Alchemy body

Chapter 30 God's Handwriting

Ling Fan had never encountered such a terrifying thing, and now, regardless of whether the red-haired mouse was right or not, he devoted all his energy to his right hand to absorb the energy of the fire stone.However, one hand seemed to be far from enough to drain the energy in the body, so Ling Fan had no choice but to take out another one and use both hands to absorb it.

At this moment, Ling Fan's whole body was flushed, his pores were dilated, and painful heat was continuously emitted from his body, and his clothes were already soaked in sweat.Now the left and right hands are frantically absorbing the energy of the fire spirit stone, and the light of the fire spirit stone in the right hand is getting weaker and weaker, and finally turned into a dull and ordinary stone. From the inside, Ling Fan can no longer absorb it. Not any aura.

"What's going on, the right hand can't absorb it!" Ling Fan said in surprise.

"The spirit energy stored in the fire spirit stone is used up, you can get another one." The red-haired mouse looked at Ling Fan in disbelief, knowing that the energy of spirit energy stored in a fire spirit stone is enough for a cultivator It has been used from the foundation building period to the Yuanying period.And Ling Fan has not even crossed the threshold of cultivator, what space is there in his body to store the absorbed energy?After all, a person's meridian space is limited, if the storage is too large, it will be like a balloon, if it is too large, it will burst.

Only when one's cultivation has reached the golden core stage, and a golden core for storing spiritual energy begins to form in the body, can more energy be stored.However, the golden core has a size, and its storage capacity is limited. If it exceeds the storage capacity of the golden core, the golden core will not be able to withstand it, and it will explode.Even if the realm of cultivators reaches the Nascent Soul stage or above, there is a limit to the amount stored in the body.

But now Ling Fan swallowed a Fire Spirit Stone in one go, and the other hand continued to absorb it.But Ling Fan didn't have a golden elixir in his body, and he was farther away from the Nascent Soul Stage, so where did these spirit energy go in Ling Fan's body?

Finally, when a total of five fire spirit stones the size of goose eggs were picked up, but Ling Fan absorbed four of them, the painful feeling just stopped.


But before Ling Fan had time to catch his breath, his mind suddenly exploded, causing Ling Fan to hug his head and scream, rolling on the ground in pain.

"Boy, what's wrong with you?" The red-haired mouse was startled when he saw this. He just taught Ling Fan to absorb the aura of the fire stone, and then wanted to figure out Ling Fan's skills from the flow of aura, but Hong Hairy Mouse didn't expect that Ling Fan would end up like this in the end.

" brain exploded..." Ling Fan replied in pain.

"Damn it, didn't you? My brain exploded?" The red-haired mouse's first reaction was that all the spiritual energy absorbed by Ling Fan went into Ling Fan's mind.But then he denied it. After all, Ling Fan's bald head is only a little big, how could it be possible to store so much spiritual energy?If all the spiritual energy went to the brain, even if Ling Fan had a hundred heads, it wouldn't be enough!

Just as the red-haired mouse was thinking about the problem, the rolling Ling Fan rolled for a while, but slowly calmed down.Then he lay motionless on the ground and didn't make a sound for a long time.

The red-haired mouse that withdrew its thoughts couldn't help being surprised when it saw this,

In a hurry, the red-haired mouse ran to Ling Fan, but saw that Ling Fan's eyes were wide open, and he looked hideous, like a corpse.The red-haired mouse obviously couldn't believe it: "Isn't it? Dead?"

However, looking closely, the red-haired mouse found that Ling Fan's nostrils were still breathing, and his chest was also heaving, obviously the heart hadn't stopped beating.

"Damn it! Boy, what are you doing? Playing dead?" the red-haired mouse stared at Ling Fan in bewilderment.

"Don't make noise, am I watching something?" Ling Fan interrupted the red-haired mouse when he heard this.

The red-haired mouse followed Ling Fan's gaze, and saw the dark hall in front of him, and there was nothing to see.Can't help being curious: "Uh... looking at something? What are you looking at? There's nothing here?"

But what the red-haired mouse didn't know was that what Ling Fan was looking at was not Qingfeng Palace, but his own mind.Before that, Ling Fan felt his brain explode, but after the pain disappeared, Ling Fan didn't realize that his brain was bursting.Instead, my mind seems to have expanded a space for no reason. This space does not seem to belong to memory, but an independent layer of thinking space.In this space, a large amount of text is stored.And next to the text, there is also a token that exudes fiery red light.

At this time, what Ling Fan was looking at was the words in the space.And these words are extremely ancient, if they are placed in the mortal world, almost no one can understand them.Even if it is placed in the realm of comprehension, there are probably not many who can understand it.

However, Ling Fan was an exception.

Since childhood, in addition to learning mortal characters, Ling Fan's master also taught him a font that is different from that used by mortals.Some of these fonts are like pictographs, but some are like totemic characters.However, Ling Fan's master called this type of writing miraculous, which means the handwriting of a god.

For a long time, Ling Fan felt that the miraculous words were of no use to him.Even if you tell outsiders, no one will understand.But now, the words left in Ling Fan's mind are the miraculous words taught by Ling Fan's master.

Fortunately, Ling Fan learned this kind of miracle, otherwise, even if there were some extra words in his mind, Ling Fan would not be able to understand them.

As Ling Fan deciphered these miraculous words one by one, Ling Fan was surprised to find that this is a set of cultivation formulas called Huo Yuan Jue.The beginning of the text is a brief introduction to Huo Yuan Jue, but see the above:

The Fire Element Jue is an ancient supreme divine tome, based on the cultivation of the fire element of the five elements, and combined with the Fire Evolution Token, it can release powerful natural forces.

After the introduction, there will be a big chapter on exercises.According to the length and paragraphs, this Huo Yuan Jue should be divided into several levels.However, what drove Ling Fan almost crazy was that when he first deciphered the first stage of the Huo Yuan Jue, all the words behind it disappeared in an instant.

"Damn it! It's gone, where did it go? Where did it go?" Ling Fan almost lost his mind, but couldn't find the missing words.If these writings were not miracles but mortal writings, Ling Fan could still remember them with his photographic memory and know the general outlines.But these texts had to be deciphered word by word in order to understand, so that Ling Fan couldn't remember any of the following words.

After finally seeing Ling Fan speak again, the red-haired mouse also became frantic and said, "Damn it, what did you see? And what did you miss? If you don't talk about it, I'm in a hurry with you!"

"Huo Yuan Jue, Huo Yuan Jue's exercises are missing!" Ling Fan not only searched in his mind, but even got up and searched around the Qingfeng Palace, thinking that the words had escaped from his mind.After all, since words can break into the mind out of thin air, they may also escape outside.Therefore, while searching, Ling Fan responded to the red-haired mouse.

"Huo Yuan Jue? What Huo Yuan Jue?" The red-haired mouse asked in amazement. After all, what he taught Ling Fan was only the ordinary fire control art, but he didn't teach Ling Fan any other skills?Now, where did the Huo Yuan Jue come from?

As the red-haired mouse was contemplating, suddenly, the red-haired mouse froze and froze. Its eyes stared straight at Ling Fan. Tears seemed to flow from the rolling eyeballs.

"Impossible, this is impossible, how is this possible?" After muttering to himself in a daze, the red-haired mouse suddenly went crazy, and ran straight towards Ling Fan.

When it came to Ling Fan's feet, the red-haired mouse punched and kicked Ling Fan, as if its hands and feet were not enough, and sometimes bit it with its mouth, and said like crazy: "You give me back the stone, it's mine, That'smine……"

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