Alchemy body

Chapter 68 A Woman's Mind Under the Sea Needle

Seeing Li Yuer making fun of him, Ling Fan also felt speechless.Fortunately, it was a joke, otherwise, Ling Fan really didn't know what to do.As for whether what Li Yuer said is true or not, only Li Yuer herself knows best.

In this cruel world of comprehension, being able to rely on a strong backer is indeed the best way out for many female cultivators.Like Lan Caiyun back then, when she first entered Piaomiao Sect, she was favored by Mu Boran. For Lan Caiyun, this should have been a great blessing in this life.But unfortunately, Mu Boran is already Magu's favorite person, even if there are no other secrets, neither Mu Boran nor Lan Caiyun will have good results.

In the realm of comprehension, it is normal for some masters to take in many Taoist companions at the same time, maybe three wives and four concubines.But Mu Boran happened to meet Magu, so it can only be said that Mu Boran's life was not good.

But no matter what, a lowly female cultivator has a very low life, and it is almost impossible for her to be chosen by someone she likes like Lan Caiyun.Sometimes it is common to be taken as a concubine by an ugly man with well-developed limbs.Even, sometimes have to face the harassment of some old guys.

Therefore, when a female cultivator chooses, she most hopes to find someone she likes and who can be loyal to her.If the opponent's cultivation base is stronger, it is definitely the best choice for him.Otherwise, it would be difficult for female cultivators with low strength and no background to get along in the cultivation world.

However, no matter what, a female cultivator would never choose a man of low strength.In their opinion, they would rather be the concubine of a master than protect a man who has no ability.In the face of reality, this love has almost no power to resist.For example, if Mu Boran was so powerful and alone in charge of the world, wouldn't Lan Caiyun have such a tragedy?

But now, instead of making the best choice, Li Yu'er broke the routine and wanted to form a Taoist partner with Ling Fan, whose strength was far behind her own.I have to say that I admire her courage and decision.

If she really becomes a Taoist couple, Li Yuer will not only face the ridicule and contempt of outsiders, but also take care of Ling Fan herself. Once she double cultivates, not only will she not make progress, but she will be held back by Ling Fan.

But fate is such a drama. From the first day Ling Fan came to Bishui Cave, Li Yuer fell in love with Ling Fan deeply from the first time she saw Ling Fan.

In the face of love, sometimes you don't need any reason, just meeting is love.

However, facing this love, Li Yu'er herself was in great pain.It has been many years since she came to Piaomiao Sect, and Li Yu'er, who finally got into the Nascent Soul stage, understands how cruel the cultivation world is.But the one who happened to appear in front of him was a new disciple who had just established his foundation. How could this prevent Li Yuer from having a hard time making a choice?

After knowing each other for more than three years, Li Yu'er has long been deeply involved in Ling Fan and cannot extricate herself.However, due to the constraints of morality and reality, Li Yu'er could only keep her thoughts in her heart, no matter how painful she was, she could only bear it silently.Perhaps, getting to know Ling Fan was a mistake in itself.

Li Yu'er, who had repeatedly warned herself to recognize the reality, had a huge blow in her heart when she encountered what happened to Mu Yun'er.Mu Yun'er, who is of humble status and even lacks any ability, dares to like Ling Fan, even disregarding her own life, just to silently protect the person she likes, how great is this courage?

In addition, it was Lin Xue who caused Li Yuer to express her thoughts earlier.

As soon as she came to Juechen Zhai in the morning, she saw Ling Fan's gaze, staring at Lin Xue from the beginning to the end, Li Yuer already knew that Ling Fan was just like other men, unable to resist Lin Xue's beauty.It has to be said that the anger at that time was because of secret jealousy.

From Li Yuer's point of view, if she didn't catch Ling Fan's heart sooner, maybe if this continued, Ling Fan would not belong to her sooner or later.It's not easy for a man she likes to appear, why doesn't Li Yu'er want to hold on tightly?

And after Lin Xue came back to pick up Ling Fan, Li Yuer actually came after her.In the small courtyard of Juechenzhai, the conversation between Ling Fan and Lin Xue, and Li Yuer, who was hiding in the distance, almost watched every scene.

Originally thought that Ling Fan was attracted by Lin Xue's beauty, but unexpectedly, Ling Fan and Lin Xue seemed to have known each other for a long time, and their relationship was unusual, which surprised Li Yuer greatly.

It's just that what Li Yuer cared about wasn't how they already knew each other, but because Ling Fan was rejected.In this way, it can only show that Li Yuer still has hope.

Therefore, not long after Lin Xue had just left, Li Yuer, who hesitated again and again, just wanted to seize this opportunity, which might be rare in this life, to confess to Ling Fan.

However, what I thought, when I actually faced it, was far different from what I imagined.

Now it ended in ridicule, because Li Yuer couldn't let it go. After all, the cruel reality of the cultivation world made Li Yuer extremely restrained.If Ling Fan really agreed, Li Yuer never thought about what to do next.

After thinking about it calmly, Li Yuer felt very terrified again. Maybe being discovered by the sect, not only would she not be able to stay in the Piaomiao sect, but she would even implicate Ling Fan. A single thought would often have serious consequences.

However, Li Yu'er thought that missing today would be the best result, but she never thought that if she missed today, she would regret it too late.Of course, this is something for later, and I will mention it later.


Ling Fan and Li Yu'er came to the Piaomiao Zongdi Zifeng in silence all the way, which belongs to the Kun direction of the gossip.And it wasn't the first time for Ling Fan to come here. When he saw the vast square, Ling Fan was not at all unfamiliar.

Once upon a time, Ling Fan almost died in this square, how could Ling Fan forget about it?

Today, in the square of Dizi Peak of the Cultivation Hall, like three years ago, ten thousand new disciples have already gathered here.Maybe it was a bit late, the foundation building of ten thousand people has already started.

"Senior Sister Yu, it turns out that this place is called Dizi Peak!" At this time, under the leadership of Li Yuer, Ling Fan came to the big team of Elder Magu.And because it is on the top of the mountain, from here, you can see all the scenes of the square.

"It's not that this place is called Dizi Peak, but the entire area around here is under the jurisdiction of Dizi Peak." Li Yu'er informed.

"Oh!" Ling Fan responded lightly, but then his eyes turned to the square.After a brief glance, his eyes began to focus on the female disciple area of ​​Lingcao Hall.


Today's Ling Fan's strength is not comparable to that of three years ago. Even though they are hundreds of meters away, Ling Fan can still clearly see every female disciple in the Lingcao Hall.However, after seeing all the female disciples, Ling Fan felt surprised.

"Junior Brother Ling, why are you so lecherous? Why don't you look, but stare at those female disciples!" Li Yu'er couldn't help being a little annoyed when she saw Ling Fan scanning the female disciples' area with straight eyes.

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