The Godless King of Hongmeng

Chapter 49 The Hidden Immortal

": Ding!" With a crisp sound, Dashan didn't move at all, and pressed him straight into a meatloaf. Everyone saw that the master of the early Mahayana faced Dashan with no power to resist, and he directly became a meatloaf. All the souls of the dead fled in all directions, but there were still countless huge fire dragons around, and many people were hit by fire dragons, and they were directly burned into nothingness.

Metal, wood, water, fire, earth five stars, all five attacks have been completed, and there are tens of thousands of cultivators in the big formation. At this time, there are only more than 10 people left in the big formation, less than half a day. Countless people's lives were continuously wiped out by the starry sky formation. In the starry sky, the blood mist was very dense. Everyone's bodies were covered with blood beads, dripping from the tips of their hair, between their eyebrows, and their clothes.

"Young Sect Master, what should we do now? I didn't expect the Tianji Sect to come prepared, and I didn't expect the Tianji Sect to be so powerful!" Elder Bahai's beard and hair were scorched black at the moment, and he managed to get rid of a few strands just now. The fire dragon attacked, but the dragon flames sprayed by one of the fire dragons accidentally sprayed his hair and beard, and his clothes were also full of holes. He no longer had the high-spirited momentum at the beginning, and asked out of breath.

": There is no way! This starry sky formation is an ancient formation, and it is composed of several masters of the Mahayana stage at the same time. All the disciples of the tribulation stage and the fusion stage are joined together to form a large formation. With our current Strength, I can’t break through the formation at all, hum! It’s not so easy to kill me! Wait! Someone will save us when the time comes!”

": Oh? What does the young master mean? Someone in the sect...?"

": It's good to understand! Those people haven't made a move until now. Maybe it's too late. Before breaking through the big formation, it's important to save their lives." The young lord of Batianzong was also dodging in a panic talking.Seeing that there are fewer and fewer people around, but there are fewer people but there are fewer benefits, because there is more room to hide, and all the people are sad and happy. The sad thing is that too many people around them have died, and there are relatives inside. , I have a friend, I am happy that I am still alive now, and there is still space to hide, unlike when I first entered the battle, there were dense figures, and I couldn't escape even if I wanted to.

Outside the starry sky formation, Tian Lingzi saw that there were tens of thousands of people inside the formation, and the few people who were attacked by the five stars were also in a state of distress, and their skills were exhausted. Now they could no longer attack, and he couldn't help but sighed , these five people are Jin Linggen, Fire Lingen, Water Lingen, Wood Lingen, and Earth Lingen. There are very few disciples with spiritual roots of this attribute, and they are the key training targets in all sects. Spirit root disciples cultivate much faster than ordinary genius disciples, and their attack power is also extremely powerful.

"Senior brothers, it's your turn!" Tian Lingzi had no choice but to let the third elder, fifth elder, and Tian Nanzi make the move together. He did not expect that this trip would have such a scene. The disciple is good enough to deal with ordinary situations, but he never expected that things are going to be so bad now.

"You're welcome, Junior Sister! Come on, let's try our hands too. These people are greedy, and they should pay the price!" After finishing speaking, he struck out a series of profound magic formulas with both hands, and the spiritual energy of tens of thousands of meters around was gathered between his hands , and then slammed into the formation, "Tianji Sword Jue: Shadowless Sword!" With a soft shout, following the attack, the invisible sword energy broke through the space, and the space was shattered by the glass.

In the formation, there were only thirty or tens of thousands of cultivators left. Suddenly, they felt a sharp sword energy approaching them, but they didn't see the shadow of the sword. Fly, the screams have never stopped since the big formation started to attack. Anyway, after all, this round of attack was made by the three master elders in the middle and late stages of the Tianji Sect. The attack power is of course extremely terrifying. It is far from being compared to the masters of the tribulation period.Under one round of attack, most of the cultivators were killed. Looking at the hundreds of thousands of cultivators in the past, most of them have been lost in the hands of Tianjizong. I can't help feeling inexplicable fear of Tianjizong. .

The begging for mercy has never stopped, and the crying has continued. At this time, human nature has emerged, bullying the good and fearing the evil, selfish, ruthless, and cruel. When attacked in the battle, take the people around you Acting as a shield, betraying friends who are usually called brothers and sisters, seniors, juniors, human nature is evident.It is the same in this world, in ancient times, and even in any dynasty. Human nature is sinister and unpredictable. How many people can’t believe that their comrades, seniors, juniors, elders or juniors around them will push themselves to die at critical moments, just for themselves. I can breathe a little more.

However, the unilateral massacre continued in the large formation on the ground, and everyone inside and outside the formation did not notice it. In the sky at an unknown height, stood five immortals surrounded by immortal energy.

": Brother Tian Jianzi, the current fight should be enough, right? After all, killing too many people will hurt Tianhe. Although these people are at fault, they won't all be driven to death, right? Hehehe!" A purple The big man in front of him said to a middle-aged man in green clothes.

": That's right, Brother Jin Yuanzi is right. These people also know the strength of your Tianji sect, and they have learned the lesson. Let's forget it!" An old man in white also said.

": That's right, Brother Ba Dao is right, it's not good for anyone if the fight continues, you have to be forgiving and forgiving!" A woman in red also said.

": Hehehe, Brother Jin Yuan, Brother Ba Dao, Fellow Daoist Yuling, it's not because I don't want to, but because we are the immortals who came to protect the sect from the lower realms, can't you hinder the normal development of the cultivation world, otherwise the rules of heaven are unpredictable Ah, brother Zhuge, what do you think?" said the immortal of Tianjianzi.

": Hahaha, what Brother Tianjian said makes sense. Now that the representatives of Ba Daozong, Tianlinzong, and Zhongyu have all spoken, then I... um? Wait, it's still too early to end the matter, Hehehe, I didn't expect Zhongyu to be rich and powerful, and even sent an Eight Tribulations Sanxian here, hahaha, interesting, but I am quite optimistic about the young man who made such a noise before, hahaha, if I heard correctly , this son is called Leng Yun. Yes, yes!" The immortal named Zhuge burst out laughing after speaking.

These five people are all protectors of the sect from the lower realm, who are sent by famous sects in the fairy world, and usually don't show up easily, even in this sect, they are also top secrets of the famous sect, and even some elders don't know about them. In his own sect, there is also a super terrifying real immortal.

Tian Jianzi, the late Golden Immortal, the guardian immortal of the Tianji Sect.

Jin Yuanzi, in the mid-Golden Immortal stage, is the protector of the Batian Sect in the Central Territory.

Tyrant Sword, the pinnacle of the Golden Immortal Middle Stage, the Immortal Protector of the Tyrant Sword Sect.

Yu Lingzi, a mid-Golden Immortal, an immortal of the Tianlin Sect.

Zhuge Qun, in the mid-Golden Immortal Stage, the Immortal Protector of the Divine Martial Sect.

Tian Jianzi has the highest cultivation level among the five, of course, he has already noticed the Eight Tribulations Sanxian who is rushing towards the starry sky formation, and a cold light flickered in his eyes.

But this cold light was seen by Jin Yuanzi on the side, and he couldn't help but said quickly, "Brother Tianjian, when we descend to the realm, each school has its own regulations. Sectarian sanctions!"

"Brother Jin Yuan, don't worry, I don't know what to do, don't worry, I won't attack a cultivator, hehe! I really want to see how they will solve this matter!" After finishing speaking, he ignored the others .

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