law enforcer spoke again, grabbing a photo , Yuan Hua's Desperate Demon Knife screamed suddenly, and was forcibly taken away by the law enforcement officers.

"Om..." The Desperate Demon Knife trembled violently in the hands of the enforcer, as if possessing spirituality, and wanted to return to Yuan Hua's hands!

"Noisy!" The law enforcement officer frowned slightly, and flicked the Despair Demon Knife!

There was a crisp ding sound, and the Desperate Magic Knife suddenly fell silent, not daring to do it again.

"Okay, let's go to jail!" said the law enforcer, and as soon as his words fell, the void in front of Gongsun Bubai and Yuan Hua immediately rumbled, and a huge portal slowly opened!This portal seemed to come from the Jiuyou Difu, and bursts of ghostly energy emanated from it, which made the temperature of the whole world drop by a few points!

The crowd watching from a distance couldn't help being horrified. They were so far away from the gate of the robbery prison that they could feel waves of evil spirits. If they really entered it, their bodies would rot immediately.

The huge door in front of him opened, and Gongsun Bubai and Yuan Hua got up at the same time, and walked into it without looking back. Then, the door of the robbery prison was slowly closed, and the world returned to clarity!

"Oh my god, there are fifth and sixth levels of prison robbery! I made a mistake last time. I was thrown into the first level of prison robbery and was almost tortured to death. I really don't know how terrifying the fifth and sixth levels will be." !"

"You don't need to worry about this! Senior Brother Gongsun and Senior Brother Yuanhua are both sons of heaven and man. Today's battle is enough to establish their position in the infinitely small world. The fifth and sixth levels may not be able to win them, otherwise the law enforcement Will your lord let them die?" The people who watched the battle from a distance discussed softly, and they were shocked by the law enforcement officers!

"Time flows against the current, eternal immortality! Restore it to me!" Afterwards, the enforcer formed a seal with both hands, and infinite mana emerged from his body. Immediately, the ground under everyone's feet began to tremble violently, as if an earthquake was about to occur!

With the casting of the law enforcers, the ground that had been devastated in the battle between Gongsun Bubai and Yuan Hua began to slowly recover its original shape, and countless stones that had been blown into pieces also flew upside down and became a whole again. Standing on the original position, even the stone house where Gongsun Bubai lived began to go upstream and reassembled, exactly the same as before!

It's like going back in time, everything that happened before is going backwards, except that Guangsun Bubai and Yuan Hua have disappeared!

In the end, when this special wave disappeared, the main battlefield had completely recovered, without any trace of being broken!

"That's the end of today's matter. If anyone dares to provoke my majesty, I will personally take action and kill it directly. I hope you will... En?" The law enforcer looked at the crowd in the distance and said loudly. It spread far and wide, spreading throughout the entire infinitely small world.Suddenly, the law enforcer's expression froze for a moment, and he disappeared in an instant before he could finish his sentence.

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