Holy furnace

Chapter 843

This is an ancient celestial monument. There are faintly visible ancient characters appearing on the celestial monument. It is specious and full of mysterious atmosphere. There is even a brand of chaotic ancient spirit in it, slowly sinking and floating on the celestial monument, as if it is about to emerge from the endless It's like coming out of the chaotic world!

Chaos is a forbidden place in the universe. No one can set foot in it except for the ancient emperor. Even a strong person in the quasi-emperor realm will die if he enters it. In all likelihood, there will be big problems. The reason why the Supreme Demon Emperor, who shattered the sun god body ancestor star with his palm, failed to live out his second life was because he encountered a catastrophe in the chaos. After obliterating a small part, it took a plant of immortality medicine to finally survive, and because of this, he finally failed to live a second life.

The Qi of Primal Chaos is even worse than the Qi of Xuanhuang, and it is the ancestor of everything. Anyone who is contaminated with these two words will possess an unfathomable divinity!

This celestial stele is obtained from Xianwu Dongtian's unique knowledge, and the hand of the stele was smashed. Although this supernatural power was not very powerful in Xianwu Dongtian at the beginning, after Li Haoxuan studied it carefully, he found that this supernatural power possessed extremely Great growth, if it is truly cultivated, I am afraid it is no less than the Zhundijing!Li Haoxuan was not mistaken about this point. The slamming stele is the supreme mystery left by Qin Yu back then. It is said that after cultivating to the extreme, even this world can be blasted away. However, even Qin Yu himself has not Being able to deduce this unique knowledge to the highest level, he originally wanted to use this supernatural power to penetrate the fairyland after he became an emperor in the future, but he didn't want to die halfway!

"This is an ancient monument of chaos!" Far away from here, a young woman wearing a cloak exclaimed, exhaling like blue, beside her, a tall young man also showed shock, incredible He said: "I saw that there seemed to be ancient characters on the ancient tablet. What is that, a kind of supernatural power? It's a pity that it didn't really show up, not even the tip of the iceberg!"

Boom!When the ancient monument fell, it seemed that the whole sky fell down together. Thunder Light couldn't help but roar, his mana was raised to the limit, and he turned into a light of thunder and lightning to escape far away. However, this area was temporarily blocked. It was blocked, and even the Heartbeat Domain couldn't be displayed. With a loud bang, the thunder light was smashed down from the sky, and a blood mist floated in the void!

When everyone saw this, they all came back to their senses, and rushed into the sky and flew towards the distance. This time, even the Son of Samsara and others couldn't sit still, and didn't dare to stay in such a short distance any longer. Speaking of other things, the moment when the Thunder Light was smashed down just now was really too shocking. If they were hit by that celestial monument, even if they had a lot of magic weapons for body protection, they would still be unable to resist, and everyone would not die easily , but it will definitely not be easy, serious injuries are inevitable!

boom!After a short period of silence, a towering coercion suddenly roared up, soaring upwards, and then, a tattered thunder light shot up into the sky, and purple blood flowed from the corner of his mouth!

However, Lei Tingguang did not attack again, but took a deep look at Li Haoxuan, and said darkly: "I have been suppressed here today, and I can't do whatever I want. When you leave the Sunset Mountain Range, it will be you The day of death!"

After finishing speaking, Lei Tingguang actually turned around and flew towards the depths of the Sunset Mountain Range, not to fight Li Haoxuan anymore!

"What! Lei Tingguang actually conceded defeat! How is this possible? Lei Tingguang has never been weaker than others, why did he retreat this time!"

"It's nothing if Thunder Light retreats. Even Tie Fengqiang has been cut off. Even if Thunder Light is stronger than Iron Wind, how can it be stronger? You saw it just now. The opponent's Chaos Ancient Stele can kill Thunder Light. Crushed to death, it is wise to retreat at this time to protect yourself!"

"Hmph! Thunder Light is not a good thing either. He bullies the weak and fears the strong. A few days ago, he robbed us of a scroll of supreme scriptures at Holy Sword Cliff!"

"It's impossible for you to leave. If you meet the Son of the Undead, I'm afraid you won't even be able to leave!" Many people began to discuss. In Heartbeat Realm, he can be considered a very well-known powerhouse, and his status in Lei Family is not low, but this time is different, because Li Haoxuan actually went against the immortals, and really killed Tie Fengqiang!

"If it can continue, it will definitely be a peak duel, but what Lei Tingguang said is right, there is a powerful pattern here, which is indeed not good for the strong heart, otherwise it is really hard to say who will win!"

Many people were very excited about this, and they never expected that such wars would break out one after another at this time, making this trip worthwhile!

"You still want to leave now? You can't!" Li Haoxuan snorted coldly when he saw this, and the Feng Clan's Yu step was used again, turning into thousands of afterimages in an instant. before!

Seeing the hundreds of afterimages behind Li Haoxuan, the face of Feng Yifei who was hiding on the side changed drastically. He could see that the opponent was indeed using the pure Fengzu Yubu, and his realm was so unpredictable that even he felt ashamed now Not as good!

This time, Li Haoxuan didn't hold back at all, and his attack was the fiercest attack, the Taoism was shocking, and various magical techniques were constantly displayed, almost blocking off a space, trapping Lei Tingguang in it!

Lei Tingguang kept roaring loudly, and wanted to break through several times, but in the end he was beaten back by Li Haoxuan, because Li Haoxuan really used his full strength this time, every move was filled with his anger, and Lei Tingguang's attack was in his hands. It's nothing in the eyes, and it can be resolved easily, unless the opponent can show the taboo method like Tie Fengqiang, otherwise he has no fear at all!

"Don't force me!" During this period, Lei Tingguang yelled in grief and anger, his eyes were scarlet, he didn't want to really fight with Li Haoxuan at this time, because using forbidden magical powers would do him great harm, and even break him. The road to the future, the moment of life and death, he doesn't want to use it!

Boom!Responding to the other party was Li Haoxuan's God of Destruction Fist. At this time, the space was like rocks piercing through the sky, and the waves crashed against the shore. Boiling, as if it was really going to knock down this piece of sky.

"Boom!" Suddenly, Li Haoxuan yelled loudly, and a supreme sword suddenly rose from his body. It was as bright as a star in the night sky, and it slashed straight towards the thunder. Sword Thirteen's Heavenly Sword!

"If that's the case, then we won't stop dying, kill!" Lei Tingguang's face changed drastically when he saw this, and he shouted with a ferocious look. He was timid before and almost suffered a big loss, but now he finally showed his murderous intent, showing Unparalleled divine art!

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