Alchemy body

Chapter 69

Ling Fan was speechless immediately after hearing the words.Feeling Li Yuer misunderstood that she was staring at the female disciples, but in fact, Ling Fan was among the ranks of new female disciples in the Lingcao Hall, looking for disciples of the Yuqing Sect.

I remember that three and a half years ago, when the foundation was being established, only Qinger was one of the disciples of the Yuqing sect, that is to say, there were three other disciples who did not come.But now Ling Fan checked several times, but he still didn't see any female disciples from the Yuqing Sect.

"What's going on? Where did they go? They didn't come to build the foundation three years ago, and they haven't come after three years. Don't they want to cultivate?" Ling Fan wondered to himself.

But thinking about it again, Ling Fan thought it was impossible, since the youngest Qing'er had gone to participate in the foundation establishment, it was impossible for the other three not to go.

"Senior Sister Yu, I want to ask you a few people!" Ling Fan looked at Li Yu'er seriously and said.

"Oh? Who?" Seeing this, Li Yu'er stopped joking.

"You also know that I am a disciple of the Mortal Yuqing Sect, and there were four junior sisters who came to the Piaomiao Sect with me at that time. However, when I established the foundation three years ago, I only saw one junior sister, and the other three None of them came to participate, at that time I thought they were delayed by something. However, I still didn't see the three of them during the foundation building," Ling Fan said slowly.

"So you want me to help you see your junior sisters, right?" Li Yu'er thought for a while, and then said.

"Hehe! I don't want to look at it, I just want to know if they are doing well now!" Ling Fan smiled lightly.

"No problem, after this competition is over, I'll help you inquire about it." Li Yuer said with a look of wrapping around me.

"Hey! Then there will be Senior Sister Lao Yu!" Ling Fan cupped his hands and bowed.

Less than an hour after observing the new disciple's foundation building, the crowd began to fly towards another mountain peak.For the disciples of the Piaomiao Sect, the competition is obviously much more attractive than the new disciples who established the foundation.

The venue of the competition is on a nearby mountain.When Li Yuer brought Ling Fan to the meeting place, Ling Fan couldn't help being taken aback when he saw the appearance of the meeting place.

From the outside, this venue looks like a pit sunken on top of a mountain.The 'pit' is in the shape of a round trapezoid, and the bottom is a circular square. From the bottom to the top of the mountain, there are horizontal rows of seats, which looks like a bird's nest.Under the round platform, there is a high platform protruding forward in the east, west, north and south positions.The high platform is about ten meters high, and there are many seats on it.

Seeing that these chairs are full of childlike and white-haired, dignified old guys, one doesn't need to guess that these places must be the places where the high-ranking officials of the Piaomiao sect sit.

In fact, the high platforms in these four directions are not as simple as sitting elders.Among them, there is also an elder referee in each direction.In addition to treating the arena strictly and impartially, these referee elders also have the responsibility of protecting the field.

For example, most of the competitions are done to the end, and there are very few deaths.But sometimes the sword has no eyes, and in addition to the competition, some disciples can't control their emotions and often miss.It is not uncommon for some disciples who have cultivated above the Nascent Soul Stage to explode their Nascent Soul due to stimulation during the competition.Therefore, those referee elders will appear at the first time to block the game.

In addition, when cultivators fight, those with low strength will not cause any damage.But once the strength is high, the magic weapon and the explosive power of fighting are almost impossible to estimate.If the remaining power spreads to the surroundings, if it is not stopped in time, it will bring disaster to the fish in the pond.At that time, the disciples watching around will definitely be hurt.Especially the self-explosion of the Nascent Soul, the power cannot be limited, and a master must come to protect the field, otherwise the loss will be serious.

Now the entire round platform is filled with disciples of Piao Miao Sect.Rough calculations, this spectacular scene of a sea of ​​people must have at least tens of thousands of people!

"Senior Sister Yu, this... the venue of the competition, wouldn't it be a mine before?" Ling Fan asked curiously.

"Hehe! When did Junior Brother Ling become so smart that he guessed that this place used to be a spiritual mine?" Li Yuer laughed.

"Ahem! I didn't guess, but when I was cleaning the third hall, I saw the Mineral Hall. And this place is very similar to the Mineral Hall, so I deduced it!" Ling Fan said speechlessly.

"Most of the sects of comprehension look for places with spiritual veins to build mountain gates, and our Piaomiao sect is no exception. It is built on the spiritual veins. Since the location of the spiritual veins cannot be determined, when the mountain gate was established back then, several places were excavated! In order to maintain the natural beauty, many excavated places have been filled in. And this mountain is obviously better in geology, so the sect has preserved it and set up a competition venue for the disciples to exchange ideas and exchange ideas." Li Yuer introduced road.

"Oh!" Ling Fan heard the words, but he thought of the passage under the clear water cave, which seemed to be left over from the excavation of the spiritual mine.

As for why it was not filled, maybe it has something to do with the smuggling of spirit stones by Elder Wu.

"What else are you thinking about? Let's go, I'll find you a place!" Seeing that Ling Fan seemed to be thinking about something, Li Yuer immediately reminded her.

"Uh... Is there still room to sit?" Ling Fan opened his eyes and looked, as if all the places where he could sit were filled by the disciples of Misty Sect.

"Of course there is! You are a second-generation disciple of the same generation as me! Only the third-generation disciples don't have a seat. I haven't heard that the elders have no place to sit." Li Yuer said.

After speaking, he carried Ling Fan to the bottom of the pit.

"Is there... is there still a seat in this front row?" Ling Fan saw that he was getting closer to the competition field. It stands to reason that such a popular place should have been fully occupied by people, but now it's a bit late again. Where is there room to speak of?

"Don't worry! Even if I can't find a good seat for you, Senior Sister, we still have seats in the first department of Bishui Cave, and they are all close to the competition venue." Li Yuer said.

However, when they came to the seat that Li Yuer had found for Ling Fan, Ling Fan did not expect that he would be sitting in the first row.And the first row is less than two feet away from the competition field.

"Uncle Li, Uncle Ling!"

Seeing Ling Fan and Li Yuer approaching, a female disciple bowed respectfully.After speaking, he stood up from where he was originally sitting, as if he was going to give up to Ling Fan.

"En! Thank you for taking your seat!" Li Yuer nodded.

"You're welcome, this is what a disciple should do!" The female disciple responded politely.After speaking, he walked towards the back row.

Looking at the female disciple's back, Ling Fan was really speechless.He said to find a place for himself, but Li Yuer had already arranged a place for himself long ago.But looking at this extremely conspicuous position, Ling Fan looked at Li Yu'er with some trepidation, and said in a low voice:

"Senior Sister Yu, isn't my position a little too far ahead?"

"Junior Brother Ling, if you say that, can I think that you are acting like a good boy because you are taking advantage of it? How many disciples want to sit here and have no chance, but you are good, and you still despise this place!" Li Yu'er gave Ling Fan a white look.

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