Holy furnace

Chapter 826 Immemorial Breath

"Boom!" Li Haoxuan launched an extremely powerful Destroyer Fist as soon as he made a move. Suddenly, the power of Destruction circulated crazily, causing this fairy mansion to make a rumbling sound, as if it was about to collapse at any moment!

At this time, Tuobahuang also raised his strength to the peak, as if he was about to break through that barrier abruptly, and almost touched the law of the heartbeat. Tuobahuang's blow, even the perfect heart-beating strongman, must avoid the edge for the time being!

However, the Divine Monkey King was extremely crazy, and he was not afraid of Li Haoxuan's Destruction Fist and Tuobahuang's shocking stick. Fall into the void!

Boom!The sound of fists was like a tsunami, deafening and deafening. Li Haoxuan's fist collided violently with the monkey king's palm, making a sound of turbulent waves, one after another, like waves rolling through nine days, endlessly. However, what is shocking is that, The most powerful Destruction Fist was actually suppressed, unable to break through the monkey king's palm at all, and was firmly rejected by him!

The same is true for Tuobahuang, the runes on his big bone stick flickered, and bright talismans flew out one after another, but all of them were of no avail, they were wiped out by the monkey king one after another, and they couldn't go against the sky at all!

In the end, the Divine Monkey King roared all over his body, and his combat power rose again. With a bang, Li Haoxuan and Tuoba Huang were sent flying.

"Damn it! What on earth did you take to attract such a thing! The strength of this monkey king is definitely at the peak of the heartbeat!" Li Haoxuan said to Tuobahuang through voice transmission, and at this time he had already activated the Mad God Art , forcibly doubled his own strength, but even so, he was still easily suppressed by the monkey king. One can imagine how tyrannical this monkey king is!

"Let's find a way to escape first!" Tuobahuang said with difficulty, coughing up blood.Although Li Haoxuan's strength increased greatly after the battle with Tie Fengyuan, Tuobahuang also seemed to have some kind of adventure, and his strength was also greatly improved. Although he was not as good as Li Haoxuan, but it was almost the same, and he could support in the hands of the Monkey King After such a long time, Li Haoxuan asked himself, if it was him, he might not be able to do better.

Boom!At this moment, the monkey king rushed up again, and raised his hand to strike a peerless fist. The huge fist print was engraved with the traces of the Dao, and when he punched out, there was a ghostly cry and howl, everywhere in the void They were all thunderous and sonic, and in a trance, Li Haoxuan even saw a peerless divine ape standing in the universe. With a roar, the cloud map surged, the sun, moon and stars were shattered, and an unrivaled coercion bloomed!

"Huh? Such a strong coercion, which Holy Land's Son!"

"Could it be that the Son of the Undead has broken the level? I heard that he has realized something after the battle some time ago. He is breaking through the level and will advance to a deeper level at any time!"

"It may also be the young master of reincarnation. I heard that the young master of reincarnation has snatched half a volume of the ancient scriptures of saints. After studying it carefully, I must have gained a lot!"

"It might be that evildoer from the Lin family, don't you know? Lin Rongrong has already snatched the Dao Enlightenment Stone. With her talent, if she cooperates with the Dao Enlightenment Stone, I am afraid that the entry will be rapid, and she may be able to be with Duanmu soon." Yu and others stand shoulder to shoulder!"

"Have you forgotten Chen Zhan? He has already created his own ancient scriptures at a young age, and even the older generation said that his future achievements will not be inferior to the Lord Chen's family. Maybe he has cultivated his own profound arts to a higher level. realm!"

When the Monkey King showed his supreme aura, all the monks in the Sunset Mountains felt the suffocating pressure, and all of them rushed towards the place where the Monkey King was. want to see what happened,

"It's the breath of the ancient times!" Duanmuyu and Zhang Wudao stood facing each other in the deepest part of the Sunset Mountain Range surrounded by formations. Between the two of them, an illusory portal was looming. Slowly sink and float the huge iron fan in it.

"Is there a sacred object born?" Duanmuyu raised his head and glanced in the direction of the monkey king.

"I feel a kind of violence, this is a kind of ominous!" At this moment, another voice suddenly came to mind in the field, Duanmuyu and Zhang Wudao turned their heads to look, but saw an old tree not far away At some point, a young man in a blue daoist robe sat down and said with a frown.

"The secret technique of the natural Taoism is really mysterious, and it can be hidden from our perception!" Zhang Wudao glanced at the other party and said with a smile.

"Compared to Young Master Zhang and Young Master Duanmu, this is nothing to mention." Zhang Weiyi from the Natural Taoist School got up and said casually: "I must keep still for this secret technique, otherwise the breath will leak out, but I can't hide it Two young masters."

"You also want to compete for the Qiankun Fan?" Duanmuyu raised his chin and asked aloud.

"Who doesn't want to take a look at the ancient scriptures of the Great Emperor?" Zhang Weiwei said with a smile.

"I'm afraid you don't have that strength." Zhang Wudao smiled, and said: "The Great Emperor's Ancient Sutra is no different than others. With your current state, forcibly peeping is the only way to fall."

"Young Master Zhang won't bother with that." Zhang Weiyi said flatly.

"Hey, this is not the place you should come to." Duanmuyu shook his head and said, "There is a sacred object that will be born in the distance, you should go there and have a look."

"That's not a holy thing, but an evil thing." Zhang Weiyi shook his head and said, "In addition to the Great Emperor's Ancient Scripture, I also want to see the supreme secret technique of the Liuli Palace and the Ice Palace."

"I'm afraid it's not enough for you alone." Zhang Wudao laughed.

"Then count me in." At this moment, Song Yunxuan, who was dressed in white, came slowly from a distance, and every step he took could shake the void slightly, as if there was an inexplicable aura in harmony with it.

"I'm not sure about facing the two young masters alone." Seeing Song Yunxuan appearing, Zhang Weiwei smiled and said seriously.

"Is it just you two?" Duanmuyu asked.

"Two people are enough." Song Yunxuan raised his eyebrows and said crisply.

"Very good, very good." Duanmuyu said with a smile: "I heard that the Xuanmiao Sect has part of the blood of the ancient emperor. I have always been curious, but unfortunately I have never been able to see the real body. Today is finally possible, but it is a pity. .”

"I also want to see whether the ancient scriptures of the great emperor are stronger or the blood of the great emperor is stronger." Zhang Wudao nodded slightly, took a step forward, and said, "Brother Duanmu, why don't you let me come first?"

"Hehe, if I had changed it before, I might forget about it, but today these two are peerless heroes who are not weaker than you and me. How could I let you be more beautiful than before?" Duanmuyu smiled, and then limply With one palm, suddenly, the void cracked, causing the expressions of Song Yunxuan and Zhang Weiyi to change at the same time.

"Huh? Someone challenged Duanmuyu and Zhang Wudao?" Not far from here, Lin Rongrong with flying hair was slightly taken aback, then hesitated for a moment before continuing to fly in the direction of the Monkey King.

At the same time, almost everyone was attracted by the breath of the holy object, and rushed towards the Immortal Mansion as quickly as possible, hoping to win the ancient scriptures of the saints.

Boom!Just when everyone rushed over one after another, Li Haoxuan's treasured appearance was solemn and clear in his heart, and he finally used the supreme secret technique, Human King's Seal again!

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