Holy furnace

Chapter 83 Li Haoxuan's Crisis

"Is that time to power? Rewind time and restore everything to the original state?" After the enforcer disappeared, the yellow-robed youth stood up slowly, and appeared in the main battlefield with his arms open, as if feeling What.

"Did you find anything?" Li Tian and Bi Yue came after him and asked the yellow-robed youth.

"No, this power is too profound, and I can't figure it out now." The yellow-robed youth shook his head, not showing any signs of discouragement, and said, "Maybe we can only wait until we enter the elite pavilion of the inner sect before we have the opportunity to experience it again." I have seen such power! Law enforcers are truly masters of means.”

"Senior Brother Qi, what level do you think the Law Enforcer has reached?" Li Tian suddenly asked, "I used to think that the Law Enforcer is very strong, but now, I absolutely believe that the Law Enforcer is not a person anymore! Facing him is not like facing the same kind of creatures It's like... how should I put it, it's like he is another life form."

"Did you find out too?" Bi Yue said in surprise, "I feel the same way. I couldn't see through it before, but now I can't see it clearly."

"This is normal. The law enforcers are undoubtedly monks above the realm of perfection, and their life level is completely different from ours." The yellow-robed youth said with a smile, "Fan Xue, law precepts, lack of crime, and the four major realms of immortal records, the average person is 50 years old." It takes 200 years to complete the foundation building, and 3000 years to cultivate the precepts. After that, it depends on the talent of each person. Some people can't break through the realm of lack of crime for a lifetime. Once they break through the realm of lack of crime, they will immediately get [-] years of life. How powerful it is! But I'm not in a hurry, my goal is not the lack of crime, but the immortal record, the longer I stay in the realm of mortal learning, the higher my height will be in the future!"

"With Senior Brother Qi's talent, it is inevitable to enter the Immortal Record Realm in the future." Li Tian complimented, "It's just a matter of time."

"There is no time for cultivating the truth, and the most lacking thing for cultivators is time." Senior Brother Qi said lightly, "Xianlu Xianlu, named Xianlu, is the only way to ascend to immortality in the future. No matter how bumpy the road is, I will definitely step on it." On the way to heaven."

"Okay, the matter is over, let's go back." Brother Qi suddenly changed his voice and continued, "The law enforcers really value this Gongsun Bubai. If there is no accident, after half a month, Gongsun Bubai can already Yuan Hua is overwhelmed!"

"Oh? Is it because of the prison-robbing puppet on the sixth floor?" Li Tian asked in surprise.

"Hehe, let's go..." The yellow-robed youth smiled, without saying much, walking forward in the void, and soon disappeared into the sky.

"I didn't expect Gongsun Bubai to be so strong!" From the same distance, a young man in a purple-gold dragon robe retracted the light from his eyes and sighed, "Xia Yunfei, have you seen Gongsun before?" Invincible really make a move?"

"No, the last time I saw him was a few years ago when he fought against the five disciples of the three lotus by himself, and it was far from what it is now." Xia Yunfei's face turned pale, and he didn't expect that Gongsun Bubai could be so powerful. Appalling!

"I don't know if he is stronger or weaker than Li Haoxuan..." Zitian said to himself, and then shook his head, "Such a person is destined not to be subdued, so it's better to put hope on Li Haoxuan." Afterwards, Zitian took a step forward, appeared a few feet away, and quickly disappeared.

The battle between Gongsun Bubai and Yuan Hua completely established his invincible prestige, making him in the limelight for a while, and the whole infinitely small world is discussing such a battle of gods!But at this time, the enforcer didn't have the heart to care about these trivial matters, because he was in big trouble, no, it should be said that Li Haoxuan was in big trouble!

When Li Haoxuan first entered the infinitely small world, he was the sixth heaven of foundation building!After a battle with the two-horned gray wolf, and after a long period of recuperation, his realm has naturally entered the seventh heaven of foundation building, and it is still growing at an extremely fast speed!Because the power of primordial spirit is Li Haoxuan's strongest point!

The practice of Ningyuanjin is closely related to the power of Yuanshen!The stronger the power of the primordial spirit, the stronger the magic power cultivated by Ningyuanjin will be!Li Haoxuan's primordial power has been compressed, and a considerable part of the primordial power has been sealed. This is the method he figured out from the beginning, in order to protect his original physical body from being shattered!Therefore, although he is the cultivation base of the foundation-building seventh heaven, if he breaks the seal and explodes completely, then his soul will definitely reach the realm of the foundation-building ninth heaven in an instant!

After all, from the first level of foundation building to the ninth level is just the accumulation of quantitative changes, and there is no factor of qualitative change. As long as the energy intensity is reached, it will naturally be easy to break through!

Li Haoxuan's mana is also extremely thick, and the power of the soul of the Seventh Layer of Foundation Establishment couldn't extract all of his mana in a short period of time, and he only refined less than a third of it in half a month. If it continues at this speed , I don’t know when it will be truly refined!Therefore, Li Haoxuan finally decided to undo the seal of his primordial spirit, and let the power of his primordial spirit explode with full force!

This time, the cultivation base of Yuanshen Jiuzhongtian overwhelmed the strength of mana!A large amount of mana has been purified, and Li Haoxuan has no time to transform mana by absorbing the aura of heaven and earth. Although the aura from the outside world is extremely rich, it is not enough for Li Haoxuan in this matter!

In other words, the balance between primordial spirit and mana was broken. At first, there was more mana and less power of primordial spirit. It's serious, the power of primordial spirit will scurry around in the dantian, disrupting Li Haoxuan's body functions, and even making mana generation extremely difficult!Moreover, the aura from the outside world is simply not enough for him to absorb it to his heart's content.

The most helpless thing is that these primordial powers seem to fall in love with the dantian, and they refuse to follow Li Haoxuan's command to go back to the Purple Mansion. Li Haoxuan's attempt to re-seal the primordial power still fails!Now he has to put a lot of attention on tempering mana, and he can't effectively control the excess power of primordial spirit at all!Moreover, the realm of Jiuchongtian is too strong, Li Haoxuan himself has never used it, even the last time he fought with the two-horned gray wolf, he only broke part of the seal, far less intense than this time!

The power of primordial spirit and mana are not of the same nature, and they cannot be fused at all. Only through the condensed energy can they interact to form a new mana, otherwise, only two kinds of power will coexist, and there will be more and more!If it continues like this, the mana will not be replenished, and the balance between mana and primordial power will not be maintained, then all the primordial power will be poured in until Li Haoxuan's dantian is finally burst! !

Just when Li Haoxuan was facing internal and external troubles, the Lihuoshen furnace in his dantian seemed to feel the crisis!Then, Li Vulcan's stove trembled, and with Li Haoxuan's dantian as the eye of the formation, he activated the spirit-gathering formation again! !

As soon as the spirit-gathering array was activated, the spirit-gathering array above Li Haoxuan was immediately magnified without limit, and a dazzling light bloomed, absorbing all the spiritual energy from the ten directions!However, the Spirit Gathering Formation is really too strong, in just a few breaths, the few spirit stones supporting the Spirit Gathering Formation were all shattered!

The spirit stone shattered, and the spiritual energy transmission channel connecting the inheritance space to other spaces was instantly closed, and no more spiritual energy entered!And the thin aura in the inheritance space was sucked dry in less than a split second!

At this time, Li Haoxuan was facing an even greater crisis, because he had no spiritual energy at all, and he couldn't even continue to generate a trace of mana!Li Vulcan's Furnace trembled violently, and the devouring power of the Gathering Spirit Formation was even greater, and finally tore down the space barriers in all directions, as if to tear the entire space apart!

At the same time, Li Haoxuan's dantian had already started to swell up, as if the whole person would explode in the next moment!

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