Alchemy body

Chapter 29

Seeing Ling Fan's disbelief, the red-haired mouse stood on Ling Fan's shoulder, rubbing its fists for a moment, its belly puffed up, and when it opened its mouth, it wanted to spit fire again.

"Stop, stop joking? Are you really going to burn this hall down?" Seeing this, Ling Fan hurriedly stopped him.

"Who wants to burn down the house? I just want you to see how powerful my techniques are." The red-haired mouse said speechlessly.

"Come on, I've already seen the power of your flame, so I don't need to demonstrate it again! A single spark can start a prairie fire. If this hall is set ablaze, you and I will be finished." Ling Fan said.

But the red-haired mouse ignored Ling Fan, and opened its mouth to spit out a small mouthful of flames.As soon as the flame came out, it immediately illuminated the entire hall.Seeing this, Ling Fan quickly backed away. The flames spouted by the red-haired mouse were terrifyingly powerful in the burrow. If it was burned, the whole body would be turned into ashes.

However, what happened next left Ling Fan stunned.

But once the small flame was sprayed out, it stayed suspended in mid-air.And under the control of the red-haired mouse, Little Flame began to wander around the hall.

"This...? The flames can be controlled?" Obviously, Ling Fan had never seen such a miraculous thing. If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, it would be hard to believe.

Seeing Ling Fan's shocked appearance, the red-haired mouse controlled the little flame for a moment, then opened its mouth and sucked it in, and the flame flew back into its mouth from mid-air very consciously.

"How is it? Do you want to learn?" The red-haired mouse stared at Ling Fan proudly.

"Uh...yes!" Ling Fan responded.

"Then tell me how you did it and what kind of formula you practiced, and I'll exchange this fire control skill with you!" the red-haired mouse said slyly.

"Your formula is indeed miraculous, but it still doesn't work!" Ling Fan flatly refused.

"You idiot, learning one more set of formulas will benefit you more. Why stick to the rules and stick to one formula instead of learning more?" the red-haired mouse cursed.

"You don't need to say any more. If I say no, I won't do it, even if it means death." Ling Fan can ignore anyone's words, but Ling Fan will always keep his master's words in his heart.As the master said, no one in the world can easily trust and tolerate, even including himself.

However, the old man Kong Chen, who was also Ling Fan's master, was like a father in Ling Fan's eyes.From childhood to adulthood, he has been both a father and a mother. Who else in the world is closer than the master?

And since the master has repeatedly warned not to spread it to outsiders, even when he said these words, he was extremely careful, needless to say but to write instead, which is enough to prove that there are some things that even the master is extremely scrupulous about, let alone a disciple.

"You...why are you so stubborn?" the red-haired mouse stared at Ling Fan speechlessly.

"Hey! What do you say? Don't bother me now, I still have to practice!" Ling Fan started to practice on his own.

This made the red-haired mouse depressed, but seeing Ling Fan meditating with his eyes closed, he kept circling around Ling Fan.Sometimes he stared at Ling Fan fiercely, and sometimes he sniffed with his nose.

"I said buddy, can you stop doing this? You're interrupting my cultivation!" In the silent hall, the movement of the red-haired mouse obviously affected Ling Fan's cultivation.

"Get a fire stone!" The red-haired mouse ignored Ling Fan's words, and pointed at Ling Fan's chest.

"This stone is really a fire spirit stone!" After taking out a fire spirit stone from his bosom, Ling Fan stared at the shiny stone in his hand curiously, then handed it to the red-haired mouse to ask Said: "What are you doing?"

"Just take it, and continue to practice according to the routine I said." The red-haired mouse pushed away the fire spirit stone that Ling Fan handed over.

"Uh...?" Ling Fan was taken aback when he heard that, and then said, "You don't want to teach me the formula, do you? That's not okay, even if you teach me, I won't tell you."

Hearing the words, the red-haired mouse gave Ling Fan a hard look, and then slowly said word by word: "The eyes watch the nose, the nose watches the heart, and the heart watches the spirit. When the mind and mind are united, then stick to the mind. Immediately, use the method of breathing and exhaling to regulate the relaxation of the meridians of the whole body. After the meridians are unobstructed, close other parts, only open the door of the palm of the hand, and then start to absorb the energy in the fire stone..."

Ling Fan originally wanted to refuse, but what the red-haired mouse said was similar to what the master taught in many ways, except that at the end he only used his hands to absorb the energy from the outside world, which made Ling Fan a little uncomfortable.After all, in the past, Ling Fan basically absorbed it with all his heart.

Out of curiosity, Ling Fan also tried it, and found a warm current that was more abundant than the aura, and it was sucked into the palm of his hand from the fire spirit stone he held in his hand.Then from the palm, to the elbow, and then to the meridians of the whole body.

After the warm current flowed through the meridians all over his body, at this moment, Ling Fan felt as refreshed as if he was soaking in a hot spring.


The feeling of extreme comfort made Ling Fan involuntarily raise his head and opened his mouth to moan, and a gust of hot air also emerged from his throat, turning into a ball of steam, slowly rising into the air, and finally disappeared in the dark In the hall.

However, within a few seconds of such a comfortable feeling, the warm current all over the body suddenly began to rush towards the dantian.However, as soon as all the warm current reached the dantian, it disappeared immediately.

"Huh? Why didn't you disappear?" Ling Fan asked himself in amazement. It stands to reason that the warm current didn't leave his body, so he should feel it. But now, the warm current didn't go out, but disappeared into his body without a trace. , How did Ling Fan understand this?

Although the red-haired mouse didn't bother Ling Fan at this time, its eyes were focused on everything about Ling Fan. But when Ling Fan suddenly spoke, the red-haired mouse couldn't help asking in surprise, "What's going on?"

However, before Ling Fan had time to answer, a huge sucker seemed to appear in his dantian, frantically devouring the warm current in Ling Fan's body.When the warm current disappeared, it began to suck Ling Fan's own aura.

Under this crazy sucking, the pores of Ling Fan's whole body shrank, and the epidermis began to dry out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Damn it! Red Mouse, what's going on? Help me!" Ling Fan obviously knew his current state best. If he didn't want to find a way to save him, he would definitely turn into a mummified corpse.

The red-haired mouse didn't know what happened to Ling Fan, but seeing that Ling Fan's whole body began to lose weight and become obscene, it was obviously caused by excessive energy loss.Therefore, the only solution is to replenish energy.

At this point, the red-haired mouse immediately said: "Hurry up and absorb the spiritual energy in the fire spirit stone to make up for it!"

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