Holy furnace

Chapter 836 Crisis

The scepter of judgment erupted incomparably powerful in Tie Fengqiang's hands, it was much stronger than in Tie Fengyuan's hands, a curse-like power instantly eroded into Li Haoxuan's body !

Under this kind of power, even Li Haoxuan's Da Luo formation pattern began to disintegrate inch by inch, and even his blood energy also declined, and he could no longer be stimulated as violently as before!

At this time, Li Haoxuan fell into a huge crisis, even the divine power of the Mad God Art was disintegrated, his body began to rot, his realm began to fall, his aura and life essence reached the lowest point, like a candle in the wind.Li Haoxuan tried his best to stimulate the mana in his dantian, but even his mana became lifeless, like a pool of stagnant water, without any waves.

The so-called five decays of heaven and man are filthy clothes, shriveled hair, sweaty underarms, filthy body, and unhappiness in this seat.It means that the clothes that were originally clean and graceful began to get dirty.The bright and beautiful crown began to wither slowly, the armpits began to sweat, the body began to rot and filth, emitting an unpleasant smell, and even felt tired and impatient with the existing life.Li Haoxuan was like this at this time, unkempt, he had long lost his previous heroic appearance, and turned into a dying old man.

Although his eyes were still sharp, his aura had fallen to the bottom, not even as good as an ordinary bigu-level monk.He stretched out his hands, trying to pinch the seal, but found that he couldn't mobilize the mana in the dantian at all. If he didn't have the realm of Lingxu, he might not even be able to maintain flight now.His primordial spirit was running rapidly, thinking about countermeasures, but found that his thinking was getting slower and slower, and he couldn't even see Tie Fengqiang not far away.

The power of the five decays of heaven and man is getting stronger and stronger, gradually seeping into his soul, body, blood, and finally pouring into his dantian, intending to turn his dantian into a rotten city!With the invasion of this cursed power, the mana in the dantian, which was like a golden ocean, began to smile like snowflakes, and there was death energy everywhere, and even the sound of decay and rupture came from the unopened dantian sea.

"That person can't do it anymore! He has been affected by the five decays of heaven and man with strong iron wind, and his breath has begun to age and decay. Maybe he will die soon!"

"Five declines of heaven and man, what is this, a curse? Why do I feel that even my own vitality is being reversed!"

"It's not good, everyone go back! If you get too close, your vitality will be lost!"

Many monks began to retreat in horror, even the masters of Bigu Jiuzhong couldn't resist, they could only watch themselves grow old.Bigu itself is a magical state, which can stabilize the physical body and absorb energy from the vitality of heaven and earth. Even if it does not eat or drink for a year, there will be no problem. However, under the power of the five decays of heaven and man, everything is useless, even some spiritual weapons and battle armors have decayed and turned into catastrophes!

"What a terrifying ruling scepter! I feel a curse in it, and I'm afraid I can't resist it! Tie Fengqiang is hiding too deeply, and it is very likely that he has realized the true meaning of ruling the seven kills It’s just that it’s always been hidden under the brilliance of Tie Fengyuan, but now that Tie Fengyuan has been killed, Tie Feng’s strong light can’t cover it anymore!” In the sky not far away, there was also a heart-throb The strong man stared at the distant battlefield with piercing eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"Even you are ashamed of yourself?" Beside this person, a young man in a green robe was surprised, turned his head and said: "Your vacuum magic has reached the level of perfection, and once you use it, you can almost escape into it." In a vacuum, the five declines of heaven and man may not be able to come to you, right?"

"If I completely cultivate the magic of vacuum, and even further evolve into the vacuum avenue, I will naturally not be afraid of the five decays of heaven and man, but it is not enough now." The man shook his head and said: "The five decays of heaven and man can even rot the vacuum. , the current me can't resist, even if I escape into the vacuum, I will be decayed, old and dead!"

"So, that kid is dead?" the young man asked again.

"That's not necessarily the case. I feel an unusual aura from him. Maybe there will be a turning point! If he really dies so easily, Tie Fengyuan and the young master of the dead who won't be killed are in such a mess !"

"Look, the evildoers of the Lin family are starting to gain the upper hand!" Suddenly, the young man looked in another direction, and he saw Lin Rongrong with flying long hair, who was so powerful that he even made a deep palm print on the chest of the undead young master. It made him cough up blood.

"It's useless! That kid fell into the Iron Wind's Five Decays, and he will turn into a pile of bones in a short while. At that time, you will die too!" Roar!

Since his debut, the young master of the undead has always been a god blocking and killing a god, and a Buddha blocking and killing a Buddha. He has never been defeated in the Northern Territory. Even if he meets the young master of reincarnation, it is only a tie. Not long after the mountain range, he was beaten almost to death by Li Haoxuan, and now he was beaten by Lin Rongrong again. The successive defeats made him unacceptable!

He originally thought that he had stepped into the heartbeat field with half a foot. Even if he was not as good as Duanmuyu and Zhang Wudao among the younger generation, he would definitely be able to stand firmly in the third position, but now it seems that not only Li Haoxuan has realized the heartbeat Law, Lin Rongrong also stepped into that field with one foot, and even understood it deeper than him, so even if he used all his strength, he was still inferior to Lin Rongrong!

Especially at this time, Lin Rongrong has entered the mood of self-respect, and the only remaining obsession is fighting and killing, and she doesn't care about anything else at all. This mood is really too powerful, and Lin Rongrong's strength can be praised to the highest peak!

puff!The young master of the undead avoided Lin Rongrong's palm again in a short time, but he didn't expect that Lin Rongrong had already set up a vitality array behind him, and the whole person was directly blown away, coughing up blood!

In the sky, Tie Fengqiang's face was cold, and he looked at Li Haoxuan, who was old with white hair and shawls, and his blood was decaying, and said: "The name of judgment is not as good as blasphemy. From the moment you killed Tie Fengyuan, your ending is already doomed." !"

After finishing speaking, Tie Fengqiang put away his scepter and strode towards Li Haoxuan in the void, intending to kill him with one blow.

At the same time, the expressionless thunder light also flew over, and the thunder on the right hand flickered, it was going to join hands with Tie Fengqiang, and at the same time attack with the strongest secret technique, to blast Li Haoxuan into nothingness!

At this moment, a white bone stick suddenly appeared from the void, rushed into the battlefield abruptly, and smashed towards the thunder light!

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