Holy furnace

Chapter 828

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"It is said that 10 years ago, a meteorite fell from outside the territory and landed here. Could it be that this monkey king was sealed from that era?" Li Haoxuan was shocked. Strong, he teamed up with Tuobahuang and Lin Rongrong, but he was still beaten!

To put it bluntly, among all the people who have entered this battlefield now, no one can fight against the three of them alone, not even Duanmuyu and Zhang Wudao, maybe there is a secretary who can save himself or cross over , but it is absolutely impossible to blow the three of them away by such means!

"It has been sealed for 10 years, and the power of his bloodline is awakening! This is an ancient thing, and it is very likely that it has a long-lost ancient supernatural power!" Lin Rongrong with a serious face, retreated from the solipsistic mood, because she knew , in the face of such a big ominous situation, even solipsism is of little use.

Boom!When the divine monkey king broke out from the Immortal Mansion, Supreme's bust was pushed out horizontally, and everyone within a radius of ten thousand miles felt this aura. Suddenly, countless people crossed over with secret methods, for fear of missing Supreme. Fairy!

"A relic of a saint has appeared! It is said that it contains the ancient scriptures of a saint, and there is also a supreme pill!"

"No way? If there were ancient scriptures of saints, they should have been divided up by Jiushen Palace long ago. How can they still be kept until now?"

"Is it so easy to find the saint's tomb? Even the Nine Gods Palace may not be able to turn over the entire Sunset Mountain Range! Maybe this is our chance. I don't want that Taoist artifact. Everyone is innocent and guilty , why not take a chance on the ancient scriptures!"

"This statement is justified! Let's go, let's go and see, if there really is an unsurpassed magic pill, even if you give up half of your Taoism, it will be worthwhile! Let's go!"

All of a sudden, all the proud sons of heaven gathered towards the Immortal Mansion.

Boom!A stone horse crossed the sky, and the Son of Reincarnation arrived, sitting on the back of the stone horse with a solemn expression.Shima, on the other hand, kept raising his head and neighing, looking at the restless monkey king below, with deep fear in his eyes.

"Roar!" There was a loud noise, and a divine lion surrounded by flames came slowly from a distance. The young master of the undead, who was dressed in black armor, had a cold expression on his face, exuding a murderous intent all over his body.

Seeing the appearance of the young master of the dead, Li Haoxuan's eyes immediately narrowed. He could feel that the young master of the dead was stronger than before!Sure enough, if this kind of character can't be killed once, it will definitely evolve into a stronger and stronger existence!

As if sensing Li Haoxuan's gaze, the young master of the undead turned around and glanced at Li Haoxuan with a cold gaze. His eyes were full of killing intent. Since his debut, the young master of the undead has never been defeated in his life, but A few days ago, under the cooperation with Tie Fengyuan, he was almost killed. This is a great shame, which can only be washed away by the other party's life.

But at this time, the young master of the dead is very calm, knowing that Li Haoxuan will also become stronger when he becomes stronger. Moreover, he has seen Li Haoxuan's seal of the king, and the ghost will not stay under the seal, even with his current strength. The strength is not sure to take over the opponent's king seal!

Of course, he has fought countless battles with the young master of the dead, so he is naturally not afraid of competing with Li Haoxuan, but at this moment, there is an opportunity ahead, and he does not want to miss the opportunity because of the conflict with Li Haoxuan.

What's more, there are so many masters on the scene, there are almost no weak ones, and everyone is Bigu Nine Heavens, even he can hardly raise his hand to kill everyone like he did at the beginning!

If these people at the scene could randomly pick out more than a dozen people to join forces, it would be enough to cause huge damage to him immediately!Therefore, although he was arrogant at this time, he did not dare to act rashly.

"Bang!" Then, a dull voice came, a man with flying black hair and a cold face came slowly from a distance. The king in the human skin seems to break out of the cocoon at any moment.

Chen Zhan is here!

"It's getting dark!" Suddenly, someone said in surprise, and everyone looked up, and they saw that the sky was slowly becoming dark, and stars appeared on the sky one after another, blooming with soft light !

"Hmph!" Seeing this, the young master of the undead snorted coldly, a straight killing intent rose from behind him, soared upward like wolf smoke, and hit the star with a bang.

Immediately, the sky was shaken violently by the stars, and the dark sky once again shone brightly. Countless stars were covered, replaced by a young man in white, Qun Xingmen, Ling Tian.

"Just trying to accept this ancient creature by yourself, you people in Donghuang may not be too arrogant!" After seeing Ling Tian's appearance, one person said disdainfully.

"Whether you can accept this ancient creature depends entirely on your own ability, and those who are capable will get it!" Ling Tian said indifferently: "If you want to do it, I won't stop it!"

"Hmph! It's not up to the people of the Eastern Wilderness to run wild in the Southern Territory!" A middle-aged man who spoke earlier replied coldly, and then said to everyone: "Everyone, this is a seal from the ancient times. The creature is most likely from the era of the Sun Emperor, and its blood contains an extremely pure and strong Dao of Heaven and Earth! But this beast is so powerful, why don't we join forces to kill it first, and then we will compete for it according to our abilities! "

"Too... the sun... the holy emperor?" Suddenly, intermittent mental fluctuations came from the monkey king who was breaking through the seal. Afterwards, this mental fluctuation became more and more intense, and evolved into a sharp sound. The roar caused the void to tremble, and even the powerful dao map in the sky began to vibrate slightly.

"Sun Emperor!" In the end, the divine monkey king uttered words and roared full of anger, and at the same time, two golden flames ignited in his eyes.

Afterwards, the Monkey King suddenly turned around, stretched out his rough right hand and grabbed the middle-aged man who spoke earlier!

Immediately!There was a loud bang, as if the air had been directly squeezed and exploded, and a mysterious force suddenly appeared and acted on the middle-aged man, imprisoning him in the void.

"Heartbeat Realm? Not good! Break it for me!" The middle-aged man's face suddenly changed after being imprisoned, and he made a mysterious mark with both hands, and at the same time, a slightly yellowed talisman quickly floated out of his body come out.

"It's the Great Strength Method!" In the distance, a sharp-eyed monk recognized the yellow talisman at a glance, and said in surprise: "It is said that people in the Great Strength Method only practice one kind of supernatural power, and that is the Law of Heaven and Earth. Then you can obtain supreme divine power, and even really push the sun and the moon forward!”

Sure enough, when the yellow talisman floated out, the middle-aged man's body immediately became a thousand feet in size, with a bronze-colored metallic luster shining all over his body, as if he were indestructible.

"Die to me!" With the blessing of the divine talisman, the middle-aged man's body immediately swelled with monstrous power, and a palm tens of feet in size pressed down on the monkey king!

This is a life-saving talisman refined by a powerful person in the Great Strength Method, and when deployed, it can compete with a strong man at the peak of his heart!

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