Alchemy body

Chapter 93 Catfish Beast

However, even if the red-haired mouse knew that there were strange animals in the Hujiang River, it would not dare to enter the water.Not to mention the Fire Dragon, which is born with fire attributes, its biggest nemesis is water. Even if it is not afraid of water, the red-haired mouse, a young fire dragon, is not sure whether it can defeat the strange beasts under the Hujiang River.

Just when the red-haired mouse was at a loss, a wet hair suddenly appeared on the surface of the water.And who is this hairy guy if it's not Ling Fan?

"Little guy, help!"

Ling Fan slapped the water with his hands in a hurry, struggling to swim ashore, and shouted for help.

" can I save you?" Seeing this, the red-haired mouse kept wandering on the shore. Now it is at least three feet away from Ling Fan, and it has no magic weapon at hand. How can it save Ling Fan?

"Quick... Hurry up and find a tree and vine, there are water ghosts under the water!" Ling Fan said anxiously.

"Water...water ghost? What is a water ghost?" The red-haired mouse couldn't help but be taken aback.

"The water ghost is..."

Ling Fan just wanted to explain, but the water surface started to rise, and then a huge hideous monster gradually surfaced.At this moment, there was no need for Ling Fan to explain anything, the red-haired mouse knew that the water ghost Ling Fan was referring to was this strange beast.

"Oh my god! Ling Fan, this... this is a mature catfish beast! Quick, run!" After seeing the appearance of the strange beast, the red-haired mouse inspected it a little, and was immediately taken aback.

"My God, how could it be so big?" Ling Fan was almost taken aback by the huge hideous fish head in front of him at this moment, without the red-haired mouse reminding him, Ling Fan was already swimming desperately.


For the catfish beast, Ling Fan was already its prey, how could it let Ling Fan escape so easily now?Therefore, the catfish beast opened its bloody mouth, roared and rushed towards Ling Fan.

Seeing this, the red-haired mouse was a little dazed.The gradually exposed body of this catfish beast was no less than ten meters long, and its big mouth was more than enough to swallow Ling Fan in one gulp.At this moment, no matter how fast Ling Fan was, he might not be able to escape.

Ling Fan, who was swimming desperately at this moment, saw that the light in front of him began to darken, and he knew without guessing that the monster must be approaching.And now, with his swimming speed, no matter how fast he was, he might not be able to beat the monster behind him.Therefore, Ling Fan hastily accumulated energy, almost all of his energy was accumulated under his feet, and then he kicked his feet suddenly, and his whole body, like Li Xuan's arrow, rushed out of the water in one fell swoop and flew to the right.

The sudden change also caused the catfish beast to lose in one fell swoop.The splashed water, like a thousand layers of waves, sprayed directly on both sides of the bank.

Seeing that Ling Fan, who had escaped a catastrophe, looked at the turbulent fluctuations of the water surface, his heart was still beating violently.It can be said that I have never seen such a big fish in my life, and it looks so scary.

But seeing that Ling Fan had escaped, the red-haired mouse also shouted for danger.It's just that before this breath could take a breath, the water surface suddenly fluctuated again, and the moment the catfish submerged in the water, it suddenly got out again.This time, it almost shot straight into the sky.


Ling Fan never thought that this fish could fly.At this moment, under his feet, he was almost surrounded by a bloody mouth.Without any hesitation, Ling Fan condensed his spiritual energy, stepped on the void and fled towards the distance.


No matter how fast Ling Fan was, his left leg was still swallowed by the catfish beast.However, Ling Fan pushed hard, and the fur that originally covered his left leg was all detached at this moment.


The red-haired mouse was thrilled to see this scene, but also found it funny.Today's Ling Fan, both legs are already bare, dare to be in the water earlier, Ling Fan used this trick to escape once.Now both legs are smooth bones, but the upper body is still wrapped in fur, which looks really funny.

And the catfish beast that let Ling Fan escape twice seemed annoyed.When Ling Fan was about to go ashore, his tail slapped the water violently, and a layer of spray shot up into the sky, turning into a wall of water, blocking Ling Fan's way.

Ling Fan didn't expect that the catfish beast could do this move, and Ling Fan, who hadn't reacted at all, was immediately thrown down by the wall of water rushing towards him.At the same time, the water surface under the feet once again stirred up ripples, and a huge black shadow had also surfaced on the water surface.

Seeing rows of ferocious jagged teeth gradually emerge from the water, if there is no help at this time, Ling Fan will definitely die.The red-haired mouse on the shore quickly gathered energy at this moment, then opened its mouth, and a ball of flames sprayed towards the big mouth.

Like the red-haired mouse, the catfish beast born with water attributes is also naturally afraid of flames.At this moment, seeing a ball of flames attacking, the catfish beast, which is sensitive to temperature, did not dare to resist easily. The big mouth that had just popped out immediately retracted and dived into the water.

Seeing this, Ling Fan knew that the red-haired mouse had helped him at the critical moment.Taking advantage of the gap at this moment, Ling Fan first stabilized his falling figure, and then he gathered his strength, and as soon as he stepped into the void, he was ready to go ashore.

However, the catfish beast didn't seem to give up at all.Since the red-haired mouse on the shore can breathe fire, the catfish beast simply stopped showing its head, but continued to use the slap on the water layer, stirring up waves to block Ling Fan's way.From the catfish beast's point of view, as long as Ling Fan is not given the chance to go ashore, it is impossible for Ling Fan to escape.As long as Ling Fan's cultivation is exhausted, Ling Fan will naturally fall into the water and become his own food.

Ling Fan, who was blocked from front to back, left, and right, also guessed the catfish beast's purpose in his heart.But at this moment, Ling Fan didn't have any hostile strategy at all.Not only was he blocked, even if he wanted to rise up, a jet of water would shoot out from under his feet and bombard him straight.From before to now, I have consumed a lot of energy. If this continues, how long can I last?

The red-haired mouse also knew that if this continued, Ling Fan would never survive.However, the anxious red-haired mouse suddenly pricked up its ears, and then they both turned to the distance.As soon as the two eyes rolled, the red-haired mouse turned towards Ling Fan and said, "Ling Fan, hold on, it seems like a master is coming!"

As soon as the words fell, the red-haired mouse looked around, found a small hole, and quickly dodged away.

Now Ling Fan is surrounded by splashes of water, where can he hear the words of the red-haired mouse.However, a loud laugh came into the sea of ​​ears extremely piercingly.

"Wahhaha! Beast, I have been waiting for you for dozens of years, and today you are finally willing to show your face!"

But he saw a hunchbacked and thin figure flying towards him from far to near.The voice in the mouth also suddenly sounded around.

When Ling Fan heard the voice, he felt that he saw hope again.But for the catfish beast, this is definitely not good news.Somebody was afraid of the person who came here, but the catfish beast kept shooting at the water layer, as if it wanted to catch Ling Fan before the person came.

The previous splash was not strong, maybe the catfish deliberately wanted to play with Ling Fan to relieve the anger in his heart.But now, the water column that the serious catfish beast slapped again has more than ten times more force.Ling Fan, who was hit by the water droplets, felt as if he had been violently whipped by a huge iron rod. He couldn't maintain his stability anymore, and fell into the water in one fell swoop.

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