Alchemy body

Chapter 65 Stubbornness

When Lin Xue heard this, she couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Seeing that Lin Xue didn't speak, Ling Fan also felt that since he had said everything, there was no need to hold back, and continued: "From the first time I saw you, I fell in love with you deeply. Since then At the beginning, I thought about you almost every day, thinking about when I would see you again. God was kind to me, I didn’t want to come to the cultivation world, but I could meet you again..."

"Shut up!" Lin Xue yelled again and interrupted, and then said: "Junior Brother Ling, you and I are cultivators, and we should avoid distraction the most. So, please put all your thoughts on cultivation and stop thinking about it!"

"Sister Xue'er, you don't need to like me, but you can't stop me from liking you!" Seeing Lin Xue's indifferent response, Ling Fan said excitedly.

"There is no possibility between you and me. So, let it go!" Lin Xue said after a moment of silence.

"Why is it impossible? Is it because my strength is too weak? I'm not good enough for you at all?" Ling Fansha was puzzled.

I don't know if it was to dispel Ling Fan's thoughts, Lin Xue, who turned her back to Ling Fan, turned her head again, stared at Ling Fan coldly and said, "Yes, not only are you not worthy of me, but I have never set eyes on you before. Between you and me, at best, is the relationship between a senior sister and a younger brother. Now I come back to pick you up because of the favor I owe you. If you have misunderstood because of this, I apologize to you, senior sister."

Lin Xue's short words, to Ling Fan, were nothing more than a cold sharp sword piercing into his heart.At this moment, Ling Fan felt blood dripping from his heart, and even tears fell unconsciously.

Looking at Ling Fan's despairing eyes, Lin Xue really couldn't stand it.Therefore, Lin Xue turned around again, and after controlling her emotions, she said just now: "Junior Ling, if you want to go to watch the competition, then go on your way now! If you are late, Magu will definitely blame you. And if you don't Go, I will also report to Magu."

But seeing that Ling Fan didn't respond for a long time, Lin Xue was also a little anxious, so she said: "Since you don't answer, I will take it as your acquiescence."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Xue hesitated for a few seconds, then jumped into the air, stepped on the flying sword, and left without looking back.

Looking at the back of Lin Xue who was gradually going away, Ling Fan felt really uncomfortable.It took several years to look forward to today, but now it seems that it is better not to see.At this time, Ling Fan regretted confessing his confession, if he didn't say it, maybe the relationship with Lin Xue would be the same as before.But now, I'm afraid I don't even have to be friends.


In despair, Ling Fan knelt on the ground with his legs feeling weak.For some reason, the tears just couldn't stop streaming down.

"Damn it! Ling Fan, can you stop being so useless? You're 20 years old and still crying. Do you still look like a man?" The red-haired mouse nestled in Ling Fan's arms. Although he didn't cry, he kept crying, and he was speechless.

"Am I really bad? Am I really useless? Why does Sister Xue'er look down on me?" Ling Fansha asked unwillingly.

"You just know that you are very poor and useless? A mere cultivator in the foundation establishment stage dares to chase after a person in the Nascent Soul stage. The gap is so big. You are really daydreaming and whimsical." Hong Mao mouse way.

"Say something nice, you're going to die? I'm so sad to death, you're still making trouble?" Grievanced, desperate, under the blow, Ling Fan almost couldn't control his tears.

Since childhood, Ling Fan has been living in a happy world, but how did he experience such an experience, that kind of heartache, so painful that he couldn't breathe.

"Am I calling this a downer? It's funny, it's so funny!" The red-haired mouse suddenly laughed, and then said: "I want you to see the reality clearly and stop having unrealistic dreams all day long. Even if she follows you What can you do for her? If you are in trouble, not only can you not help her, but you will become her burden. Let a woman protect you, what kind of man are you? Don't always stand on your own From a different perspective, think about it for others.”

Hearing this, Ling Fan was stunned.It has to be said that the words of the red-haired mouse are thorough, and every word is to the bone.

He thought to himself all the time, that he was just being self-indulgent, but he never thought about Lin Xue.I only have the strength in the foundation building stage, so why should the masters in the Nascent Soul stage look at me?Such a low strength is simply not worthy of it.

Thinking back to asking Lin Xue like that before, Ling Fan really felt ashamed at this moment, and his guts were going to regret it.

Seeing that Ling Fan didn't speak for a long time, the red-haired mouse thought it had irritated Ling Fan.I secretly imagined that a stubborn brain like Ling Fan would be overwhelmed and commit suicide after suffering too many blows?

"Ahem! Ling Fan, to be honest, you are actually pretty good. Although your realm is growing slowly, your cultivation is growing very fast! In just four years, you already have the golden core stage! strength. If you continue at this speed, I believe you will soon catch up to the Nascent Soul Stage." The red-haired mouse comforted.

But, seemingly reassuring, what the red-haired mouse said was indeed the truth.For a cultivator, to be able to cultivate from a mortal to the strength of the golden core stage in four years is definitely a genius.But now, what Ling Fan lacks is a Golden Core Stage Golden Core to prove it.But for someone else, if they have poor aptitude, they may not be able to practice in their entire life from the Foundation Establishment Stage to the Golden Core Stage.

In the past, he was used to fighting with Ling Fan. The red-haired mouse just didn't want to tell Ling Fan. If he told you that if Ling Fan became proud, it might affect his mind and make it difficult to improve in his future cultivation.

But seeing that Ling Fan still didn't speak, the red-haired mouse turned around and said, "Since this place is a sad place, let's leave Piao Miao Sect! The world of cultivation is vast, and there is always room for you. Cultivate hard, and in the future If you look like a human being, you won't be afraid that others will look down on you!"


Ling Fan finally opened his mouth, but he refused as soon as he opened his mouth: "I will not leave, nor hide. I will stay in Misty Sect, and I will let Sister Xue'er see my efforts and progress. I will let Sister Xueer knows that I, Ling Fan, am definitely not a waste."

"Damn it! I've spent a long time talking, but you didn't understand a single word, did you?" The red-haired mouse was speechless after hearing the words.

"Why don't I understand what you mean? But in fact, if I choose to leave now, choose to hide, I will not look like a man. Sister Xue'er looks down on me now because I am not strong enough now, but it does not mean In the future?" Ling Fan explained.

"You...I really meddle in my own business!" The red-haired mouse now felt that Ling Fan must have been kicked out of his head by a donkey when he was a child, talking to such a dead-headed person was a waste of his saliva.As soon as the words fell, the red-haired mouse nestled into a ball, fell into a deep sleep again, and no longer cared about Ling Fan.

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