Holy furnace

Chapter 93

"Hand over the detoxification pill, and spare you!" While speaking, that figure had already rushed in front of Li Haoxuan.

Li Haoxuan turned around slowly after hearing this voice, and faced him directly, he found that it was a bearded man with a long golden stick hanging from his back, and four golden lotus flowers on his sleeves, and a terrifying coercion was also rippling on his body .

"It's you?" The big man saw Li Haoxuan's face clearly when he came closer, and raised his eyebrows involuntarily, as if he was a little surprised.After all, the battle between Li Haoxuan and Han Feiyu was so amazing that Li Haoxuan's name spread throughout the infinitely small world, and he was considered a strong man no less than Gongsun Invincible!

People who can easily defeat Han Feiyu are also a big threat to him.

"It's me." Li Haoxuan stood with his hands behind his back, and said in a flat tone.

"Hand over the detoxification pill." The big man stretched out his right hand and said directly, "I know you are strong and can easily defeat Han Feiyu, but Han Feiyu is the bottom of the four lotus disciples, and you have nothing to be proud of if you beat him ! Considering your strength is not bad, I can let you keep three detoxification pills."

"What if I don't pay?" Li Haoxuan asked back.

"Then kill!" The big man stared, held the golden long stick hanging on his back with his backhand, and said loudly, "Li Haoxuan, I don't want to fight with you, that's because I want to reserve my strength to deal with the black water snake , does not mean that I dare not fight with you! I left you a few detoxification pills to give you enough face, if you really think that you are qualified to bargain with me, I will let you die!"

"Very good, it seems that having never seen blood is not enough to stand up. Everyone thinks that I am a soft persimmon, and you can squeeze it as you like!" Li Haoxuan said lightly, "If that's the case, then I will kill it until I reach it!" All of you are afraid! Today, you are the first!"

"You want to attack me? Then you must first be prepared to die! You attack, and I will break your bones one by one!" The wild man held the golden long stick in his hand, majestically, facing Li Haoxuan said in a cold voice.

"I am invincible!" Facing the threat of the wild man, Li Haoxuan spoke, uttered four words, and then stepped out in the void.

Boom!A fiery flame rose from Li Haoxuan's body, like a volcanic eruption!

Afterwards, Li Haoxuan punched out, the golden fist was surrounded by flames, the space exploded, an incomparable power burst out, and it blasted straight at the wild man in front of him, and the battle broke out instantly!

"Kill!" The wild man's face changed, and he punched out the same punch. He found that Li Haoxuan in front of him seemed to be stronger than when he fought Han Feiyu last time. The fire on his body seemed to contain a kind of supreme power, as if Can melt everything in the world!

boom! !The two powerful magic powers converged in the void, almost annihilating the void!

puff! !Li Haoxuan was too powerful, he sent the wild man flying with just one punch, blood spurted wildly!

"How is it possible, how is it possible for you to be so strong!" The big man kept retreating in the void, he was terrified by this punch!

Li Haoxuan, who fought against Han Feiyu a month ago, definitely did not have such a powerful force, otherwise Han Feiyu would have been killed by Li Haoxuan with his first punch!There is simply a difference between the two!

"You actually hid your strength!!" The big man finally reacted. However, before he finished speaking, a big black hand appeared out of nowhere and pressed down on him!

This giant hand has infinite power, and strands of virtual dao patterns have even been intertwined on it!

Legend has it that those with advanced realms can sway the power of heaven and earth at will, and each blow can contain the truth of heaven and earth, and imprint the Dao pattern in the mana and supernatural powers!With the blessing of the Dao pattern, both mana and supernatural power will be greatly blessed, which is completely different from the original state!

Similar to my word is the law, this kind of realm cannot be achieved by peerless power!Li Haoxuan can only occasionally have sporadic fragments of the virtual dao pattern, and it is impossible to truly evolve it, because this is not in line with common sense. Dao pattern emerges, I am afraid that I will be wiped out!

"Ah!!" The big man roared up to the sky, and swung the dragon-patterned gold stick in his hand. A large amount of mana was released by it, and finally resisted the big black hand. Then, the big man pointed out a stick, and thousands of sticks appeared instantly. Shadow, directly smashed the big black hand into the void!


While shattering the big black hand, the wild man unleashed all his firepower, poured all his mana into the golden stick, and smashed it down towards Li Haoxuan in the air!The golden stick burst out with bright golden light, and it was as heavy as a mountain, pressing down on the sky above Li Haoxuan, almost collapsing.

"Explode me!!" The wild man yelled, and the golden long stick was slashed down, and the golden light swept over like a vast ocean, full of destructive aura.

The space seemed to be cut open, and the sound of sonic booms was everywhere in the void, like a tattered picture scroll rattling in the strong wind, and it was in danger of being torn into pieces at any time!When the golden stick fell, special talismans appeared on it. This is an attack formation that was entered by the refiner. After being activated, it can automatically increase the power by a part. The horror is boundless, and non-top-grade treasures cannot have.

"Today, I will sacrifice the saber with you!" Li Haoxuan stood in the violent storm, his clothes were blown high, but his body remained motionless, like a towering mountain. Then, he looked up at the golden long stick that was about to approach him , said to himself, "Fire Emperor's Chi Yanqi Remnant Fire Sword!"

While speaking, the two fingers of Li Haoxuan's right hand suddenly straightened, and a faint flame spread from his fingers, and quickly condensed into a long, slender red knife!

Then, Li Haoxuan swung his right hand upwards, a tiny flame flashed, and the whole world seemed to stand still at this moment.

Cruel! !

After half a breath, piercing screams erupted in the void, as if the whole world was cut open, a tiny red light traversed the sky, passed through the golden long stick, and rushed to the boundless sky!

collapse! !

A small sound suddenly came out from the long golden stick, and then, the dragon-patterned golden stick infused with the infinite mana of the wild man suddenly broke, turning into two pieces in the void!

Boom! !The dragon-pattern golden stick broke, and the infinite mana within it exploded in the void, rendering the entire sky into a golden ocean!

Li Haoxuan stood proudly in the void, with the heaven and earth vitality shield propped up, even if the infinite magic power exploded, it would be difficult to hurt him in the slightest.

The wild man stared at all this dumbfounded, and couldn't believe that his exclusive weapon actually shattered at this moment!He stared blankly at the half of the golden stick in his hand, and a crazy light began to appear in his eyes!

"It's time to end!" Li Haoxuan shook his head, and waved his two fingers again. The next moment, the head of the wild man flew high, and his unwilling eyes could still be seen above the head, but it was hard to change anything after all.

Li Haoxuan didn't have any feelings of guilt, he didn't think there was anything wrong with killing people because of a few detoxification pills, it was like this in the world of cultivating immortals, if you don't kill people, you will be killed!The chief steward of Jingxian Court had warned him a long time ago that there are many corpses on the road to becoming an immortal, and sometimes you have to walk on other people's corpses. Similarly, if you want to kill someone, you must have the awareness to be killed. I already understood this truth at that time.

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