Holy furnace

Chapter 845 Kill Thunder Light

Above the nine heavens, the Thunder God's Prison was full of cracks, and the whole body was cracked. Then, a deafening roar erupted from it. Suddenly, the Thunder God's Prison completely exploded. Li Haoxuan took a step out of it with a spear in his hand.

Around Li Haoxuan's body, purple galaxies descended, like purple energy coming from the east. He was bathed in the thunder like this, exuding supreme divine power!

There was no sound at the scene!Every strand of Li Haoxuan's hair was flying, showing the coercion of the Dao Xingqiang. He stood quietly between the sky and the earth like this, but he attracted everyone's attention.

Thunder God's Prison exploded, torn apart, the world was silent, no one could speak, did Lei Ting Guang lose?Many people are dumbfounded by this, unimaginable!

Lei Tingguang gives people the feeling of mystery. Since his debut, it seems that no one has been able to force him to display his true combat power. It seems that he always has cards that have not yet been revealed, giving people an unfathomable feeling. Even Lei Tian also agrees with this Convincingly, he never thought that his nominal elder brother really only had the cultivation base of the heart-beating fifth level!

But today, Lei Tingguang really lived up to everyone's expectations. The Thunder God's Prison just shown has definitely surpassed Tie Fengqiang's highest combat power before, and touched the most exciting realm. However, even so, can't he still resist Li Haoxuan's ferocity?All the people present felt blocked for a while, as if there was an extra monument on the road of practice in front of them that was enough to look up to!

"Impossible!" Someone yelled fiercely, and said loudly: "How could Lei Tingguang lose! This is indeed the combat power of the peak heart!" In front of him, he was rampant, but he had to bow his head and walk in this sunset mountain range, like a mouse crossing the street, for fear of being killed abruptly by these geniuses. At that time, Li Haoxuan was strong against Tie Feng, but the battle with Lei Tingguang made him feel cold all over!

He finally knew that in front of these real geniuses, his strength was really not enough, even if he showed his heart-beating cultivation, he would definitely be crushed to death like an ant when he met someone like Li Haoxuan, there was no other way.

"I lost, Lei Tingguang was defeated. This person is really too powerful. Where did he come from? It's against the sky!" The Son of Reincarnation frowned and whispered. He was very afraid of Li Haoxuan, and he didn't want to confront him at all. , Thinking of this, he also had to sigh secretly. Sure enough, there is no simple person in the major holy land families. He can run rampant in the Northern Territory. Except for the young master of the undead, he has few opponents, but at the Nanling Conference where there are many geniuses today It doesn't look good enough, and it's easy to be suppressed!

"Maybe it's time to make a decision!" Young Master Samsara's eyes shone brightly, and at the same time, his heart beat violently twice, making his face pale a little!

"Could this person really have the appearance of a king?! Thunder Light Incarnation Thunder God's Prison has been broken. It seems that the positions of Duanmuyu and Zhang Wudao may not be preserved for a long time, and they may really be shaken!"

"I think this person is stronger than Duanmu and the other two?"

"That's not true. After three years, Mu Yu and Zhang Wudao will be able to compete with the strong in the Heartbeat Realm! Now that three years have passed, even if they meet the perfect Heartbeat peak, they may be able to retreat unscathed. What's more, although they can temporarily Show the law of heartbeat, but it is only a part of it, otherwise, Tie Fengqiang may not die!" This person's eyes are very sophisticated, and he can see the problem at a glance. Yes, the heartbeat field here is not perfect. With the sealed part, Thunder Light can only show six to seven points of its power!

Over the years, Lei Tingguang has often traveled with the Holy Master of the Lei family, and has already established an invincible prestige among the younger generation. He has never lost a single defeat in several fair duels, but now, not only this record will be defeated If it breaks through, I'm afraid even life will die!Seeing this result, many outstanding people in Nanling found it hard to accept.

Between the heaven and the earth, divine light and thunder continued to transpire, and the aftermath of divine energy was everywhere in the vast expanse of the wilderness, and everyone felt chills.

"This is to step on the Thunder Light to take the top position! Shoot Tie Fengqiang, and then kill Thunder Light. If such a record is spread, it will definitely shake the Five Realms!" Xu Chengjie stood in the distant sky, watching the battle silently, I don't know what kind of thought flashed through my mind.


Amidst the noise of people, there was a sudden tremor between heaven and earth, and then, the torn Thunder God's Prison suddenly shot up to the sky, and once again merged into one in the void, and the many cracks on it were also healing at a speed visible to the naked eye , disappeared completely in the blink of an eye, this time, Thunder God's Prison seemed to be stronger, with the potential to swallow mountains and rivers with anger.

Everyone was surprised, and then many people cheered up. Lei Tingguang's means were against the sky, and it was impossible to be defeated like this. Although he was imprisoned before, this can also be regarded as his Taoist body, and he will not die so easily!

"Since my debut, no one has ever been able to push me to this point! You are No. 1!" Lei Tingguang said calmly, and a purple long sword appeared in his hand, showing its sharpness!

"It's you who deceived others too much! Now there's no need to say anything, let's do it!" Li Haoxuan responded coldly. Indeed, the only thing left now is a big fight.

"Boom!" The blazing light directly flooded the sky and the earth. This is a magic weapon, and the terrifying fluctuations permeated the whole field, causing everyone's expressions to change drastically.

"Hey!" Li Haoxuan hid the red long spear, and a half iron sword without a handle appeared in his hand, and he swiped it out with force. Suddenly, black light surged into the sky, like a mountain torrent, and a mighty river of sword intent shot up into the sky, competing with the sword that flooded the world. The sword lights collided together.

This is the mighty sword made of magic weapon cold iron. Although the cold iron has collapsed and no longer has any spirituality, it is made of magic weapon grade materials, which is enough to rival the sword of thunder and light!

All of a sudden, it seemed as if the whole world was blown up. This was a confrontation with magic-level magic weapons. No secret or forbidden technique was useless. Only divine power and magic tools were eternal!

Lei Tingguang tried his best to activate this magic sword, and cut through the heaven and earth. His whole body was glowing, and he almost turned into a god. At this moment, Li Haoxuan also exerted all his strength. The sword kills all over the world, and everything is broken!


The cold iron sword pierced through Cang Ming, turned into a black light and slashed out, as if cutting out a piece of chaos!


The cold iron hit the purple dharma sword, making a loud noise, and the aftermath was devastating, causing many monks to cough up blood!

The thunderbolt flew out horizontally, bloodstains overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and a trace of horror flashed in his eyes!This dharma sword is his biggest hole card, but now it is useless, and it is still not Li Haoxuan's opponent!

At this point, Lei Tingguang made a decisive decision, turned around and left. At this time, there was a powerful Dao pattern, which made him unable to use the real taboo power at all.

"You can't go!" Li Haoxuan pursued closely, and the Fengzu Yubu showed up, as if hundreds of Li Haoxuan appeared at the same time, sealing the sky and locking the earth!

Afterwards, the black long sword slashed down from the void, cutting Thunder Light in half with a pop!

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