Holy furnace

Chapter 846 Fighting alone in the world

ps: The update is very weak, Brother Biao himself understands this, but the health of my family is important. My mother suffered three comminuted fractures in a fall last year, and she has not recovered yet. She needs to rest well. My father has a serious lumbar disc herniation. Anyone who understands this disease knows that the pain is really indescribable. The family affairs are temporarily falling on me. I am very busy and tired. !

Lightning was defeated!Cut into two pieces by Li Haoxuan's sword, the blood rained down, it was extremely desolate!

"What did I see, Lei Tingguang was cut off! He was killed by a sword, and he died completely!"

"It's so crazy! This is the supreme master of the Lei family. How dare this young man really dare to attack? In just a few days, he killed Tie Fengyuan and did not stop, but today he even killed Tie Fengqiang and Lei Tingguang again! This Humans are human or ghosts, how could they be so strong!"

"Ahhhhh! The law of heartbeat has been restored here, why is he still so fierce! As a bigu realm, I always thought that I was already considered an outstanding person, but in front of this person, I felt like a beast! Ants!"

Everyone who watched the battle couldn't believe what happened before them!

Under the sky, a piece of bright red blood sprinkled down, it was Lei Tingguang's natal blood, and it was mixed with the terrifying aura of Thor's Prison, which made people tremble.

Li Haoxuan stood above the sky with a long sword in his hand, the sharp sword light was particularly shocking.

Everyone was stunned, Lei Tingguang was shot to death, like falling from the sky, shaking everyone like petrification, unbelievable.

"Dead...dead?" Not to mention other people, even Lei Tian was stunned. No one knew better than him how powerful his nominal brother was. , no one in the same level is his opponent, even some ancestors who have long lived in seclusion have personally given him advice, and said that he is a genius who can definitely step into the realm of injustice!

But today, the myth of invincibility was broken, he died here and was buried in this wilderness!

In the endless blood mist, Li Haoxuan stood in the sky like a god, his body was crystal clear, like glass made of god gold, and his eyes were as sharp as lightning.

He scanned the surroundings, but none of the countless outstanding people dared to face him squarely, they all lowered their heads, even Meng Xianer, who had icy muscles and bones, couldn't help but flicker in his eyes, and turned his head unconsciously, not daring to face him stare, because this kind of gaze is too terrifying, even just looking at each other is enough to make people tremble with fear, Dao heart is unstable!There is no doubt that this is a person who really has the hope of becoming an emperor. I am afraid that only Duanmuyu and Zhang Wudao can survive under the fierce power of each other!

At this moment, everyone's eyes on Li Haoxuan changed. It was as if he was an invincible god who couldn't even think of fighting against him. Thrilled?

"Offended the two holy places all at once, so what if he is so fierce? I'm afraid he won't be able to get out of this great wilderness!" Some people dare not yell at Li Haoxuan, but they can't help but say this in private, such a person is too strong , the strong should not exist in this world.

"Maybe he also has a lot of background, otherwise how could he have such strength? It can't be a casual cultivator! Moreover, the descendant of the barbarian god has also made a move. The two must have a deep friendship, otherwise it will definitely not be the case."

"Killing Lei Tingguang may not be a big deal. Don't forget that Lei Tian is the young master of the Lei family! Now it seems that that person has a lot to do with Lei Tian!"

"No! Run away!" Just as these people were talking in low voices, their bodies suddenly trembled, and the hairs on their bodies suddenly rose up, as if they had encountered the greatest crisis in their lives!As soon as they raised their heads, they immediately saw Li Haoxuan in the sky looking at them. Thinking of Li Haoxuan's fierce power before, they didn't have the courage to fight against him. With a bang, their mana was shaken, and they fled directly towards the periphery!

With just one look, the three Bigu Ninefold powerhouses fled without a fight. Such prestige is enough to explain everything!

"I didn't want to start a massacre, but some of you always think that you are a god on top, that you can do whatever you want? Do you really treat me like a soft persimmon? Now I want to see, who of you still wants to shoot me? Come on. Well, I'll just stand here and see who else dares to take my sword!" Li Haoxuan stood proudly in the void, his whole body was shaking with mana, and his Taoist robe was hunting, his majestic and powerful voice echoed in the whole world.

"You just killed three people, and you think you are invincible? You really don't know the heights of heaven and earth! Boy, Nanling is not a place where you can run wild. You killed the Lei family and the Tie family, and you thought you could get away with it? If so Letting you go away, where should we put the face of our Jiushen Palace?" At this moment, a strange voice came from not far away.

Li Haoxuan turned his head to look, and immediately saw a young man in brocade clothes walking towards him with a folding fan in his hand, with a mocking look on his face.

Behind him followed three middle-aged men in black, each of whom was rippling with enormous coercion, full of mana fluctuations in the Heartbeat Realm!

"En? That's Wu Lieyang from the Martial God Palace! Isn't it rumored that he closed the death test? He wants to hit the heart-beating state in one go? Why did he appear here?"

"Wu Lieyang is the true son of heaven. Although Tie Fengyuan is considered a monster, he is nothing compared to him! It is said that he once received the inheritance of the ancient martial gods, and he has cultivated Panwu supernatural powers. Eating and drinking water is as simple as eating and drinking. When he entered Bigu at the beginning of the year, he was directly promoted to the fifth level of Bigu. He can easily kill the ninth level of Bigu and even the powerhouse who is half-hearted! Judging by his current aura, I am afraid that he has really reached the edge of heartbeat. I don't know what kind of strength it will have once it breaks through!"

"I know! A few days ago, Xu Liang from Tianwushen Palace had his right arm chopped off by a descendant of Xuanmiaozong, and he couldn't bear it. That's why he called Wu Lieyang out this time. I'm afraid he wanted to get rid of the descendant of Xuanmiaozong. Find the place!"

"Oh my god! That's the Black Dragon Guard! Three Black Dragon Guards from Wushen Palace suddenly appeared, all of them from Heartbeat!" At this moment, someone suddenly pointed at the three men in black behind Wu Lieyang. cried out!

"What? Wu Lieyang actually brought the Black Dragon Guard here! And it's the Six Dragon Guards, each of whom is a strong man with a heart-throbbing sixth level. Wu Lieyang is indeed the most evil genius in the Wushen Palace, and he even matched him with three Six Dragon Guards The black dragon guards protect his safety! This kid is dead this time, there is no suspense! Although these black dragon guards are not the opponents of Tie Fengqiang and Lei Tingguang one-on-one, they are rumored to be good at the art of joint attack, and they can fight each other. Forming a formation will increase the combat power several times in an instant! If the three of them join forces, I'm afraid Lei Tingguang and the others will flee after hearing the news!"

"En? It's you? You also want to attack me?" Hearing Wu Lieyang's words, Li Haoxuan turned his head and looked towards Wu Lieyang.

"I'm not going to shoot you, but to make you kill yourself!" Wu Lieyang looked at Li Haoxuan as if he was looking at an ant, and said condescendingly: "If you kill yourself, you can keep the whole body, otherwise if you let If I shoot, you will be dead!"

"Really? It seems that you don't plan to go out of the Sunset Mountain Range!" Li Haoxuan said lightly, just as he finished speaking, his body had already appeared above Wu Lieyang, and the long sword in his hand had been slashed down heavily!

"Do you dare to fight with an ax with such a means? You want to die!" Countless stars flashed in Wu Lieyang's eyes, and a lawless and terrifying aura shot up from him, and at the same time, he swung his right hand and grabbed Li Haoxuan directly!

At the same time, the three Black Dragon Guards also shot suddenly, each punching the void. Immediately, a deafening sonic boom sounded, almost exploding the void!

"Not good!" Suddenly, Wu Lieyang's face changed suddenly, and he quickly turned his head to look behind him, and immediately saw a flash of red light.

Then, with a soft click, the head of the Black Dragon Guard behind him fell off his neck, with a puzzled expression on his face, scarlet blood sprayed up to a height of three feet!

"It's just two or three of you big cats and small cats who want to kill me?" Li Haoxuan's voice came again, making everyone shudder!

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