Alchemy body

Chapter 89

But in real life, basically the more you don't want things to happen, the more they will happen.Now Ling Fan and the red-haired mouse didn't want to encounter a ferocious beast, but it happened that a ferocious beast was already approaching Ling Fan and the red-haired mouse from far and near.

"Damn it! Ling Fan, I'll follow you, and I will encounter any unlucky things. In the northwest direction, a ferocious beast has spotted our whereabouts and is now chasing us." The red-haired mouse is naturally more sensitive than Ling Van Gogh, especially, was more accurate in predicting danger. Therefore, even if the beast was not approaching, the red-haired mouse could smell it from afar.

"Damn it! Didn't you say that if you survive a catastrophe, you will have a future? Now that the catastrophe has just passed, why did you encounter this unlucky thing again!" Ling Fan wondered to himself.

However, Ling Fan glanced at his body, and then he was surprised: "Little guy, I don't have any skin and flesh now, so the beast will have thoughts about me?"

"It may not have thoughts about you, but what about me?" the red-haired mouse said speechlessly.

"Hahaha! So it wasn't aimed at me!" Ling Fan couldn't help laughing out loud.

"You schadenfreude, if I die, I will be killed by you. If I don't survive, I will take you to be buried with me!" The red-haired mouse said angrily when he saw Ling Fan laughing.

"Hehe! I look like this now, how do you want me to die?" Ling Fan laughed.

"You..." Hearing this, the red-haired mouse was really speechless towards Ling Fan. Now that the beast was chasing after him, the red-haired mouse didn't bother to talk nonsense with Ling Fan, so it ran away.And he murmured in his mouth: "Now the fierce beast that comes here is a big wild dog. Compared with a cultivator, it is in the golden core stage. Species like wild dogs like to chew bones the most! I just don't know yours!" Are the bones hard enough!"

"Damn it! Why didn't you say it earlier?" When Ling Fan heard this, he couldn't help being startled, and quickly followed the red-haired mouse.

This Ling Fan and the red-haired mouse ran wildly, but the big wild dog stopped after chasing them to the canyon.After sniffing with his nose, as if he saw something terrible, he turned around and walked away.

If you observe carefully, you can find that this big wild dog is a one-eyed dog.Moreover, this big wild dog is exactly the one that Mu Yun'er met when she left Piao Miao Sect.

It is said that the dog's memory is not bad, and it is a ferocious wild dog with spirituality. Since it was almost slaughtered by Lin Xue that year, this big wild dog has remembered Lin Xue's breath vividly, as long as there is Lin Xue's breath Where it exists, the big wild dog will definitely avoid it far away.And in this canyon, the tomb where Ling Fan was buried and the tombstone all contained Lin Xue's aura, so that the big wild dog thought that Lin Xue might be nearby.

Taking advantage of not being discovered by Lin Xue, the big wild dog evacuated in a hurry. If it stayed nearby and was discovered, it would definitely be life-threatening.

In addition, the big wild dog itself was very puzzled by the breath of Ling Fan and the red-haired mouse.Big Wild Dog will carefully consider the goals that are not very sure, maybe it is because of Lin Xue's loss last time, and now it has a long memory.

Judging from these signs, this big wild dog seems to have possessed the characteristics of transitioning from a ferocious beast to a spirit beast.In other words, if the big wild dog is given a good environment, it can definitely cultivate to the level of a spirit beast.

It's a pity that this is not the northern demon ghost domain, but the domain of the orthodox cultivation world. Most of the good places are occupied by sects and sects, leaving the territory for big wild dogs, that is, some barren mountains and wild places. At the spirit beast level, without enough resources, it is almost impossible.

When the big wild dog left, the red-haired mouse also found out.It's just that in this remote mountain area, the big wild dog is not only a ferocious beast. In fact, every time he passes through a forest area, a ferocious beast takes over the mountain as king.No matter where you go right now, there is no so-called safety.

On the way, Ling Fan could easily kill the weak beasts he encountered.As for the stronger ones, Ling Fan had to exert more than half of his strength, and the remaining strength would be used for the next battle.

If this continued, Ling Fan would definitely die of exhaustion.After all, if you have been purely consuming without making up for it, no matter how much you cultivate, it will be exhausted.

"Ling Fan, we can't go on like this. We have to go to a place where there are people." The red-haired mouse also used up a lot when fighting for Ling Fan. Now it feels that if it continues to consume, it and Ling Fan will die here. Among the barren mountains.

How could Ling Fan not know the current situation, but the key is whether he can persevere to a place where there are people.The reason why he can persevere until now is entirely because apart from Ling Fan's ability to absorb aura, the absolute part comes from the fire element between heaven and earth.After all, in this barren mountain and wild forest, there is not enough spiritual energy. Just absorbing spiritual energy can't make up for one's own consumption.

And the place with abundant aura was naturally occupied by certain sects and sects, so how could it be wasted in the realm of comprehension?

And the experience of these days also made Ling Fan deeply understand that as a cultivator without strength, it is really difficult to move an inch in the realm of cultivation.It is definitely an enviable thing to be able to enter some sects and sects to practice.Not to mention that staying in the sect is protected by the mountain gate from the attacks of wild beasts, at least in the sect, you can enjoy abundant aura resources for free.

In fact, the difficulties Ling Fan encounters now are only superficial.

In the world of comprehension, cultivators who failed to enter the sect, or were abandoned by the sect, are called loose cultivators or wild cultivators in the comprehension world.Not only do casual cultivators have no fixed residence, but they also lack spiritual stones, and they even lack cultivation skills.Compared with the disciples of Zhimen Sect, Sanxiu is like a wandering beggar. Every day is like ants stealing life, and there is no tomorrow in today's life.

Ling Fan, who completely broke with the Piao Miao Sect, is now reduced to a casual cultivator in the cultivation world.However, compared to other casual cultivators, Ling Fan is considered lucky.Although it is obvious that he also lacks spirit stones, Ling Fan has at least once stayed in the Damen sect, and he also possesses a magic weapon and a set of spirit fire formulas.

Like other casual cultivators, they often fight for a certain exercise.These experiences will be shown one by one in the follow-up, so I won't mention them for now.

Having said that, Ling Fan, who had spent many days hanging out in the wilderness, finally found that he was approaching places with many people.But here comes the problem again, now that Ling Fan is wearing a skeleton body, this person is neither human nor ghost, it's okay if there are no people in the wilderness, but now when he goes to places with many people, it's hard for Ling Fan to be regarded as a different kind of person. Disaster.

It's not that Ling Fan doesn't want to restore his physical body through cultivation, but it's just that he doesn't have the opportunity to cultivate during this journey, and he has been consuming a lot of energy all the time.Therefore, today's Ling Fan, apart from being covered in fluffy animal fur, has no ability to restore his physical body at all.

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