Alchemy body

Chapter 32

It took a long time for the red-haired mouse to calm down, but judging from its expression, it was still somewhat unbalanced.But seeing Ling Fan's astonished expression, the red-haired mouse immediately said: "All kinds of objects used by cultivators are collectively referred to as magic weapons. In the world of cultivation, most of the magic weapons used by cultivators are usually magic weapons. Magical artifacts are divided into three grades, the lowest is the low-grade magic weapon. The highest is the top-grade magic weapon. And above the magic weapon is the spiritual weapon. This spiritual weapon also has three grades. Above the high-grade spiritual weapon, there are The best spiritual weapon, and the existence beyond the best spiritual weapon, that is the legendary fairy weapon."

"Uh... What's the difference between a magical weapon and a spiritual weapon or a fairy weapon?" Ling Fan asked curiously. He remembered that Lin Xue and Chu Yingying seemed to have discussed this matter outside the cave, but he didn't understand it at the time, so Didn't bother.It is rare for the red-haired mouse to give pointers now, so how could Ling Fan miss it.

"Dharma implements are the lowest-level implements of the prime minister in the cultivation world. Most master craftsmen can refine them as long as they have the materials. According to the quality of the materials, there are differences in the quality of the masters. However, due to There is a shortage of materials in the realm of cultivation, and there are naturally few magic tools, so it is not easy for a disciple with a poor cultivation level to obtain a magic weapon." The red-haired mouse said.

"Isn't it? What about the spirit weapon?" Ling Fan asked in surprise.

"Spiritual weapon, as the name suggests, is that the magic weapon has spirituality. The source of the spirituality is the weapon spirit in the magic weapon. This weapon spirit, like the soul of the magic weapon, has a certain degree of wisdom. For example, when fighting, the spiritual weapon will automatically Help the owner of the magic weapon to attack, and even rescue the owner as soon as possible when he feels that he is in danger. In this way, the cultivator not only gets a powerful magic weapon, but also seems to have a tacit assistant." rat road.

"Such a miraculous spiritual tool, it must be difficult to refine?" Ling Fan was shocked, but also deeply moved.In the eyes of ordinary people, it is almost impossible for a magic weapon to have spirituality.

"Indeed, if you want to refine a spiritual weapon, you need equipment that is absolutely rare in the cultivation world. Moreover, to refine a spiritual weapon, you need a super-high level of cultivation, and in the huge cultivation world, that kind of super master refining weapon, it seems There are not many of them. Even if there are many super master craftsmen, they will not be able to find so many rare materials to refine." The red-haired mouse nodded.

When Ling Fan heard it, now it seems that if he wants to get a spiritual weapon, it must be so difficult, and even how lucky he is to get one.As for myself, now I accidentally obtained a spiritual weapon, even a higher-level existence than the spiritual weapon, it can only be said that if I survive a catastrophe, there will be future blessings.And this post-blessing, I don't know how many blessings I have cultivated in my life.

"Then what about the fairy artifact?" Ling Fan asked again after swallowing his saliva.

"Immortal artifact, hehe! It is said that an immortal artifact is powerful enough to destroy the entire mortal world and the realm of comprehension. You can think about how terrifying it is!" The red-haired mouse felt that his mouth was about to dry out, so Push it to Ling Fan to imagine.

"My God...! Immortal Artifact is so good?" Ling Fan couldn't describe the shock in his heart at this time. If he got an Immortal Artifact, wouldn't he be invincible?

"Hmph! Boy, now that you have taken away my magic weapon, you have to compensate me with one of the same level, otherwise, I will be in a hurry with you for the rest of my life." The red-haired mouse glared at Ling Fan angrily.

"Ahem! It's easy to say, easy to say, as long as I have it, I will definitely pay for it." Of course, Ling Fan's implication is that if I don't get it, I can't afford it.

"Not only the magic weapon, but also my fire stone. Now you have used up four of them. If you can't afford it one day, you can add one more tomorrow. If you can't pay it back in a year, it will be 360 ​​five pieces, ten years..." The red-haired mouse counted on its fingers.

"Little guy, stop! Did you calculate it like this? Even if you calculate the interest, it's not so harsh, right? That's easier than robbery!" Ling Fan stared at the red-haired mouse speechlessly.

"Don't stare at me, if it weren't for my stone, you would have turned into a mummy by now. And without the impetus of the fire stone, I believe it is impossible for you to realize the existence of the magic weapon so early. It must be because of you After absorbing the spiritual energy of the fire stone, and then activating the spirituality of the magic weapon, you can see the magic formula hidden in the magic weapon! So, do you still dare to say that I am very harsh in calculating interest like this?" Hong Mao

mouse analysis.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp..." Ling Fan stared at the red-haired mouse in astonishment, and then said, "Little brat, what is your origin to settle accounts like this?"

"Want to know my background? Hehe, trade your background for me!" the red-haired mouse looked at Ling Fan slyly and said.

"Forget it, when I didn't ask!"

Ling Fan was really moved, never thought that a little mouse is smarter than a human these days.

At this time, it was already dawn, and although Ling Fan hadn't slept all night, and had tossed with the red-haired mice for most of the night, after practicing, he became more energetic than sleeping.

Not to mention Ling Fan, any cultivator who has stepped into the threshold of the realm of cultivation can basically use little sleep to cultivate and make up for the lost energy.As for the cultivators who have reached the bigu stage, they don't even need to eat. After all, bigu means to avoid whole grains, and the implication is to go on a hunger strike.

And the so-called "eating" by practitioners is the strong aura between heaven and earth.The depletion of a cultivator's physique can be replenished with aura.Of course, if the consumption is too much, the only option is to find the spirit stones with aura condensed.

The so-called spiritual stone is a kind of stone that is bred by spiritual energy in places with strong spiritual energy.Therefore, if you want to have spirit stones, the first condition is that the place must have strong spirit energy.Whereas the spiritual energy is thick, there are usually spiritual veins.That is to say, because of the spiritual veins, the spiritual stones are derived, and the spiritual stones are derived from the spiritual energy.

There are many lands with spiritual veins in the cultivation world, but most of the places with powerful spiritual veins are generally occupied by cultivators. They either build sects in the land of spiritual veins, or use the area around the spiritual veins as mines under the sect. The disciples went to dig and mine to obtain spirit stones.

The general residence of Piao Miao Sect is built on a spiritual vein.Therefore, all the disciples of the Misty Sect can enjoy abundant aura every day, either for cultivation or to make up for consumption.Of course, this is also the fundamental reason why the sect built its residence on the spiritual veins. Only when the spiritual energy is continuously replenished can the disciples of the sect grow steadily, and the sect will last forever and last forever.

And once the resources of the spiritual veins are exhausted, the sect will inevitably move to another place again, and then choose the place of the spiritual veins to build a new residence.

"Someone is coming!" But seeing that it was almost dawn and Ling Fan wanted to go back quickly, the red-haired mouse suddenly jumped into Ling Fan's clothes and reminded him.

"Who is it?" Ling Fan couldn't help being startled when he heard the words, and then asked in a low voice.

"Hahaha! Who else could it be? That old beggar who took you in." The red-haired mouse sneered, then slipped into Ling Fan's arms, ready to curl up and sleep.

Originally, on this new day, Ling Fan was supposed to be full of new hope, but the words of the red-haired mouse hit him like a splash of cold water, and he immediately lost his enthusiasm.

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