The Godless King of Hongmeng

Chapter 48, Starry Sky Array

Seeing this situation, Tian Lingzi decided to do two things all the time, since the secondary matter can't be let go, now that the immortal sword is in hand, then bring it back to the sect, refine the immortal weapon first, and then, at that time, she will no longer be afraid of anyone , Thinking of this, "Third senior brother, quickly bring the fairy artifact back to the sect, and hurry up."

Third Elder Deng Chao suddenly heard Fourth Junior Sister shouting, although he didn't understand why, but he also knew the importance of the immortal weapon, so he hurriedly dodged to avoid the attack, tore open the space, and left.

"If you run away, the monk can't run away from the temple. Everyone, as long as we capture these elders of the Tianji Sect, they will definitely teach the immortal weapon, Leng Yunciren and the secrets of the Tianji Sect," said the young master of Batianzong.

"It's so despicable and shameless, the most powerful sect, Batianzong, will only produce scum like you?" Elder Tian Lingzi was so angry.

And the tens of thousands of people don't care about that many, when they heard that the young master of the Batian Sect was right, they all attacked the Tianji Sect together.

Shenwuzong, "Elder, do we want to make a move?" One of the disciples asked the elder Diba, the great elder led by Shenwuzong, "My Shenwuzong and Tianjizong have known each other for tens of thousands of years. , but having one more friendly ally is even more important. With tens of thousands of people at the moment, it will not be of much use for us to help the Tianji sect like this. Act recklessly, wait and see what happens, haven’t you noticed? All of this is caused by the young master of Batianzong. He must want to wipe out all the people present. Hmph, the ambition is not small, but he also underestimates us , besides, these people from Tianji Sect are not easy to meet, whoever cheats doesn't know?"

"Yes, the Great Elder is right." All the disciples said hastily.To be honest, they don't want to fight each other with Tianji Sect, because the relationship between the two factions is usually very friendly, and many of them are friends and acquaintances. It's already embarrassing that they can't openly come forward to help, let alone fighting against each other. Kill, no matter what.What the elders said is also a feasible way.At that time, I will try my best to save some people, many disciples thought to themselves.

Countless attacks, killing everyone in the Tianji Sect, in the sky, countless spiritual attacks formed brilliant rays of light, like a huge attack net, covering them.

"The disciples of the Tianji Sect listened to the order and formed a large formation of the Tianji Big Dipper in the starry sky, and several senior elder brothers sat down to attack." Tian Lingzi responded quickly under such a severe situation, showing her calm, wise, and composed attitude. nature.

"Yes, Big Dipper Starry Sky Formation, let's get up." The disciples quickly took their positions. In the past, in the sect, they often practiced multi-person formations. The Tianji Sect has many formations, which are extremely profound, mysterious and unpredictable. The empty large formation is a super large formation that integrates defense and attack, and it is a typical terrifying large formation among all formations. Attackers and people who enter the second formation undoubtedly enter the void. Attacks have no effect, people in it will be lost in the illusion of void, and the people who attack in the main array will attack from anywhere anytime, anywhere, which is unpredictable.

All the attacks hit the big formation, and everyone's attacks seemed to sink into the sea, but only a slight ripple appeared. If they hadn't seen that the space crack was still slowly healing, everyone would have doubted whether they hadn't attacked.

Tens of thousands of people were surrounded by the disciples of Tianji Sect in the starry sky formation, from east to west, from north to west, everyone only felt that they were in the large formation without the slightest sense of direction. Except for the people beside them, when they looked around, their original world It has disappeared, and I am standing in the void, the sky is full of stars.

"Golden star, golden light." Outside the formation, Tian Lingzi yelled loudly, and saw one of the peak masters in the late stage of the tribulation period responding to the sound, and made a series of spells with his hand, forcibly sucking out the golden aura of tens of thousands of meters around him. Then it suddenly entered a position in the formation, and after a while, there were roars and countless screams in the formation.

Everyone was looking for a way out, but they didn't expect that in the starry sky, countless starlights above their heads emitted countless golden lights, which instantly penetrated hundreds of thousands of cultivators, and all those who were recruited were wiped out by the golden light.Only at this time did the rest of the people feel the horror of the second formation, the countless stars in the starry sky.If every starlight was emitted by this kind of golden light, even the masters of the Mahayana period would not be able to last long. Thinking of the usually silent Tianji Sect, the strength is only stronger than the Tianlin Sect, the Domineering Sect is not weak, and the formation is really very powerful , many cultivators began to regret getting involved. They wanted to fish in troubled waters to take advantage of it, but who would have thought that if they didn't take advantage of it, it would be a question of whether they would survive to get out.

"Venus retreats to adjust breath and restore vitality. Water and Jupiter attack at the same time, water and wood cave." As soon as the words fell, the disciple who was attacked by Jin Xing retreated back to his original position with a pale face, and a figure jumped up in the other two directions, at the same time. As the peak master in the late stage of the tribulation, "Heavy water comes, water arrows shoot at once.", "Giant wood comes, penetrate, hit." Two voices shouted at the same time, each with their own hands. The wood spirit in the sky, the water The spiritual energy rushed towards the two of them frantically, and when it reached a certain level, it frantically launched the attack into the formation.

"Ahhh, what kind of water is this? It's so heavy? Ahhh, what kind of wood is this? My middle-grade spiritual weapon can't cut it, it can't stop it... I don't want secrets anymore, and I don't want immortals Let me out." There were screams and begging for mercy coming from the formation.

In the big formation, a group of people from Shenwuzong are isolated in one direction by the big formation alone. Although hundreds of people from Shenwuzong have not been attacked, they can clearly see the people who are being attacked outside, looking at the golden light for an instant Penetrating thousands of cultivators, turned into fly ash, and then crushed thousands of people to death by heavy water, smashed to pieces by giant trees and pierced by giant trees, blood mist all over the sky in the starry sky, in a short time, Thousands of advanced cultivators were strangled to death by the large formation. "Elder, the Heavenly Extreme Sect's big formation is too powerful, and the Tianjizong's seniors are too fierce, right? Those three people were talking and laughing when they were with us just now, and they were gentle and honest. So powerful, hmph, after the incident, I have to let Zhang San, Li Si, and Wang Wu entertain guests and apologize, always pretending to be pigs to deceive us." Many disciples of the Shenwu Sect recognize the three Tianji Sects who were attacked by the Lord just now. disciple.

"Yes, the strength of Tianji Sect is also unfathomable. Don't look at the ranking as the last one on the surface, but among the five major sects, in terms of strength, Tianji Sect is enough to rank second or third." Elder Diba sighed.

"Ah, so powerful, how is it compared to our Shenwuzong? A disciple asked.

"Everyone has their own strengths, so it's hard to say. Well, just watch carefully." Elder Diba said.After finishing speaking, he continued to watch the scene in the big formation.

"Mars, the fire dragon shines through the world, Saturn, and Mount Tai overwhelms." The two attacks also entered the large formation at this time. In the large formation, countless stars fell and turned into fire dragons with a length of thousands of feet, constantly moving towards the large formation. The crowd attacked, the dragon flames spewed out one after another, and hundreds of huge mountains appeared in the sky, pressing down from the starry sky, looking at the tens of thousands of feet high mountain, everyone felt scalp numb, " How dare a mere mountain bully me? Look at me, I've broken you." A big man said disdainfully, and slashed at the mountain with a knife.

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