The Godless King of Hongmeng

Chapter 47, Run Yun'er

Not to mention what's going on outside the misty forest, let's say that inside the misty forest, Leng Yun and his two children have already moved away from the center of the misty forest and are walking towards the crowd outside the forest.

"Master, I feel that there are many people outside the forest, and I also feel the breath of an immortal weapon. It must be that immortal sword. Hmph, wait and see if I don't eat him." Ying'er was happy Said.

"Oh, is that so? Let me take a look." After finishing speaking, Leng Yun's spiritual sense probed out of the forest, and sure enough, he saw tens of thousands of cultivators gathered together, and a handful of white fairy lights floating in the middle of the field It seems that they are all cultivators who want to obtain immortal weapons. Hehehe, tens of thousands of people compete for one immortal weapon, but I don’t know that I have thousands of immortal weapons here, and there are two more. It's just unusable. "Huh? Why do you feel a familiar aura here?" Divine sense glanced around, and sure enough, he saw his fourth master, Elder Tianling, who was also behind everyone, looking around anxiously, and there was someone to pick him up the mountain Elder Tiannan is also there, hehehe, I haven't seen the fourth master for a long time, I really miss them in my heart, I don't know if Zhou Zheng, Ye Zhiqiu and the others have returned to the sect, Leng Yun knows that his master is here at this moment, and he feels in his heart He was so happy, he hurriedly quickened his pace and walked towards the outskirts of the forest.

"Huh? Young master, I feel that someone is visiting us. This person's spiritual consciousness is so powerful, it is not lower than that of Qijie Sanxian. If it is not for this person's mood swings, I really can't notice it." " said the third elder, Ba Hai.

"Oh? Who is it? Where is it?" the young master asked.

"It should be near the Misty Forest, not far from here. I will pay close attention to it. Don't worry, young master, I will... Ah, my God, it's impossible, I'm dazzled, right? ?” Elder Bahai lost his body and exclaimed in shock.

"Elder Ba Hai, what happened? Did you make such a fuss? Huh? This is??????, how is it possible?" The young sect master was not happy that Ba Hai was so loud and attracted the attention of many people around him, but found that Ba Hai was so loud. Elder Hai pointed in one direction, and couldn't help looking, the words in his mouth became full of inconceivable.

And the people next to him couldn't help but looked along the direction curiously, seeing a young man walking out of the foggy forest with two five or six-year-old children, they couldn't help being full of horror, shock and disbelief.

Elder Tianling of Tianji Sect was looking around anxiously, when he suddenly felt a familiar aura approaching rapidly, he couldn't help but turned his head to look along the aura, and saw a disciple he cared about day and night, it wasn't Leng Yun or who?

When Tian Lingzi was about to rush forward to see her apprentice whom she hadn't seen for many years, Tian Nanzi suddenly grabbed Tian Lingzi's sleeve, pointed around, and saw countless people full of shock, joyful eyes and Looking at Leng Yun who was running towards him with greedy eyes, he felt anxious, "Yun'er, run, go back to the sect."

With an urgent cry, Tian Lingzi flashed to Leng Yun's side in an instant. "Fourth master, what's the matter?... I".

"Don't talk too much, go back to the sect, we're here to break up, hurry up, go back and talk about it." After finishing speaking, she pulled her hands into the void, and a space was pulled open. Tianling slapped Leng Yun and the two little ones in In the space, he handed Leng Yun a jade pendant and sealed the space door.

"Quick, everyone, don't let him run away. This person has a big secret, why isn't he afraid of the evil spirit in the misty forest? Tell him to hand over the secret." The young master of Batianzong said loudly.

"That's right, since he just came out of the forest, he must have many treasures on him, everyone must not let him go." Third Elder Ba Hai also said.

"Ah, isn't this Leng Yun? Why did he appear in the misty forest?" Zhou Lin also exclaimed in the crowd.

"What? What's going on with Lin'er? How do you know him? Explain clearly." Zhou Lin's master, Tang Chong, was very surprised how his proud disciple knew such a great man.

"Master, it's like this..." So it turned out that Tianji Sect is in serious trouble now.

"Is this person Leng Yun who killed my son? Hmph, the second revenge must be avenged, but the treasures and secrets on him are also mine." Zi Xiaotian, head of the Zi family, made up his mind when he heard the words, and quietly He took his disciples away from the crowd and walked to the outside, not caring about fighting for the fairy sword at all.

"Want to run? It's not that easy." One of the masters at the early stage of casual cultivation Mahayana slammed his hands towards the place where Leng Yun entered the space, and the space shattered again, and a figure could be seen flying away quickly.

"Looking for death." Seeing this scene, Elder Tianling was furious. Using the Heavenly Sword Technique, one move: Anger Breaking Mountains and Rivers was used angrily, and a huge crack was cut in the space, spreading all the way to the master of the early stage of casual cultivation Mahayana , "Boom" burst out, and then there was a scream, and the blood mist sprayed out. It had been chopped into a blood mist by Elder Tian Lingzi, and the dead could not die again. The apprentice Leng Yun has always been Elder Tian Lingzi's reverse scale, Whoever dares to offend will be beheaded without mercy.

At this time, all the disciples of Tianji Sect also gathered beside Tianlingzi, holding spiritual weapons, waiting in full force. "This son is a direct disciple of my Tianji sect. Who dares to touch him? My Tianji sect will do my best to kill him. Who dares to touch him?" Tian Lingzi shouted loudly, and the aura of a peak master in the middle stage of Mahayana was like a mountain. Heavy, steady.As one of the few top experts present, she did have the capital to speak so arrogantly, and everyone was stunned.

Tian Lingzi was also extremely anxious at this moment. With 200 people facing tens of thousands of cultivators, the pressure can be imagined. If she really wanted to fight, except for herself and the two elders, none of the other disciples would be spared. In trouble, I can't help but look forward to the support from the door coming soon.

When everyone saw Tianling Elder of Tianji Sect killing a Mahayana master with a single sword, they couldn't help but beat their hearts. No one wanted to be the first to rush out. At this time, a strange scene appeared. 200 people Against tens of thousands of people, no one dared to act first.

When everyone was hesitating whether to make a move, the space in the center of the confrontation suddenly distorted, and a door appeared in the space, and two or three hundred people were faintly visible inside. Standing in the front were two middle-aged men with sharp eyes Incomparably, his face is resolute, his outline is clear, his momentum is like the sea, and he is also two middle-stage Mahayana peak masters. When Tian Lingzi saw it, he felt a little relieved. It turned out that it was the third and fifth senior brothers who came.

Batianzong, the young master saw this scene, "Third Elder, hurry up, quickly lead the fairy sword to the person who just appeared in Tianjizong, hurry up."

When the third elder Ba Hai heard this, he immediately used inexplicable spells, and saw the fairy sword turn into a white light, and suddenly flew towards the third and fifth elders who had just appeared in the field.

Third Elder Deng Chao and Fifth Elder Kong Ming had just stood still with their disciples when they suddenly noticed a white light flying towards them. Third Elder Deng Chaogong gathered his hands together and suddenly grabbed the white light in his hands. The immortal artifact that radiates white light and lingers with immortal energy appears in his hand.

"The fairy artifact is in the hands of Tianjizong, hurry up, grab it quickly, let them hand over Leng Yun and the secret."

Elder Bahai yelled loudly, and countless people couldn't bear the greed in their hearts anymore, and rushed towards the third elder Deng Chao one after another.

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