Alchemy body

Chapter 92 The Water Ghost

Hearing what the red-haired mouse said, Ling Fan also felt that it was not unreasonable.This Hujiang Town obviously has some history. The cultivators who have lived in this Hujiang Town for a long time naturally have experience and know where there are iron ore mines in Hujiang Town.

But having said that, where there are iron ore mines, many practitioners have already gathered there. If they participate in it, it will inevitably cause disputes, and there may even be robbery.Ling Fan, who was reborn once more, began to cherish his own life even more now. He had just started to venture into the world of cultivation, so obviously he couldn't easily make enemies.

It's not that Ling Fan is afraid, but, with his current skeleton state, if he is exposed, how can he stay in the cultivation world with peace of mind in the future?

Therefore, Ling Fan insisted on searching for it in a remote location in the Hujiang River.Even if there are few iron ore mines there, at least no one will rob and share the profits with him.

When Ling Fan got away from the human tracks and came to a relatively calm section of the Hujiang River, Ling Fan decided to look for ironstone ore in the nearby waters.

It's just that the waters of the Hujiang River seemed calm, but no matter how much Ling Fan used his spiritual sense to investigate, he felt that there was something in the water that interfered with his spiritual sense, so that the range he could detect was limited to one meter below the water.

"Little guy, what's going on? My spiritual exploration range seems to have shortened!" Ling Fan asked in surprise.

"It's not that your detection range has narrowed, but the water quality of this Hujiang River is special. On the surface, the river water on this Hujiang River is no different from other waters, but if you carefully distinguish it, the river water is rich in metal elements, which is exactly It is because of the existence of these metal elements that it hinders your spiritual exploration. If there is no obstacle and it is clear at a glance, then why do those casual cultivators who are looking for ironstone ore need to go into the water to find it by themselves?" The red-haired mouse explained.

"Oh!" Ling Fan said with the original appearance at this time. After all, since there are ironstone mines under the Hujiang River, the amount of metal elements contained in the water quality is higher than that of ordinary water quality, which is also normal.

Therefore, Ling Fan hesitated for a moment, and prepared to jump into the Tiger River to look for ironstone mines like other cultivators.But when seeing Ling Fan about to go into the water, the red-haired mouse immediately stopped him and said, "Ling Fan, wait a minute!"

"Uh...why?" Ling Fan couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this.

The red-haired mouse didn't respond first, but got out of Ling Fan's arms, then slid down to the shore, pricked up its ears, and sniffed continuously.

Seeing the red-haired mouse looking so serious, Ling Fan felt something was wrong.It was only half a day, but the red-haired mouse didn't respond, Ling Fan couldn't help but said impatiently: "Little guy, what are you doing?"

The red-haired mouse stared at Hujiang for a long time, and then, like a human, folded its arms and began to think.

"Ling Fan, I'm naturally incompatible with water, so I can't go deep into the bottom of the water. But, as I said before, where there are no people, either there is no iron ore or there is danger nearby. And this area is so calm, the water flow There is no rush, it stands to reason that there should be many people looking for it here, or this area has already been developed and excavated by people." The red-haired mouse analyzed.

"Damn it! I've been rambling on and on for a long time, and it's useless to talk about it. Since the spiritual sense can't detect it, how can I get a tiger cub if I don't enter the tiger's den?" Ling Fan thought that the red-haired mouse had discovered something, but now it seems that, After struggling for a long time, but found nothing, Ling Fan was speechless.

After finishing speaking, Ling Fan jumped, and with a thud, he jumped into the Hujiang River.

"Wow! What's the rush? I haven't finished my sentence yet. I feel like there are some strange beasts in the nearby waters..." the red-haired mouse hurriedly said.

However, Ling Fan had already submerged in the bottom of the water, and even his spiritual sense could not penetrate the water quality of the Hujiang River, let alone his voice.Naturally, Ling Fan did not hear the second half of the red-haired mouse's words.

As for Ling Fan who dived into the Hujiang River, the water quality from the surface was not much different, but after diving two meters, Ling Fan felt that the water quality around him was particularly stiff.Wandering in the water, obviously feel a strong sense of pressure.And the deeper it goes, the greater the pressure, and even the flowing water seems to be squeezed by a solid substance.

Coupled with the turbidity of the water, the range of Ling Fan's spiritual consciousness has been reduced to less than half a meter.And the further you dive, the spiritual consciousness will continue to be compressed. If you dive to the bottom, you may not be able to use your spiritual consciousness.

In addition to spiritual knowledge, staying in the water also consumes a lot of physical strength.After all, one has to resist the pressure of the water all the time. If the body is exhausted for a long time, one may really drown in the Hujiang River.

Ling Fan, who had never known Hujiang before, felt really distressed at this moment and couldn't express it.Not to mention whether they can find the iron ore or whether they can stay in the water safely, that is still a question.But now, the visibility is almost zero, let alone how to find the iron ore.

"Damn it! How did other people find the iron ore mine?" Ling Fan at this moment asked himself, feeling really puzzled.

In fact, other cultivators did use tools to find ironstone mines.Good cultivators have metal detection magic weapons, while poor casual cultivators at least have ordinary detectors, such as magnets.As for Ling Fan, he didn't know anything about the situation, and thought that there were iron ore mines everywhere under the Hujiang River.

Just when Ling Fan was at a loss, the surrounding water pressure suddenly changed.Ling Fan's whole body trembled in the water.

"This...?" The sudden change made Ling Fan very surprised.After all, the surrounding waters had been calm long before entering the water.Changes in water pressure can only indicate that the surge in the water layer has changed.How can there be surges in the calm water layer?

Ling Fan can't figure out the situation here, but the surge there is getting more and more intense, so that Ling Fan can't control the balance at all, and the water quality is as hard as a real thing. In this state, Ling Fan feels as if he is constantly being pushed by something. General pushing.

Ling Fan, who faintly felt something was wrong, did not hesitate at all, as soon as his legs stepped on the water, he was ready to float to the surface.However, just after ascending less than two meters, Ling Fan felt his right foot was caught by something.

I wanted to lower my head to take a look, but the next moment, the thing that was catching me even started to pull my right foot and dragged it into the water.

"Damn it! Water ghost?" If he just got caught, Ling Fan might have thought it was water plants or other dead branches that had sunk into the Hujiang River.But now, not only stumbling but also pulling down forcefully, it is definitely a water ghost.

There is a rumor in the world that there are generally "water ghosts" in the water.Anyone who encounters a water ghost usually feels that he is entangled by the water ghost, and then sinks into the water until he dies.Those survivors who were lucky enough to escape from danger all said that they were pulled by inexplicable things, and right now, Ling Fan encountered such a situation, so he naturally thought of the water ghost.

The red-haired mouse on the shore also felt the changes under the water. After all, the originally calm water surface was now in chaos.And it was impossible for the red-haired mouse to think that Ling Fan was capable of causing such a big change.Since it wasn't Ling Fan, it must have been caused by external forces.

"Damn it! There really are ferocious beasts under this water!" the red-haired mouse directly concluded.

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