Holy furnace

Chapter 835

The big black gun is like a dragon body, the body of the gun bursts into space as soon as it is shaken, as if it really turned into a supreme real dragon, devouring towards Li Haoxuan, bursts of murderous aura swallowed the sky, making the onlookers feel There was a burst of muscle pain!

This is a strong man in the heartbeat state fighting with all his strength, holding a middle-grade magic weapon, and the powerful coercion swept the nine heavens and ten places, which is stronger than the previous Thunder Light's combat power!

Of course, this is not because Tie Fengqiang is stronger than Thunder Light, but because although Thunder Light used secret techniques before, it did not use magical weapons, which is naturally half the pay compared to today's Tie Fengqiang!

"Block!" Li Haoxuan's face was cold, and he raised his hand to smash this iron gun that looked like a magic pen, and covered the magic fist with cold iron, the most powerful Tianmie!

All of a sudden, the whole world was filled with the sound of explosions, and even the limited heartbeat law in the void was unstable, causing many people's heartbeat fields to be damaged. Even the Monkey King was attracted by this battle, and turned to face Looking at it from here, the extremely powerful shadow of two days was reflected in the twin pupils shining with divine flames.

In the jungle not far away, a strong man with a bone stick stood up from the ground, wiped the blood donation from the corner of his mouth, took a deep look at Li Haoxuan who was in the sky, and turned to leave.

"Want to leave after getting the benefits? Help me block the thunder, or I will announce the fact that you have obtained the holy object. Then I will see if you can resist it!" At this moment, a voice suddenly rang in his ear Tuoba Huang suddenly turned his head when the sound sounded, but saw Li Haoxuan fighting in the sky, his eyes swept across his body calmly.

"Damn it!" Tuoba Huang's face immediately turned angry when he heard the words, and there was a gloomy look in his eyes.He really wanted to leave here and swallow the treasure all by himself, but what Li Haoxuan said was right, if Li Haoxuan made this news public, the monks here would definitely unite, and by then, let alone the current him, even if he was twice as strong , will be instantly blasted to pieces!Because those who can come here are all top experts, if they unite, he will definitely not be able to resist it!

Moreover, what he is most afraid of is the divine monkey king. The things he got from the Immortal Mansion are next to this divine monkey king. If the divine monkey king finds him, he may really not be able to leave!

"I'll give you three breaths to consider!" Li Haoxuan's voice sounded again.

At this moment, Li Haoxuan is in danger!If he faced Tie Fengqiang or any one of Lei Tingguang alone, he would not be afraid, but at this time, he was facing two people teaming up. Even Duanmuyu and Zhang Wudao had to avoid the edge for the time being, Li Haoxuan Although extremely powerful, it is impossible to defy the sky under such circumstances.

Boom!When Li Haoxuan was fighting against Tie Fengqiang, Lei Tingguang's figure suddenly appeared beside Li Haoxuan, and when he raised his hand, it was an ancient god's finger!

This is an extremely terrifying secret technique, and it is impossible to force it under normal circumstances!

Li Haoxuan stepped on the Yu step, and retreated quickly, narrowly avoiding this decisive blow!However, Tie Fengqiang's long spear arrived again, and the jet-black spear's light shook the world, and the situation changed at will, and the cold killing intent completely enveloped Li Haoxuan!

"Thunder Light, Iron Wind is strong! It's useless for you to be strong in Heart-Touching Realm, but you have teamed up to kill a cultivator in Bigu Realm at this time, you are simply shameless!" Underneath them, Lei Tian yelled at Lei Tingguang and the two of them!

Gongsun Bubai's fists had already been clenched, and he wished he could go up and fight!However, after all, they are not a half-body like Li Haoxuan, nor are they people who have crossed the sky like Lin Rongrong. With their current cultivation base, there is almost no possibility of doing anything under the realm of heartbeat, and they are all imprisoned in place.

thunderbolt!A blue-purple light appeared in the depths of the void, as if it came from the chaos, and instantly turned into thousands of thunder prisons, trapping Li Haoxuan in them.

Afterwards, a sea of ​​thunder appeared in the endless sky, which smashed towards Li Haoxuan like a vast ocean!

This is not an ordinary power of thunder, but the ocean of thunder that has been driven into the power of the great way!Every ray of thunder contains Dao Tribulation, and ordinary monks in the bigu state will die if they encounter such a thunderbolt!

Even if Li Haoxuan was carrying a half body, able to resolve most of the Dao Tribulations, he was still injured, his body was cracked like porcelain, and large pieces of blood spilled from his body.

However, Li Haoxuan's physique was unparalleled, his blood was invincible, the golden qi and blood violently oscillated, and his broken body immediately reorganized. Afterwards, Li Haoxuan squeezed his hands, and he constructed a mysterious big Luo formation for himself. Immediately, Countless Thunder Dao Tribulations were pulled away, unable to penetrate Li Haoxuan's body for half a step.At the same time, Ren Wangyin revealed that a huge illusory emperor rose from behind him, and shattered countless thunderbolts with a single blow.

As soon as the king's seal came out, Li Haoxuan's aura of a king immediately appeared on Li Haoxuan's body, and there was a great pressure on all races!However, this kind of pressure can't affect Lei Tingguang and the other two, because they are now in the field of heartbeat, and they can completely offset this pressure. Ren Wangyin's true power!

"Judgement Scepter!" At this moment, a cold voice came from in front of Li Haoxuan.

Li Haoxuan looked up, and suddenly saw a blood-red battle armor appearing on Tie Fengqiang's body at some point. The battle armor was densely covered with Dao lines, which was extremely mysterious. At the same time, the big black gun in his hand also turned into a A spooky scepter, with bloody brilliance flashing on it, coquettish and powerful!

Tie Fengqiang deserves to be a strong man in the Heartbeat Realm, his strength is stronger than Tie Fengyuan's, so he directly used the fourth move of Judgment Seven Kills, Judgment Scepter!

Immediately, a breath of fate began to come from somewhere, pouring into Tie Fengqiang's body, making him seem to be unable to follow his words for a while, as if every word he said would become a reality.

"I'll let you see the real Judgment Scepter! In the name of Judgment, I will bestow upon you the Five Decays of Heaven and Man!" Tie Fengqiang said with a red light flashing in his eyes, staring at Li Haoxuan.

As soon as Tie Fengqiang finished speaking, an incomparably mysterious force suddenly appeared, blessing Li Haoxuan's body, causing his body to age rapidly!

At this moment, Li Haoxuan's golden qi and blood began to quiet down, and his invincible body like glass really began to age. The smooth skin was densely covered with wrinkles, as if he had aged hundreds of years in an instant!

At the same time, his body also began to emit a stench, like rotten meat. What's worse, his powerful primordial spirit also began to rot, with traces of time engraved on it, and the fire of the soul seemed to be rotten. It's always going to go off at any time.

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