Holy furnace

Chapter 827 Breaking the Seal

Boom!In an instant, when Li Haoxuan's handprint was squeezed out, his aura instantly rose to a height that people looked up to. A kind of supreme coercion spread from his body, looking down on the world, like a human king born, making the monkey king in front of him Couldn't help but paused.

However, that's all. This divine monkey king is fierce and powerful. After a trance, he came back to his senses. His huge golden palm was slapped towards Li Haoxuan and the two of them, and black mysterious streaks appeared on the palm of his hand. runes.

"Dang!" Li Haoxuan squeezed Wang Yin with his hands, and resisted the opponent's blow with the God of Destruction Fist, but his arms went numb, and even his blood was almost blown away.

"This divine monkey king seems to be undergoing some mysterious transformation! Why do I feel that he is getting stronger and stronger, and is about to break through that threshold!" Li Haoxuan yelled at Tuobahuang: "Do you know that he is What is the origin, it is definitely not an ordinary Monkey King!"

"It's useless to say these things now, let's try to survive first!" Tuobahuang coughed up blood and suffered serious injuries.

He grew up in the wilderness since he was a child, and has seen many alien species in the wilderness. He has even embarked on the road of cultivation since he was a baby. In front of the mysterious Monkey King, his precious body was not enough to see, it was almost smashed, and he coughed up a lot of blood. If he didn't have the Supreme Mysterious Art to recover from his injuries, he might have been shattered at this time.

"Boom!" The monkey king struck again, but this time, his power was even stronger, and he seemed to understand the magic power. The trend of reincarnation of the five elements suppresses the world!

This time, Li Haoxuan was also blown away, the Human King Seal was disintegrated, and he was almost knocked out of the state of Mad God Art. It was not that Li Haoxuan was not strong enough, but that the Monkey King in front of him was too strong, simply outrageously strong.Li Haoxuan even had a premonition that even if the perfect heart-throb came, he would still be slapped to death by him!

"Roar!" After Li Haoxuan was sent flying with a slap, the Monkey King roared loudly, causing the entire cave to vibrate violently.

At this moment, Lin Rongrong in Tsing Yi suddenly appeared in front of Li Haoxuan, with a wave of her right hand, she said in a deep voice, "Back off!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a sense of self-importance suddenly emerged from her body. In an instant, Lin Rongrong's hair fluttered violently, and she looked like an empress who ruled the world.

At this time, Lin Rongrong's beautiful cheeks were full of cruelty and ruthlessness, and she took the lead in attacking the monkey king. The situation changed immediately when she slapped her palm. In just a few days, her strength was even stronger than what she had seen before. One step, the magical effect of the Enlightenment Stone can be seen.

However, the monkey king at this time was too strong, even Li Haoxuan and Tuobahuang were seriously injured when they teamed up. No matter how strong Lin Rongrong was, it was useless. She was not an opponent at all. When he came out, he coughed up blood, and the blood stained the Tsing Yi red.

"Back!" Li Haoxuan flew up, hugged Lin Rongrong, and quickly retreated towards the back. At the same time, a stream of pure magic power entered Lin Rongrong's body to help her recover from her injuries.

After a while, Lin Rongrong's eyes regained clarity, she stood up from Li Haoxuan's arms, and said: "I underestimated it, it is indeed a creature of the ancient times, I am afraid that Duanmuyu and Zhang Wudao can't do anything to him here."

"An ancient creature? Isn't this a monkey king? Do you know his origin?" Li Haoxuan asked hastily.

"How can there be such a tyrannical Monkey King in the world?" Lin Rongrong said while performing the Xuangong: "This is a wild alien that has been sealed by saints since ancient times. Living in that era, he was sealed into the present world by the saint with great power! All the monkey kings in the present world should be just the product of his blood!"

"The creatures that were sealed in the ancient times?" Li Haoxuan was secretly speechless when he heard the words, unexpectedly there was a way to seal himself to resist the power of time.

"Only the existence under the great power is allowed to be sealed, otherwise its own magic power fluctuates, and the seal will not survive for too long." Seemingly knowing Li Haoxuan's thoughts, Lin Rongrong said in a loud voice: "Otherwise, it is impossible to use the posture of a great emperor. It has fallen! But there is a method in the world, called Fengyuanyin, which can seal saints! It is a pity that it was wiped out by the ancient emperor himself because it was too much against the sky!"

"The ancestor of this monkey king is too strong, we can't stop him at all! And his strength is constantly improving, if this goes on, we can't even resist a single move!" Li Haoxuan took another punch from the monkey king, Almost has the illusion of being exploded all over.

"It should come from the era of the Sun Sacred Emperor. After such a long time of sealing, all the power has been precipitated. Now after waking up, his power is slowly recovering! Maybe this is a heartbeat, or even Yuanhuajing The God Monkey King, let's retreat, lead him outside, and kill him with everyone's strength!" At this time, Lin Rongrong was also bleeding from the corners of her lips, not much better than Li Haoxuan, and the worst thing was Tuoba Huang, whose bones were broken Dozens of them are simply miserable.

"Let's go!" After the sound transmission, Li Haoxuan cast Skyline Shunbu, pulled Lin Rongrong and retreated out of the cave in an instant. In the next instant, Tuobahuang was also blasted out by the monkey king, and directly smashed into a building not far away. On the mountain, the whole mountain was shattered with a bang!

boom!Then, the Monkey King, whose body was filled with red flames, slowly came out of the cave, and two black rays shot out from his eyes, soaring straight into the sky!Suddenly, there was a loud crackling sound, and a huge Dao map stretching thousands of miles appeared in the invisible sky!

Countless talismans are densely carved on this dao map, pieced together from one dao map after another, Li Haoxuan barely recognized a few of the dao maps, namely forbidden air, juechen, lock yuan, nakong, etc. At this time, these runes are just the tip of the iceberg of this Dao map, and there is a more magnificent piece of it that has not yet been unfolded.

"Is this the great Dao pattern formation carved by many great powers in the Sunset Mountains?" Li Haoxuan and others couldn't help but gasp. This formation is really too big, stretching for tens of thousands of miles. It is almost impossible to imagine that the avenues are suppressed.

"Not good! He wants to break through the seal of the Dao map and use the Dao to restore his body! This big formation of Dao patterns can't hold it anymore!" Suddenly, Lin Rongrong looked at the Dao map in the sky and her expression changed drastically, and she said in surprise.

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Rongrong finished speaking, the huge Dao map in the sky cracked and was broken open by the Monkey King!

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