Alchemy body

Chapter 87 Skeletons

When the red-haired mouse arrived in the canyon, Lin Xue had already left.The environment of this place is indeed beautiful, but for a species of flying humans like red-haired mice, they don't know how to appreciate it at all.The point is that right now, the red-haired mouse is not in the mood to enjoy the scenery.

After resting for a long time, the red-haired mouse climbed straight to Ling Fan's tomb.After walking around the tomb, the red-haired mouse got up to investigate the inside of the tomb.

Inside this tomb, what was buried was indeed Ling Fan's body.But no matter how hard the red-haired mice searched, they couldn't find Ling Fan's breath of life.In other words, Ling Fan was indeed dead.But after searching the entire tomb, the red-haired mouse did not find the magic weapon that got into Ling Fan's head.

"People are dead, where is my magic weapon?" This is the fundamental reason why the red-haired mouse has been puzzled and chased here.

When he was restless, the red-haired mouse wanted to dig Ling Fan's tomb even more.It's just that he and Ling Fan have been friends for at least a few years, so it's hard to avoid digging up dead people's graves.

Now the red-haired mouse is also quite puzzled, and has chased after it, but still hasn't found the magic weapon.And looking around, the world of cultivation is vast, what should I do in the future?

Thinking about it carefully, the red-haired mice blamed Ling Fan for all their bad luck.If I hadn't met Ling Fan at the beginning, I wouldn't have lost such a good place to practice. You must know the Flint Mine, but I searched for it for a long time and found it with great difficulty.

Fortunately, there is no spirit stone, no place to practice, this is called a red-haired mouse, a young fire dragon, how should it live?

Even with the three-day journey, the red-haired mouse felt a little tired, but seeing that it was safe here, he decided to stay here temporarily.Finding a small safe hole, the red-haired mouse got into it to sleep and rest.

The baby dragon in its infancy, like in the past, once fell into a deep sleep, it seemed to be dead, and people could not detect the breath, and even curled up, making people feel like an ordinary stone.

Of course, this is also the only way for the young red-haired mouse to survive.If the breath was exposed at will, I am afraid that it would have been discovered and robbed by others, so why can it stay until now.

The red-haired mouse, who had been sleeping for an unknown amount of time, suddenly moved its ears, and then opened its two big eyes.At this time, both ears also stood up, and the direction they were facing was Ling Fan's tomb outside the cave.

"Huh? This...?"

After investigating, the red-haired mouse found something abnormal in Ling Fan's tomb.Looking inside, it's better not to look at it. After looking at it, the red-haired mouse was almost not startled.

All the anomalies inside the tomb came from all of Ling Fan's bones.At this time, all the bones exude a layer of faint copper-colored light from time to time.The light sometimes shrinks and restrains, and sometimes spreads out.

After repeated several times, when the light no longer shrinks, all the light starts to link up with each other.After linking, all the bones began to swim automatically, as if they were looking for their own position.At the same time, the entire tomb began to move and crack due to the surge inside.

Just after all the bones were connected to the correct position, a complete skeleton lay flat in the tomb.

"This, this... this?" The red-haired mouse stared at this weird and bizarre scene with its two round eyes widened in disbelief.Moreover, what shocked the red-haired mouse even more was that at the moment the skeleton took shape, Ling Fan's aura also emanated from the tomb.

With breath, Ling Fan is still alive.But alive, then how could it be a skeleton without a body?It's so bizarre, it's hard to explain.

"Cough cough..."

In the tomb, when the bone light on the skeleton disappeared, the skeleton seemed to wake up.With a really hoarse cough, his whole body struggled, as if he was very uncomfortable with the feeling of being buried in the soil.


Hearing a crisp sound, a withered bone hand stretched out from the tomb. At the same time, the other arm also supported the ground with force. Both hands exerted force at the same time. The next moment, the entire skeleton slowly emerged from the tomb. climbed out.

"Oh my god! Corpse transformation, oh, no, it's bone transformation..." the red-haired mouse looked at this scene in astonishment and said.

The skeleton that crawled out also began to look at its own hands, feet and body at this time, and even raised its hand to touch it.The bones made a soft crisp sound under the collision of the bones.

"Alas!" The skeleton shook its head, and sighed helplessly.

At this time, the skeleton began to check the surroundings.But seeing the beautiful scenery here, the only downside is that the aura here is very thin.

When his eyes finally fell on the tomb and saw the words "Ling Fan's Tomb" written on the tombstone, the skull shook his head again, and then he said with a hoarse smile: "Hehe! If you want me to die, then am I dead? "

Just as the skeleton was in a daze, there was a shout behind him.

"Ling... Ling Fan?"

The sudden sound suddenly startled the skeleton.Turning around quickly, he found that the source of the sound was in a small hole in front of him.After careful identification, the voice was somewhat familiar. Surprised, the skeleton tentatively said, "Little guy, is that you?"

"Dong dong!"

But seeing a stone rolled out of the small hole, the red-haired mouse ran out of the hole, staring at the skeleton in front of him in surprise and said: "My God, Ling Fan, you... you... Damn... actually alive?"

"Unexpectedly? Hmph! It's not that simple to want me to die unless you crush me to ashes." The skeleton said angrily.Today's skeleton is indeed Ling Fan.After practicing the Boundless Golden Bone Art, apart from frustrating his bones and ashes, he really couldn't kill Ling Fan.Even if there is only a bone left, Ling Fan can be resurrected.But there is only one piece left, and the resurrection time is longer than that of all the bones.

"It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable, it's simply amazing. You can be resurrected like this!" After confirming that the skeleton in front of him was indeed Ling Fan, the red-haired mouse no longer felt frightened. When it ran to the skeleton, it raised its hand. Touch the bones of the skeleton.

"Damn it! Don't touch it!" Ling Fan dodged to avoid it.

"Hey, why is your bone different from the others?" The red-haired mouse inspected Ling Fan's skeleton body and found that the front bone of Ling Fan's right index finger was obviously golden in color, while the rest His bones were all the color of gray copper.

Hearing this, Ling Fan quickly raised his left hand and wrapped his right index finger around it.But now that there is no physical body and skeletal arms, it can't hide that very special small bone at all.

In desperation, Ling Fan had no choice but to quickly change the subject: "Little guy, you are kind enough to bury me in such a beautiful place, but where is this?"

"I don't know where this is, and I'm not the one to bury you!" The red-haired mouse touched Ling Fan's right index finger, naturally it wouldn't be interrupted by Ling Fan's topic.Now the red-haired mouse was thinking to himself, maybe it was because of that golden bone that Ling Fan was able to unleash such a powerful force that day.

"I also think it can't be you, just with those four words, you can't write so beautifully!" Ling Fan pointed to the tombstone.But then he wondered, "If it's not you, then who is it?"

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