Alchemy body

Chapter 31

Ling Fan was taken aback by the sudden crazy behavior of the red-haired mouse. Now that the miraculous words are gone, he should be the one who went crazy and anxious. Why did the little mouse go crazy with him?

After calming down, Ling Fan seemed to have remembered that he had frantically absorbed the fire spirit stone before, and now that the red-haired mouse was clamoring for the stone, could it be the fire spirit stone?

He touched his chest, fortunately, there was still a Fire Spirit Stone left in his arms.Therefore, Ling Fan took out the Fire Spirit Stone and handed it to the red-haired mouse, "Hehe! Little guy, don't be angry, just return this stone to you. As for the used ones, I will find some and return them to you later."

However, the red-haired mouse didn't accept the fire stone that Ling Fan handed over, but said to Ling Fan, "It's not this stone, it's the stone that ran into your head."

"The rock that got into my head?" Ling Fan couldn't help being taken aback when he heard that, and then said, "Are you kidding me? The rock got into my head?"

Not to mention that Ling Fan didn't feel the stone in his head, even if the stone wanted to go in, it would go into his stomach, and he had to eat it through his mouth.But when was Ling Fan stupid enough to do such a ridiculous thing as eating rocks?Besides, I've heard of people with water in their brains, but haven't you heard of people with rocks in their brains?

However, just thinking about it like this, Ling Fan subconsciously thought of the fiery red token floating next to the text in the unique space of his mind.In addition, the Huo Yuan Jue said, "...Combined with the Huo Yan Order, you can release powerful natural forces."

"Could it be..."

Thinking of this, Ling Fan also froze at this moment.The substantial fiery red token in his mind should be the stone that the red-haired mouse was pointing at.And the facts also proved that my brain was indeed filled with 'stones'!

"Damn it! Little guy, tell me clearly, what's going on? Since it's your stone, why did it get into my mind for no reason?" Ling Fan wondered instead.

"Isn't it because you wanted to eat me that day, and I accidentally hit you with my stone, and as a result...the stone went into your head." The red-haired mouse was speechless after hearing this.

When Ling Fan heard this, he tried his best to think back, finally touched his head, and said at the same time: "Could it be that stone that broke my head?"

"That's the one." The red-haired mouse nodded.

"But, how did such a big stone get into my head?" Ling Fan couldn't figure it out, even if he smashed his head, the wound was not big, how could his brain not be able to fit such a big stone? ?Besides, with the stone left in his head, how could he feel nothing at all?

Not to mention Ling Fan, even if someone else encountered such a thing, I'm afraid it would be hard to believe it, right?

"This...?" The red-haired mouse was stunned when he heard this, and he didn't know how to explain it.After all, I didn't even think that the stone would run into Ling Fan's head by itself.

At this point, Ling Fan and the red-haired mouse fell silent at the same time.But before there was a moment of silence, the red-haired mouse somehow thought of something, and suddenly became depressed, its eyeballs kept spinning, and tears just flowed out.The mouth also began to sob, and then, the red-haired mouse suddenly raised its head and cried loudly: "Wuuu... It's over, it's over, it's over..."

Ling Fan was confused again by the red-haired mouse's abnormal behavior, and then asked in surprise, "What's the end?"

"It's not a stone at all, but a magic weapon that I picked up when I was wandering in the cultivation world. However, there is a layer of restriction in that magic weapon. Due to my lack of strength, I have not been able to break through it. However, You are an unlucky and miserable idiot, but you took away the magic weapon I got!" The red-haired mouse told Ling Fan the truth with a choked voice.

"Magic treasure? Restriction?" Ling Fan obviously didn't understand, and then he asked in confusion: "Even if you can't break it, how can I break it? Besides, I haven't cracked it at all. Why did I give the magic weapon to you?" Got it in your head?"

"You don't need to crack it, because when I smashed you, I smashed your scalp. Once the magic weapon touches your blood essence, it will automatically recognize the owner. Therefore, you have become the owner of the magic weapon now, and you no longer belong to me!" The red-haired mouse said helplessly.

When Ling Fan heard it, he was speechless.I didn't expect that there would be such bizarre things in this world.After all, it's too lucky to be able to take away a magic weapon with your brain smashed out, right?

"Hehe! Now that magic weapon has entered my mind, should I take it out and return it to you?" Seeing how sad the red-haired mouse was, Ling Fan couldn't help asking curiously.

"Now you are the owner of the magic weapon, what's the use of taking it out? I'm not the owner of the magic weapon, so I can't use it even if I take it." The red-haired mouse said angrily.

"Then what should we do?" Ling Fan spread his hands, helplessly.

"Of course there is a way." The red-haired mouse stared coldly at Ling Fan and said.

"Uh..." But seeing that the red-haired mouse's tone was not right, and its eyes were emitting murderous intent, Ling Fan couldn't help but asked in surprise, "What can I do?"

"The solution have to die. And once you die, the magic weapon will automatically become ownerless, so it can be returned to me again." The red-haired mouse sternly said.

"Damn it! Little guy, what are you kidding? I haven't married Lingfeng's wife yet. How can I die? Even if I marry a wife, I still want to live a few more years. I can consider other methods, but if I Die, no way!" Ling Fan obviously refused.

The red-haired mouse did have a murderous intent, but when recalling the terrifying look in Ling Fan's eyes in the secret room of the underground cave, and the golden light that Ling Fan occasionally released, the red-haired mouse suddenly became afraid again. stand up.Although Ling Fan in front of him was only a mortal, there was a terrifying power in him.This force is not just one, but two.

But no matter what kind of force it is, it makes the red-haired mouse feel scared and weak.It was also because of the doubts about these two forces, and the fact that the magic weapon got into Ling Fan's head, the red-haired mouse decided to follow Ling Fan, hoping that one day he could regain his magic weapon and even solve the secrets of Ling Fan.

But now, the secret has not yet been cracked, but the magic weapon has already recognized its owner.If you want to get it back, you can only kill Ling Fan.But, can he kill Ling Fan by himself?

Killing is not, not killing is not.Under the contradiction, the red-haired mouse finally knelt down on the ground in frustration again, with its hands hanging down on the ground, howling in despair.

"Hehe! Little guy, don't cry all the time! You want a magic weapon, don't you? How about I find some other magic weapons in the cultivation world to compensate you later?" Ling Fan comforted.

"Do you think magic weapons are everywhere in the cultivation world? Do you think magic weapons are so good? Especially the magic weapon on your body, it may be a spiritual weapon, or a higher-level existence than a spiritual weapon-a fairy weapon. Even if you find it You can't find it all over the world of comprehension. You want to pay it back, can you pay it back?" The little red-haired mouse said excitedly.

"Oh my god? Isn't it? Spiritual artifact? Immortal artifact? What kind of concept is that?" Ling Fan had never heard of it, but seeing the red-haired mouse talking so excitedly, he thought to himself that it must be a super powerful existence!

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