Holy furnace

Chapter 831

Boom!Just when Lin Rongrong was fighting against the young master of the undead with a solitaire duel, the thunder light standing in the sky also made a move, and the first move was the Lei family's supreme secret technique, Thor phantom!

Immediately, a huge thunder god stood between the sky and the earth, surrounded by blue-purple electric lights, exuding a powerful pressure, which made people change color suddenly at a glance. The Bigu Realm can resist it!Because at this time, the monkey king blasted a trace of the powerful Dao map with the ancient magic, causing a part of the heaven and earth avenues in the heart-throbbing state to flood in, and could not be completely blocked. Just left everyone behind.

Although Lei Tingguang is not the strongest in the heart-beating realm, but the fighting power of the heart-beating fifth heaven is enough to make him stand out from the crowd here, no one can resist, so he shot without hesitation!

What's more, he uses all his strength when he makes a move. This is a ruthless character who vows to annihilate all threats in the cradle!Although Li Haoxuan was out of his sight at this time, the Li Haoxuan who will grow up in the future is definitely his enemy. Moreover, this person is very likely to come from Beiyu's view of Qingxu. If the opponent repeats in the future, he will be hard to guard against!

"Well done!" Li Haoxuan roared when he saw this, red golden flames rose from his body, like raging fire, his whole body was shrouded in golden light, and he shattered Thor's face with one step. Only the Supreme Hand appeared in front of Lei Tingguang's real body!

Scoff!Afterwards, three fiery red blades appeared in front of Li Haoxuan's body, and the supreme saber aura emanated from these three blades, as if they wanted to cut the entire sky open!Then, the sound of woo woo woo sounded like ghosts crying and gods howling, and the three flames instantly spanned an endless distance and directly killed Lei Tingguang's side!

However, when the three blade lights cut three feet in front of Lei Tingguang's body, the three blade lights were fixed in the void, as if imprisoned by an invisible force!

The law of heartbeat!

"In front of me, you are just an ant!" Lei Tingguang looked at Li Haoxuan as if looking at an ant, full of indifference.

"So what about heartbeat? I'm just trying to see if the so-called heartbeat is as powerful as it is said in the legend!" Li Haoxuan opened his mouth, and there were dao patterns flowing on the golden divine fist, and a terrifying momentum rippling from him, unexpectedly It seems that a heart-pounding field has also been opened up!

Li Haoxuan once stole a dao rhyme from a flawless girl in Qingxu Temple back then, coupled with the tempering of Li Vulcan Furnace, he refined himself into a half-body Dao body!

The Dao body is naturally compatible with the Dao body, and there will be almost no backlash from the Dao body on the way of practice. The heart-moving law of the heart-beating state is to be in harmony with the Dao body, so that the Dao body of heaven and earth can listen to its own voice. At this time, Zhao Tianming has a half body of Dao body, he is Tao, Tao is him!

"Another person who has comprehended the law of heartbeat! So strong, this aura is not inferior to Lin Rongrong's at all, and even faintly surpasses it!"

"Oh my God! Have geniuses become Chinese cabbage now? Why do they all comprehend the law of heartbeat? As long as these people go out, they can immediately succeed in joining the Tao and break into heartbeat!"

"The most dazzling genius in Nanling was killed just a few days ago. Are you going to kill the most exciting and strong man today? Is this still human?"

"He appeared together with Lin Rongrong, did Lin Rongrong lend him the Enlightenment Stone?"

All of a sudden, there were different opinions, and everyone turned their attention to Li Haoxuan!Before, everyone thought that there was no other way for Li Haoxuan to fight with Lei Tingguang, and he would definitely die, because the gap between the two was too great. Under normal circumstances, the Heartbeat Realm could crush the Bigu Realm, but at this time, Li Haoxuan also showed Heartbeat The law immediately made the direction of this battle confusing.

"Kill!" After simulating the law of heartbeat with the Dao body communication method, Li Haoxuan operated the Mad God Art, and the vast divine power in his body exploded, making him look like a ball of divine fire from the fairy world!

Afterwards, a huge phantom in human form rose up behind Li Haoxuan!

This is a tall phantom with blurred facial features, wearing a crown and wearing a golden robe, standing behind Li Haoxuan with his hands behind his back.

In his golden robe, huge and vast worlds kept flashing, and even the ancient stars of life in other star fields flashed away. This robe was like a fairy clothes, and some people even saw it in it. The figures of the real dragon and fairy phoenix are staggering.

At the same time, overwhelming terrifying coercion radiated from this human figure, and everyone felt an almost suffocating sense of oppression.

At this time, even Lian Chenzhan, who was not far away, turned his head, and a majestic fighting spirit flashed in his eyes looking at Li Haoxuan.

Afterwards, Chen Zhan turned around and walked towards the Monkey King step by step. Every step he took, his own aura would increase. At this moment, his whole body seemed to be transformed into a weapon that could pierce the sky. Euphorbia!

clang!Suddenly, a bell resounded throughout the world, followed by a click, and the pill furnace that held the monkey king exploded with a bang, and countless fragments flew around, smashing out huge ones. Stone pit!In the center of the arena, the Monkey King was safe and even stronger than before. His blood-red hair was growing wildly, and each hair was three feet long. There was a faint divine radiance lingering on it, and an inexplicable Taoism was circulating.

At the same time, an incomparably majestic and powerful divine power boiled and awakened in the Monkey King's body. This kind of power made everyone look sideways and horrified. To what extent will the breath explode!At this time, many people began to retreat, because the monkey king was too powerful for them to collect, and I am afraid that it would be impossible to subdue it even if all the monsters present came out together!

Because everyone had a premonition that this was a divine monkey king in Yuanhua Realm, who cut off his whole body in order to proclaim himself in the ancient times. In the middle, when it is awakened, that power will be reborn!If the guess is true, once the divine monkey king regains his ancient magical powers, everyone here will die!

The Yuanhua realm is too powerful, turning ten thousand yuan into one, and turning it into one's own body. If the heartbeat is the way to communicate with the world, then Yuanhua is the way to refine the world. The two are so different that they cannot be compared at all!

Opposite Li Haoxuan, Lei Tingguang, who was surrounded by layers of thunder, had a stern face, and a naked killing intent flashed in his eyes, because he felt a real threat from Li Haoxuan!A person who has not broken the mirror has such combat power. If the mirror is broken in the future, he has not thought about the consequences, because he must kill the opponent today, so that there will be no future troubles!

"One finger of the ancient god!" Then, Lei Tingguang said indifferently, using the most powerful secret technique of the Lei family, to kill Li Haoxuan with one blow!

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