Holy furnace

Chapter 825 God Monkey King

The congenital spiritual milk is a holy medicine for healing. Although it does not contain fragments of the Dao, it cannot help people improve their realm and cultivation, but it contains a large amount of life force, which can quickly restore the vitality of a monk at a critical moment. It can even replenish the life potential of monks consumed by using secret methods, which is a priceless treasure!

"Boom!" Lei Tian couldn't bear the temptation of the innate spirit milk, so he couldn't help but take a small sip. Immediately, monstrous divine flames erupted from his body, and a huge life energy erupted with a bang, and all kinds of fragrance came from him. It was like eating an earth-level panacea in an instant, and even his face was flushed red!

"Damn! This kind of medicine is too powerful!" Lei Tian hurriedly used his mana to dissolve the medicine's effect in the Innate Spiritual Milk, and said with grinning teeth.It was just a small mouthful of spiritual milk, but it almost exploded his body, one can imagine how powerful the medicinal effect is.

"Nonsense! With this kind of treasure in your body, you will almost have an extra life!" Gongsun Bubai earnestly collected the spiritual milk, and said without turning his head. Things are monopolized by certain big families and fairy sects, and it is impossible for ordinary monks to own them. They can only collect a little bit at some auctions, and they will be gone when they are used up.

"It's definitely a treasure!" Li Haoxuan couldn't help admiring. Although he didn't take it, he felt refreshed just by smelling the fragrance from the Xiantian Lingrui. All the unmentionable illnesses started to heal on their own!

"We have Xiantian Spiritual Milk here, what kind of treasures can there be in Tuobahuang?" Lei Tian said after collecting all the Xiantian Spiritual Milk.

"Let's go back!" Li Haoxuan opened his broken silver eyes, and found that this road was blocked, and it was a cliff to go any further, so he immediately decided to go back and change to the road of Tuobahuang.Previously, there was a formation covering here, and their Celestial Eyes couldn't peek in. They only found out when they walked in, but after entering, the formation no longer worked, and their Celestial Eyes could see through the entire mountain wall.

"Perhaps Tuobahuang chose to go another way because he couldn't see through this place, but he didn't expect to take advantage of us." Gongsun Bubai said with a smile.

"This Immortal Mansion is not simple, maybe Tuobahuang will get other fetishes." Li Haoxuan said, and then walked out of the cave first.

Soon the three of them came to the intersection of the two roads, where they parted ways with Tuobahuang earlier.

"No, wait!" Just when the three of them were about to enter this passage, Li Haoxuan's expression changed suddenly, and he waved his hand.Here is also covered by formations, which made his Tianyan unable to see through the illusion, but when he came here, he suddenly felt a feeling of heart palpitations, as if he was being targeted by some kind of evil!

At his level, every move is the upper body and heavenly heart, but if there is some kind of fluctuation in the heart, something will inevitably happen in reality.

Moreover, the feeling of palpitation in his heart became stronger and stronger, and he even felt a little haze.

"Let's retreat!" After hesitating for a while, Li Haoxuan decisively chose to retreat, not wanting to take any risks.If he was the only one at this time, with his combat power, he might still have to find out, but Lei Tian and Gongsun Bubai couldn't do it. Even he felt the palpitations, and it was difficult for the two of them to deal with it.

"Boom!" At this moment, a rough ore figure suddenly appeared and rushed out from the depths of the cave. A powerful wave of divine power bloomed, making the entire mountain range roar, as if it was about to collapse at any time!

"Tuobahuang!" Lei Tian and Gongsun Bubai couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw the person rushing towards them at high speed.This is a peerless powerhouse, if not for Li Haoxuan in front, the two of them would definitely run away now!

"Go away." Tuobahuang also saw the three of Li Haoxuan at the same time, his brows raised slightly, but his speed did not slow down at all, but just as he was about to say something, his expression suddenly changed, and he directly passed the three of them towards him. Follow the entrance and escape!

"Not good!" When Tuobahuang appeared, Li Haoxuan felt a stronger shock than before!And when Tuobahuang left, he finally understood where this panic came from!

In the depths of the cave in front of him, a humanoid creature exuding golden divine light was flying towards it rapidly. The powerful aura made Gongsun Bubai and Lei Tian tremble as if struck by lightning, it was too powerful Yes, it is definitely an existence beyond the Heartbeat Realm, no wonder someone as strong as Tuoba Huang would also run away!

"Escape!" Li Haoxuan yelled, grabbed the two of them and fled outside with the Wind Clan Yu Step!The humanoid creature behind him is too powerful, even Li Haoxuan is not sure to fight against it!

Fengzu Yubu deserves to be one of the most mysterious footwork in Nanling, but within a few breaths, he has already caught up with Tuobahuang who was one step ahead!However, the humanoid creatures behind him also became faster and faster at this time, and their speed was not inferior to Yu's step!

"God! That's the legendary ancient monkey king!" Lei Tian turned his head to look, and immediately said in horror, "It is said that this thing can compete with the Holy Spirit after it is fully developed, and it will be a saint when it is fully grown! Now Although this is far from being an adult, it is definitely beyond the heartbeat.”

"It doesn't matter, here is the supreme god array that can seal the law of heartbeat, even if his realm is higher than ours, it's useless!" Li Haoxuan said in a deep voice, and at the same time the divine power in his body surged again, making the speed surge again.

hum!As soon as Li Haoxuan finished speaking, the space around him suddenly trembled. Immediately, he felt as if he was trapped in a quagmire, and his divine power was reduced by a full [-]%!But Gongsun Bubai and Lei Tian were even more unbearable, their bodies softened immediately, as if all their divine power had been suppressed!

"Not good! This divine monkey king has awakened part of his innate supernatural powers, and he can resist the saint's sealing formation. His heart-moving law has not been completely sealed, and he can still exert part of his supernatural power!" Said the Divine Monkey King, who had gotten a lot closer.

At this time, Li Haoxuan finally saw the true face of the so-called Monkey King after a sweep of his spiritual thoughts. This is a creature covered with golden hair all over its body. A monkey's face, the eyes are shining brightly, and there is a mysterious rune shining above the eyebrows!

"Let's join forces to deal with him!" Suddenly, Tuobahuang's voice rang in Li Haoxuan's ears, saying, "This monkey king is very strong, and his combat power is definitely in the late stage of heart attack. Unless we join forces, no one has a chance of winning, only death !"

"Hmph! That's not necessarily true! The Monkey King's goal is you, and the exit is in front of him. As long as I leave before the Monkey King catches up, I'll be flying like a bird!" Li Haoxuan snorted coldly.He can be sure that Tuobahuang must have obtained some kind of treasure belonging to the monkey king, otherwise the monkey king would not be so crazy!

In just two sentences, the Monkey King behind him has already narrowed the distance to them again, his right hand suddenly raised and slammed down on Tuoba Huang!

"Damn it!" Tuobahuang's complexion changed drastically, he quickly turned around and took the opponent's blow forcefully, his whole body was sent flying away with a bang sound, and a stream of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth!

"Join me, you will have a share of the fairy medicine!" Tuoba Huang coughed up blood, and hurriedly said to Li Haoxuan.

"I want half!" Li Haoxuan said directly.

"Okay!" Tuoba Huang took another blow from the monkey king at this time, his face was distorted, and he said quickly without caring about anything else.

"You go first!" Li Haoxuan nodded when he heard the words, and directly distributed a ray of divine power to envelop Lei Tian and Gongsun Bubai and send them out of the Immortal Mansion. Monkey King go!

"Kill!" Seeing Li Haoxuan's attack, Tuobahuang yelled loudly, and suddenly a long stick appeared in his hand, the runes on the stick were shining, and he smashed directly at the monkey king.

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