Holy furnace

Chapter 92 Foundation Establishment Nine Heavens

The periphery of Shiwan Dashan is huge, and the coverage area is enough to be calculated by thousands of miles!Although it is stated in the intelligence that the Blackwater Profound Snake has fixed living habits and cannot travel unlimited distances, the range is still huge, and Blackwater Profound Snakes may appear within a radius of thousands of miles, and no one can truly grasp its movements !

There is an ordinary hill outside the range of the black water snake's activities. The hill is not high, but only a few hundred feet. It is too ordinary among the [-] mountains that can be seen everywhere with thousands of feet of peaks, and it is not impressive at all!And in the hillside of this hill, there are lush and thick trees, and there is a trickling stream not far away, like a picture scroll depicting a paradise.

No one can find that there is a natural cave hidden under such a peaceful picture, but this cave has been remodeled by mana, and there is no trace of it anymore!

Li Haoxuan sat cross-legged in the cave, and the Li Vulcan Stove was suspended in front of him. Wisps of flames emerged from it. Just like last time, a large number of talismans swirled around the Li Vulcan Stove.Li Haoxuan continued to play numerous spells, and placed a large number of spiritual stones in the entire cave to support the spiritual energy consumption of Li Vulcan Furnace!

Li Haoxuan's biggest gains in the infinitely small world are the almost inexhaustible spirit stones besides the condensed energy, the fire emperor's red flame energy and the Baoshan seal!Before setting off, he had already handed over 50 yuan of spirit stones to the chief steward through the guardian to provide for the cultivation of Lu Chenyu and Tian Shengcheng, who were Li Haoxuan's only concern in the outside world.

The quality of Bidu Pill is not inferior to that of Foundation Establishment Pill, both the material and the hand formula are more complicated!When refining the Foundation Establishment Pill, it was only frangipani and the immortal medicine, but the Pidu Pill was far more than that. Fortunately, there is no shortage of immortal medicine in the infinite small world. As long as there are spirit stones, even the finished Foundation Establishment Pill can be used. change to!

One day later, there was a rumbling sound from the cave where Li Haoxuan was, and then a huge flame appeared, and Li Vulcan Furnace unconsciously revealed a ray of coercion, which almost shook the entire cave into dust!

"Om", and then, a strong medicinal fragrance came out, permeating the entire cave, Li Haoxuan used a hand formula to put away the anti-poison pill in a jade bottle!

This time, Li Haoxuan has practiced a full [-] anti-poison pills!

"I only need one for myself, and the rest can be brought back to exchange for spirit stones. In the future, I will also need a lot of spirit stones to practice after entering the inner sect!" Li Haoxuan already had a plan in his heart, and then with a thought, he will re-enter Li Vulcan Furnace Among the dantian.

In the following time, Li Haoxuan did not act rashly, but directly swallowed a Poison Repelling Pill.


After Li Haoxuan took the Pidu Pill, his body seemed to usher in a transformation again, a powerful aura erupted, shaking the whole cave, Li Haoxuan's body was full of energy, and golden light came out from his body Burning blazingly outside the body.

Half an hour later, Li Haoxuan opened his eyes, he felt that his body had completely absorbed the effect of the anti-drug pill, and he would be invulnerable to all poisons from now on!

After completing the first part of his own plan, Li Haoxuan still did not leave the cave, but began to practice the Fire Emperor Chiyan Qi in the cave!

The law enforcer didn't teach him the fire emperor's red flame energy until yesterday, he didn't have much time to practice, and this time will be an opportunity!He didn't believe that someone could hunt and kill the Blackwater Profound Snake so quickly, and he firmly believed that the final battle would definitely break out in the Miasma Swamp. Before that, he didn't plan to go out, and cultivation was the top priority!

After a long period of time, Li Haoxuan lived in seclusion, occasionally went out to pick some berries to satisfy his cravings, and spent most of his time practicing, comprehending the fire emperor's red flame energy!The fire emperor's red flame energy is the five ancient supernatural powers of Qingxu, there must be a reason, full of mystery, it is impossible for Li Haoxuan's talent to complete it in a short period of time!

Time flies, and another month passed in the blink of an eye, Li Haoxuan almost ate more than half of Baiyang Dan.Cultivation is a hard work, Li Haoxuan's energy consumption is extremely fast, sometimes he needs to eat four or five Baiyang pills a day!Li Haoxuan didn't spend all of his time cultivating for a month. In his spare time, he would also read the alchemy scriptures and refine some simple pills!Lihuo's divine power is a heaven-defying treasure, no matter how ordinary medicine is refined with it, it will definitely be extraordinary!

A month of concentrated cultivation also made Li Haoxuan's strength significantly improved, and the brand-new mana derived from the inheritance space a month ago was finally fully consolidated at this time!In the half month he was in the inheritance space, his strength improved really fast. If there is no consolidation period of this month, it is likely to cause instability of the Dao foundation, which will affect future cultivation!

Moreover, he has become more proficient in Baoshanyin's spell, and he can shoot it with just raising his hand, and the big mountain that appears above his head becomes more real, revealing a strong coercion!

However, Li Haoxuan's biggest gain this month is that he has made a breakthrough in his realm, standing firmly on the small step of the ninth stage of foundation establishment!

In fact, Li Haoxuan himself is the Ninth Heaven of Foundation Establishment, but under the advice of the law enforcers, he sealed part of the primordial spirit's cultivation level, which allowed his cultivation to return to the Eighth Heaven of Foundation Establishment!And a month ago, his epiphany, that harmony between man and nature, made his thoughts clear, and the realm of primordial spirit began to skyrocket. After being suppressed, he finally broke into the Foundation Establishment Ninth Heaven!

Li Haoxuan's realm has reached its limit, and he can enter the consecration realm at any time!If he wanted to, he could even enter the consecration state in the next second, but he couldn't, because his Condensation Energy had not yet reached its peak!

Li Haoxuan has gained a lot in a month, and now the Fire Emperor's Chiyan Qi has reached a certain level, as long as he uses the Fire Emperor's Chiyan Qi to stimulate the mana in his body, a raging flame will burn on his body, dazzling , as if an active volcano was erupting, and under the flames was a rich golden light, which represented his vitality.

"It's time to start hunting!" Finally, after sorting out everything clearly, Li Haoxuan got up, his eyes were shining brightly, like two lightning bolts shot out, and the two night pearls hanging high on the top of the cave were in Li Haoxuan's eyes. Under the coercion, it shattered and turned into powder!

boom!Li Haoxuan circulated his mana, blasted the closed entrance of the cave with one punch, turned himself into a flash of red lightning and rushed out, floating above the sky.Standing high in the sky, Li Haoxuan looked at the magnificent mountains and rivers far away, the vast land, and his whole mind became more comfortable. He bent down and looked at every plant and tree in the whole mountain, which made him involuntarily At the same time, Li Haoxuan's aura also began to rise, and a powerful coercion radiated out, as if it was going to sweep the hundred thousand mountains.

"Boy, hand over the detoxification pill, and spare your life."

As if sensing Li Haoxuan's presence through Li Haoxuan's aura, a figure quickly flew over from a distance and shouted at Li Haoxuan.

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