Holy furnace

Chapter 829 Group Attack

After using the magic talisman, the middle-aged man suddenly felt a terrifying pressure, and his huge body, which was as tall as a thousand feet, swelled with incomparable and huge divine power. He stretched out his hand and grabbed it and went towards the monkey king!

This talisman is refined by the supreme power of the Great Strength Method. Once it is cast, it is equivalent to a ray of the opponent's Dao body entrusted in his body, and it can even forcibly improve his realm, so that he can resist the pressure of the heart-beating state. strong!At this time, the Monkey King seemed to have awakened some of his ancient memories, and broke through the mighty Dao map with his supernatural powers, causing part of the Heaven and Earth Avenue to break through the seal of the Dao map and come down, allowing him to briefly recover a little bit of the supreme state of the year!

"Death!" Seeing the huge bronze palm coming towards him, the body of the monkey king changed again, and the mountain shook with his right foot, and his whole body unexpectedly climbed higher and higher. It is as huge as a hundred feet!

Afterwards, the Divine Monkey King let out a low growl, and formed a mysterious seal on his right hand, which was covered with red-gold hair, and moved towards that huge palm with a bang!

"The law of heartbeat! I feel the law of heartbeat!" Not far away, Thunder Light and Tie Fengqiang dressed in white strolled, and every step was tens of miles away.At this moment, Lei Tingguang's face suddenly changed, showing a trace of surprise, because he felt the heartbeat rule suppressed by Daotu!

"It's that ancient creature!" Beside him, Tie Fengqiang's expression also changed, and then the battle armor on his body swayed slightly, leaving an afterimage on the spot, and his real body had appeared in the place where the Monkey King was. In that field.

Once the law of heartbeat is restored, the strong in the heartbeat realm can completely crush the monks in the bigu realm. Unless they have the combat power to fight against immortals, it is impossible to reverse the ending!

"It's such a strong heartbeat field, even I'm bound!" Entering the monkey king's heartbeat field, even Tie Fengqiang's expression changed slightly. He didn't expect the other party's heartbeat field to be so strong that it almost made him feel like In the quagmire, it was the cultivator of the Vigorous Method who, with the help of the Vigorous Talisman, forcibly resisted the peerless blow of the Monkey King!

"Sure enough, none of the people present are simple people! Anyone who comes out casually is an elite of the Great Strength Method, with a powerful magic charm, which is comparable to Xindong!" Li Haoxuan couldn't help being secretly surprised, the previous Monkey King could Pressing him and fighting Lin Rongrong, the Monkey King in this state can completely ravage them, and this monk of the Great Strength Method can actually compete with him with the help of the Great Power Talisman, which is enough to show how powerful and heaven-defying the Great Power Talisman is.

"Be careful!" Suddenly, Lei Tian, ​​who was standing next to him, changed his expression drastically, looked at a certain place in the sky and said, "The thunder light is coming!"

Sure enough, when everyone looked up, they immediately saw Lei Tingguang in white clothes standing high in the sky, looking towards this side with cold eyes.

"Here is the heart-beating field, we are not his opponent, let's retreat!" Lei Tian pondered: "As long as we retreat to the depths where the Monkey King cannot be affected, Lei Tingguang can't do anything to us."

"Hmph! A little thunder light can scare you like this? If he dares to come, he must be killed!" Lin Rongrong glanced at Lei Tingguang and said casually.

"I'm not a crazy woman like you!" Lei Tian was furious when he heard the words, and cursed carelessly: "Do you think that if I am the only one, I will be invincible in the world? When I cultivate a peerless art, I will be the first to make you suffer!"

"Would you like to try it now?" Lin Rongrong glanced at the other party and said lightly.

"I haven't cultivated the unrivaled skill yet, if you wait for me for another five years, I will beat you until you can't lift your head." Lei Tian shamelessly turned his head away and took two steps back.

"It's useless to give you ten years." Lin Rongrong snorted disdainfully.

At this moment, a cold killing intent descended, making Lei Tian and the others feel a burst of pressure, not from the thunder light, but from Tie Fengqiang.

Boom!A huge sonic boom sounded from the sky, and everyone looked up, and immediately saw the strong man of the Vigorous Method being punched in the chest by the monkey king, his whole body exploded with a bang, and countless blood flowed from the sky. Even if there is a powerful talisman, it still can't really compete with the Monkey King at this moment!

However, the Divine Monkey King was also injured. He was blasted on his left shoulder with a supreme supernatural power by the cultivator of the Great Strength Method, and he staggered back a few steps, coughing up a trace of golden red blood from the corner of his mouth.

This was the first time that the Monkey King was injured, and everyone present saw hope.However, Li Haoxuan has a feeling that the Monkey King is stronger, and he feels that he has far surpassed the powerhouse in the Heartbeat Realm, and it seems that he will be able to take that step at any time.

"What about the heart-beating field? It's not wrong to kill!" At this time, many onlookers couldn't sit still, and they all refused to fall behind others, and they got up one after another, preparing for a peerless attack.

"Boom!" Ling Tian from the Stars Sect was the first to strike. He stood tall in the void, like a son of a god, and when he raised his hand, he saw a map of stars!

The stars on the star map shine brightly, covering the sky, and the appearance of a star map cuts off all breaths, as if transferring everyone to another time and space.

However, the strength of a single person is not enough in front of the God Monkey King. The God Monkey King just raised his head and roared, and immediately there was a supreme sound wave rushing out, and with a bang, a star in the star map exploded on the spot Already, a chaotic and powerful force spread out from the star map.

Afterwards, the monkey king opened his mouth and sucked it fiercely, he sucked the broken star from the star map and swallowed it in one gulp.

Then, an incomparably pure star power erupted from the monkey king, but the star in the star map was refined in an instant.

puff!A star was completely removed from the star map, Ling Tian was hit immediately, and retreated far away, with a look of horror in his eyes.

"It is said that in the ancient times, countless creatures did not have a fixed parent star, but drifted in the boundless universe day and night, feeding on the sun, moon and stars. Thinking that this monkey king is one of them, they even sent my stars It’s bloody good to treat it as rations!” Ling Tian’s heart was filled with bitterness and anger.

"The ancient times have long passed, and you still want to come here to show off your power? Come down obediently and let me practice the medicine!" Another person made a move, and with his hands in his arms, it became a huge alchemy furnace, in which seven colors of colors were burning. The blazing flames immediately dunked the Monkey King into it.

When everyone was besieging the Monkey King, the three figures all looked in the same direction, and then, the three of them stepped forward at the same time, surrounding Li Haoxuan and the others in a split-angle manner.

These three are the young master of the undead, Lightning Thunder, and Strong Iron Wind!

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