Alchemy body

Chapter 88 Fierce Beast

The red-haired mouse heard the words and didn't know whether to tell Ling Fan or not.After all, now that he has just been resurrected, mentioning Piaomiaozong will inevitably irritate Ling Fan.However, after a little hesitation, he finally told Ling Fan: "Your fairy sister!"


When Ling Fan heard it, he couldn't see any expression because he had no flesh.The red-haired mouse could guess from the faint response at this moment, that Ling Fan's heart must be very complicated.

In fact, in Ling Fan's heart right now, he really hates Piao Miao Sect.After this catastrophe, Ling Fan's state of mind also underwent a huge change.The heart of life is a little less enthusiastic, but a little more indifferent.Desperation and rebirth filled Ling Fan with resentment. Invisibly, a faint evil energy filled Ling Fan's body.

Perhaps the skeleton without skin and flesh itself gives people a strange feeling that it is not a human being, and a ghost is not a ghost.But after going through this catastrophe, Ling Fan always believed that the cultivation world was not a cruel world, and because of this, his naivety was shattered.And the persistent state of innocence is probably due to the teachings of Ling Fan's master Kongchen in the mortal world.

Master Kong Chen, although he claims not to be a monk, is not a Buddhist.However, the way of educating Ling Fan is to instill Buddhist ideas from an early age.Do not kill, do not do evil, have kind thoughts and compassion.Ling Fan, who grew up instilled with such ideas, naturally expressed kind hope towards the real society.

Although he has just started on the road of cultivation, he has indeed encountered many things that go against his ideals.But Ling Fan gave this realistic opportunity again and again, after all, if you meet bad people, you will naturally meet good people.For example, old man Mo in the Misty Sect, Elder Magu in Bishui Cave, Li Yu'er, and the fairy sister Lin Xue who I have always missed.All in all, there are still many good people in the world.

It's a pity that this world is not up to Ling Fan's discretion, and even if he is a good person, he may not have a long life.Especially this time, Ling Fan felt as if it had just happened until now.In times of desperation, no one in this world comes to save oneself.Even if he is slandered and wronged, God doesn't have eyes.If it wasn't because he had the ability to be reborn, otherwise, wouldn't he have died innocently?

"...Piaomiao sect, if I, Ling Fan, are lucky enough to be alive, one day I will burn your entire sect to the ground." These words are now deeply engraved in Ling Fan's mind.That was the heartfelt voice of complete despair towards the Piao Miao Sect, and just as Master Kongchen said, if people do not offend me, I will not offend them, and if people offend me, they will definitely be punished.

Therefore, Ling Fan has already begun to hide his love for Lin Xue, maybe when we meet again, he and Lin Xue will be enemies.

It's no wonder Ling Fan, it can only be said that good luck tricks people.

But seeing that Ling Fan didn't say anything for a long time, and Ling Fan's body was exuding a chilling evil spirit from time to time, the red-haired mouse couldn't help asking in surprise, "Ling Fan, you... Are you OK?"

"I'm fine." Ling Fan replied lightly.

"Oh! As long as it's fine!" The red-haired mouse glanced at Ling Fan suspiciously, then turned to ask, "Then what are your plans now?"

"I don't know!" Ling Fan said, looking at the sky with a hollow skull head.

The world of cultivation is vast, and after leaving Piao Miao Sect, Ling Fan really didn't know what to do.Besides, Ling Fan hadn't figured out the topography of Piaomiao Sect even after staying in Piaomiao Sect for several years, let alone the distribution of the entire cultivation world.

The red-haired mice didn't have any ideas, so one person and one mouse suddenly fell silent.

"Let's go! Now that we've left the Piaomiao Sect, let's all take a look around!" Ling Fan finally decided after being silent for a long time.

"Let's take a look? Ling Fan, you don't practice anymore? Also, just go out like this?" The red-haired mouse couldn't help but be taken aback.

"Without spirit stones, how can I cultivate? What's wrong with me going out like this? At least no one will recognize me!" Ling Fan glanced at his skeleton body and said.

"Damn it! If you go out like this, you won't be blamed for being a monster on the spot. No one will recognize you with your skeleton appearance, but you will definitely become the focus of practitioners' eyes." The red-haired mouse said speechlessly.

"You think I don't want to regain my appearance, and wander around with my skeleton on top of me? I'm really powerless now, and I can't find any spiritual power to restore my physical body." Ling Fan responded helplessly.

Ling Fan wasn't lying, the restoration of his physical body did require a huge amount of spiritual energy.In a sense, the energy required for this recovery is almost the same as the amount required for a Nascent Soul cultivator to recover after losing his physical body.

But what level is the Nascent Soul stage, what level is Ling Fan now, and the difference between the two, we can know how much energy Ling Fan needs to recover his physical body.


Now that Lin Xue has brought him out of the Piaomiao Sect, Ling Fan has no intention of turning back.And the day when he really wants to look back is definitely the time when Ling Fan wants to conquer the Piaomiao sect.

The Piaomiao Sect is located in the northeast of the righteous path of the cultivation world, and now Ling Fan and the red-haired mouse are heading all the way to the Central Plains.

It's just that this is beyond the scope of the sect's protection, and the cultivation world is really a terrifying world.Ling Fan and the red-haired mouse had just left the canyon not far away, and many wild beasts had already emerged from the mountains one after another.

Perhaps the wild beasts did not pose any threat to Ling Fan.However, the beasts that grew up in the realm of comprehension, nourished by spiritual energy, some beasts also became extremely powerful.Not only is his stature doubled, but his strength is also several times stronger.

A wild boar encountered on the way, its huge and fat body was as big as three or four mortals.In the eyes of mortals, the cultivation world is like a fairy world.This pig located in the fairy world is naturally one level higher than the pigs in the mortal world.

Ling Fan, who had a golden core stage cultivation, naturally wouldn't be afraid of these stronger beasts.However, if a certain beast already has the talent of beast cultivation, with the nourishment of spiritual energy, the beast will also be promoted to a fierce beast.And once the fierce beasts have opened up their spiritual intelligence, and then undergo the baptism of the triple catastrophe, then they will be promoted to the level of spirit beasts.

But it was this ferocious beast between wild beasts and spirit beasts that made people feel terrible.Because they are ignorant, they are not afraid of death, and they don't know what death is.

Therefore, this period is the most overbearing period for fierce beasts.However, it is also the time when it is most likely to die.Because they are too arrogant and domineering, if they encounter someone weaker than themselves, they can kill them wantonly.But if you encounter a powerful beast, or offend a powerful cultivator, once you offend the other party, you will definitely seek your own death.

Now that Ling Fan had learned this information from the red-haired mouse, he only hoped that he would not encounter any ferocious beasts along the way.Otherwise, if he was just lucky enough to be resurrected and was about to die under the beasts, then his own life would really be tragic enough!

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