Alchemy body

Chapter 90 Harsh reward task

Hujiang Town is a fringe town located in the middle of Zhengdao Cultivation Realm.The origin of the name of this town is also because there is a big river in this town, named Hujiang.

The Hujiang River is very wide, and the scenery on both sides of the river is also very beautiful.I don't know where the source comes from, but some people say it comes from the Tianshan Mountains, but the end flows to the East China Sea.

The Hujiang River is famous not for its scenery or grandeur, but for the rich iron ore mines under the wide Hujiang River.And this kind of iron ore is most suitable for forging flying swords.

Therefore, many sects of self-cultivation sent their disciples to live here to mine, and many casual cultivators also came here, hoping to mine some iron ore and sell it in exchange for spirit stones or other needs. Hujiang Town.

At first, Hujiang Town was quite lively, but as the ironstone mines were emptied one after another, many sects had already evacuated, and Hujiang Town became quieter.The cultivators who are staying in Hujiang Town can only search everywhere in Hujiang. If you are lucky, you can dig some. If you are not lucky, you may not be able to meet them after ten years.

At this time, a new face slowly came to Hujiang Town.To say it was a new face, it would be better to say that a strange person came.

I saw that the other party's whole body was covered with animal fur, he looked like a hairy man.Although there are all kinds of cultivators, and it is not uncommon to see cultivators dressed in weird clothes, but this image of a 'hairy man' is really rare.However, most of the passers-by who were curious just took a look or two more, and then went about their own affairs.

And such a strange character was none other than Ling Fan.Dressing up like this is also due to helplessness, who said that he has no energy to restore his physical body!Besides, it's better to dress up like this than to come out with a skeleton on top.If others saw a skeleton walking in the town, it would be no wonder that Ling Fan hadn't been paid attention to.

At first Ling Fan was a little afraid to come out, worried that others would find out.But now, Ling Fan obviously thinks a little too much. Others only look at him a few more times, and then stop looking at him. In their eyes, his current appearance is just a nameless wild cultivator. !

In addition, as a cultivator, he will not easily check the strength of others.After all, if a weak cultivator investigates rashly, if his strength is higher than his own, this investigation will inevitably lead to death.Now that Ling Fan's clothes are so weird, and his temper may be extremely weird, if he gets annoyed, he might lose his life.

Therefore, in order to save their lives, almost all cultivators live in a low-key manner and do not make jokes about their own lives.

The cultivators who came to Hujiang Town, whether they were disciples of sects or sects, or casual cultivators, almost all went straight to the iron ore mines under the Hujiang River.However, almost, there are exceptions, such as Ling Fan.

Now Ling Fan came to Hujiang Town, not for anything else, just to get a set of clothes to wear in this town.And in Hujiang Town, there are indeed what should be there, but the key point is that Ling Fan doesn't have the currency in circulation in the cultivation world - Lingshi.

Seeing passing by a small clothing store, the cheapest set of clothing was worth five low-grade spirit stones. Ling Fan, who didn't have any money on him, could only stand outside the store and watch helplessly.


I only heard three loud gongs and drums, and then there was a voice shouting from the small square in the center of the town: "Come, come, come, pass by, don't miss it!"

When Ling Fan heard the sound, he thought it was a show at first.After all, in the mortal world, I have often slipped out of the Wolong Mountains and visited nearby cities.But all such yelling is usually a way for entertainers to win over the common people.

However, the effect of the yelling now is extraordinary, even making Ling Fan feel a little unbelievable.As soon as the man's voice fell, the town that was originally somewhat dead and silent suddenly became lively.

The pedestrians who were wandering on the road, heard the sound, as if they had been hit with stimulants, they suddenly became active, turned their heads and ran towards the small square.In the corner of the roadside, there were some people sitting or lying down with their heads down, but now when they heard the sound, they immediately got up and went straight to the square.

Besides, there were some inns in the town. After hearing the sound, people rushed out one after another. Some people even jumped out from the windows on the second floor of the inn in order to be quicker.

In just a short while, hundreds of people gathered in the small square in the center of the town.

"Damn it! What is this for?" Seeing everyone scrambling towards the square, the surprised Ling Fan couldn't help wondering.Based on this scene alone, Ling Fan thought that it was absolutely impossible to be a showman.

Out of curiosity, Ling Fan also walked towards the square.It's just that when Ling Fan arrived at the square, he could no longer see the front.Ling Fan, who was standing at the end, could only hear someone shouting in front of him: "Heroes from all walks of life, our Iron Sand Sect is now offering rewards for missions. As long as you can find a catty of iron ore, you can exchange it for a low-grade spirit stone." .The more you find, the spirit stones will naturally double in size!"

As soon as the voice fell, the scene suddenly became noisy, and many people immediately expressed their dissatisfaction.

"Cut! A catty of iron ore is only exchanged for a low-grade spirit stone. Your Iron Sand Sect is too stingy, isn't it?"

"That's right! The weight of a catty of iron ore is enough to refine two or three flying swords, and the selling price will be more than a hundred spirit stones."

"I thought it was a good reward task to issue, but it turned out to be a stingy mess, so I don't care if I don't accept it!"

"Do you think ironstone mines are everywhere, so easy to find? Besides, the Hujiang River is so dangerous. If you lose your life for such a small reward, you will be a fool."

"That's right, if I find a catty of iron ore, I can exchange it elsewhere, and the price will not be higher than yours!"


As the discussion continued, some people left the venue one after another.

This person gradually became rare. Ling Fan, who was originally standing at the end of the square, could finally see clearly the appearance of the person who announced the reward task.

But seeing the middle-aged appearance of the other party, wearing a set of dark leather armor, his figure is slightly fat, and he looks a little bloated.He holds a drum in his left hand and a stick in his right.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer onlookers now, but his expression does not show the slightest anxiety, and he is still calm. It seems that he has already expected the current result.

The task issued by the Iron Sand faction is indeed very harsh, but it does not mean that no one will take up this harsh task.Now the remaining people standing on the square who did not leave seemed to be a little hesitant, but in their hearts, most of them had already accepted the task with such harsh conditions.Otherwise, he would have dispersed with other people long ago, so why stay here?

It's not that Ling Fan didn't hear the comments from the onlookers, but to Ling Fan, no matter whether it's harsh or not, it's worth it or not, this is the only way he can earn Lingshi.As long as he can find ten catties of iron ore, then according to the reward offered by the Iron Sand Sect, he can exchange for ten spirit stones, so that he can buy himself a set of clothes to wear!

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