Alchemy body

Chapter 64 Confession

Today is the big day for the second-generation disciples of the Piaomiao sect to compete with the new disciples for foundation building, and the entire sect is extremely lively.Almost all the disciples in the eight directions of the Xiuzhen Hall had already waited for orders to go to Tianzi Peak to observe the second-generation disciple competition held once every ten years.

And the three main halls of Refining Equipment Hall, Lingcao Hall and Minerals Hall, thousands of disciples are also marching towards Dizi Peak in mighty way. After three years of hard work, it finally came to the big day of foundation building again.

Ling Fan, who hadn't been out of Houshan for three years, came to Juechenzhai now, and found female disciples everywhere on Duanchangya Mountain.After coming to Bishuidong for so long, it was the first time Ling Fan saw so many people.

As for the other female disciples, it was also the first time for many to see Ling Fan as a junior uncle.Therefore, Ling Fan came to Juechen Zhai almost under the care of countless attention ceremonies.

And there are not many female disciples who can enter Juechen Zhai, almost all of them are second-generation disciples, and the other third-generation disciples can only stand outside Juechen Zhai.

In front of Ling Fan, Li Yu'er had no restraint, she could say whatever she wanted.But now, as a second-generation disciple and the deacon of Bishui Cave, he naturally has his own majesty, and his style obviously cannot be too frivolous.Therefore, Li Yu'er didn't say anything along the way, and after bringing Ling Fan into Juechen Zhai, she went straight into the house.

It can be said that Ling Fan doesn't know any of the female disciples standing in Juechen Zhai.But at this time, their gazes were all fixed on Ling Fan who came forward.

Out of politeness, Ling Fan hesitated for a moment, and still bowed to everyone with a smile: "Hehe! Ling Fan has met all the senior sisters!"

"You're welcome!" All the female disciples responded almost in unison, which stunned Ling Fan for a moment.

After finishing speaking, Ling Fan was at a loss.As for entering the house, without Magu's permission, of course he couldn't.But standing in the small courtyard, but being stared at by countless pairs of eyes, Ling Fan really felt uncomfortable.So much so that at this moment, Ling Fan really wanted to find a hole to get in.

Fortunately, after standing in the small courtyard for a long time, Elder Magu walked out of the house.And following Magu, there were two other women.Standing on the left side behind Magu is Li Yu'er.But when Ling Fan looked at the person on the right side behind Magu, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

After coming to Piao Miao Sect for more than four years, Ling Fan, who has been thinking day and night, looking forward to heaven and earth, has always hoped to see Lin Xue again, finally got his wish today.At this moment, the female disciple standing on Magu's right side was none other than Lin Xue.

Even though four and a half years have passed, Lin Xue is still as beautiful as before, and her appearance has not changed at all.As long as Lin Xue just stood there, all the flowers around her seemed to be a foil.It's a pity that Lin Xue's face is still frosty, her expression is always so indifferent, as if she sees through everything in the world.

"Sister Xue'er, since you are in the same sect as me, and both are disciples of Elder Magu, why haven't you come to see me for several years? Did I do something wrong, or am I really unworthy of your eyes? "Ling Fan stared at Lin Xue with fiery eyes, but Lin Xue's eyes remained indifferent, and he didn't look at Ling Fan at all.Such treatment made Ling Fan very puzzled and shocked.

On the other hand, Li Yu'er, who was beside Lin Xue, stared at Ling Fan angrily.In broad daylight, it was really impolite to stare at Lin Xue so closely.But apart from this, it is unknown whether there are other reasons for Li Yuer's anger.

Magu looked at the sky, and said without saying anything, "Let's go!"

As soon as the voice fell, he disappeared in place in an instant.

But seeing Elder Magu leave first, the second-generation disciples in the courtyard also flew away with their swords.And the disciples outside the courtyard, the disciples who didn't have Feijian, all went away together in twos and threes under the leadership of the disciples at the golden core stage.

Such a scene, like white doves flying, is truly spectacular.

Li Yu'er didn't know if she was angry with Ling Fan, but when Magu left, she also left first.As a result, almost everyone left, but Ling Fan, who stayed where he was, was stunned when he realized it.

"I... how do I get there?" As the only second-generation disciple whose strength has not yet reached the golden core stage, Ling Fan naturally does not have a flying sword to fly.Among the disciples of the other three generations, many of them have already been able to fly with the sword. As an uncle, you can't ask for a burden from the disciples!

Puzzled, Ling Fan stayed in Juechen Zhai speechless. Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Ling Fan didn't want to go.However, it was rare to see Lin Xue again, how could Ling Fan be willing to miss it.

Therefore, I thought to myself that since I couldn't ride the flying sword, I would fly over by myself.It's just that Ling Fan had just gathered his strength when a white shadow in the distance turned back from the clouds.

As soon as he saw the person coming, Ling Fan stopped his luck and froze in place without moving.

"Ling... Junior brother!" The visitor stopped a foot away from Ling Fan and looked at Ling Fan.

The person who came back at this moment was none other than Lin Xue.But Ling Fan didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment, he was both happy and annoyed.Apart from staring straight at Lin Xue, he didn't say or do anything.

The two looked at each other silently, but Lin Xue felt that it was getting late and could not delay any longer, so she turned her head slightly, avoiding Ling Fan's scorching eyes, and said first, "Let's go! I won't be able to catch up with the team in a while. Already!"

But what Ling Fan cares about now is not whether he can catch up with the team, nor is he interested in any competitions. His only thought is to take a good look at Lin Xue, and he also asked urgently: "Sister Xue'er, what are you doing?" ...Have you forgotten me?"

"How can you say that? You are my junior brother now, how could I forget? If I forget, how can I come back to pick you up?" Lin Xue said lightly.

"Since you haven't forgotten, why haven't you come to see me once in four and a half years? Do you know how much I miss you..." Before Ling Fan could finish speaking, Lin Xue coldly interrupted .

"Shut up! Don't say anything useless!"

"No, today, sister Xue'er, even if you don't allow me to say it, I will say it." In a moment of excitement, Ling Fan said without caring whether Lin Xue would get angry.After all, it was hard to see Lin Xue once, and if I missed this time, I don't know when the next time will be.

"There is nothing to say between you and me. If you don't leave now, then I will leave first!" Lin Xue didn't seem to want to hear what Ling Fan had to say. As soon as she finished speaking, she turned around and prepared to leave with Yu Jian .

"Sister Xue'er, I...I like you!" Seeing that Lin Xue was about to leave, Ling Fan was a little panicked. Excited, Ling Fan blurted out.If you don't say it now, I'm afraid it will be difficult to have any chance in the future.

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