Best pick-up bodyguard

15 Air Defense Systems

After talking on the phone with Wu Guanghui, Uncle Chen poured some water on his gray handkerchief, wiped his forehead, and tried his best to wake up his forehead.

The two sisters saw that Uncle Chen was not in good condition, and Wu Jiaxin said angrily: "Hooligan, Uncle Chen is injured, why don't you take the initiative to drive up?".

"I don't know how to drive, Uncle Chen, why don't you teach me."

"No need for Mr. Xu, I can still drive back with my old bones for this distance."

As soon as I stepped on the accelerator, I drove towards the way back. Since I escaped and avoided a lot of vehicles just now, and made a big circle, the speed of 110 yards only took four to five and 10 minutes.

Ten minutes after Uncle Chen drove the car away, more than a dozen police cars rushed to the scene of the accident. A group of policemen looked at the scene of the accident in front of them, and gasped a little at the scene in front of them. The scene was really terrifying.

"Hurry up and call an ambulance," the team leader shouted behind Dong.

After 15 minutes, the ambulance rushed to the place where the accident happened. The policemen and doctors went around and checked one by one. A beautiful policewoman took pictures of the accident scene with a camera, and then recorded the results of the doctor's examination with a pen. down.

Seriously walked up to the captain of the police force, gave a military salute, and handed over the photo in his hand: "Report to the captain, there are a total of sixteen gangsters here, nine of them were shot dead, four were killed by the steering wheel lock stick, one was seriously injured, and one was seriously injured. He died with a sunken sternum, and there were footprints of flat shoes on his clothes. He should have been killed by a powerful kick. Another person may have died on his temple with a fist. There were obvious fist marks on the temple of the gangster. I checked them and their cars, and found no suspicious clues, and these cars have no license plates."

The captain looked at the photos in his hand, then tore them all up, and warned solemnly: "Comrade Monroe, your observation ability is very good, but don't forget that these people are all desperate gangsters, who were attacked by these gangsters." But the beloved daughter of the chairman of the most powerful company in Coastal City, they have seriously endangered the lives and property of the hostages, so the bodyguards he hired are only for self-defense. In this case, our analysis of the cause of death of these gangsters is useless. Now the main thing is to rescue the surviving gangster and find out the leader and the reason behind them, understand?".

Monroe was shocked when she heard this, and said a military salute: "It's the captain, Monroe understands!".Monroe is the beautiful sister who was fainted by Xu Tian at the beach the night before.

The captain nodded and kindly reminded: "Comrade Monroe, we are the people's police now, and we are not as strict as your police academy. Some things don't need to be as rigorous as soldiers. Naturally, we are all colleagues now."

Monroe habitually nodded solemnly and said: "It's the captain, Monroe understands!".

The captain was also a rascal for a while. I remember that I used to have this habit after I came out of the police academy, but after getting in touch with things, these habits have changed into nature. Seeing this Monroe who just came out of the police force, everyone is very caring. Her main reason, of course, was that she was too pretty, but few people dared to attack her. As for the reason, she beat up the man who attacked her as early as the first day she came to the police force.

Looking at the dead body on the ground, he shook his head. He was also shocked that the bodyguard invited by the Wu family was so cruel. Fortunately, the bodyguard gave himself a face and left a living: "Come on, let's go to the Wu family to express condolences. Learn something about the criminals from them."

Wu Guanghui anxiously walked back and forth in the living room. The door was suddenly opened and he saw Uncle Chen.

When the two sisters saw Wu Guanghui, they immediately rushed up to hug him and cried loudly: "Dad, woo woo...".Seeing that the two daughters were safe and sound, I also breathed a sigh of relief, and patted their backs to indicate that they were all right.

What Xu Tian dislikes the most is seeing other people crying, bypassing the father and daughter, yawning and lying on the sofa, turning on the TV.

Chen Bo stepped forward and said gratifiedly: "Mr. Wu, thanks to Mr. Xu Tian's help this time, otherwise Miss and the others are very likely to be kidnapped by gangsters."

Wu Guanghui sighed secretly: "Hey! Those who should come will still come."Seeing that Uncle Chen's forehead was red and swollen, and his body was a little shaky, he stepped forward to support Caring and said, "Uncle Chen, you are always injured, you should go to the hospital."

Uncle Chen shook his head weakly and refused: "No need for Mr. Wu, I am old and weak, just take a rest."

Wu Guanghui shook his head solemnly and refused: "No, Uncle Chen, you must go to the hospital for injuries. Ruifeng, please send Uncle Chen to the hospital for examination."

Tang Ruifeng was Wu Guanghui's bodyguard and a retired special soldier. He made a standard military posture and replied forcefully, "Yes!".

After sending the rogue Uncle Chen away, and sending the overly frightened two daughters back to their room to rest, he said solemnly to Xu Tian who was still watching TV: "Mr. Xu, let's take a step to talk."

Knowing that Wu Guanghui was looking for him for today's business, Xu Tian also nodded and followed him into the study.

Wu Guanghui gave Xu Tiandao a cup of tea, hesitated for a long time and said dully: "This time, Wu asked Mr. Xu to protect our two daughters mainly because he was afraid of what happened today, and that similar things might happen again in the future, so we still have to ask Mr. Xu to protect our daughters." Please Mr. Xu be more careful in the future, the safety of Wu's two daughters will be entrusted to you."

With Xu Tian's cleverness, he also guessed that this matter was not easy, and asked suspiciously: "Wu, do you know that there are bad guys showing up today?".

Wu Guanghui nodded and shook his head sullenly, took a medicine from his sleeve and drank the tea, took a deep breath: "Wu just guessed that someone would harm my daughter, but he didn't know that the gangster came so quickly ".

Seeing the doubts on Xu Tian's face, he explained: "This matter still has to start from the summer three months ago. After the Premier of the State Council arrived in Coastal City that day, he not only visited Shengtian Technology Group, but also secretly Visited our Gangbao Group. Of course, only a few core figures in our group knew about the Prime Minister’s visit. The reason is to provide corresponding technology to our company, secretly produce and research 'ion nuclear steel parts', paper will never keep fire , Wu expected that something like today would happen sooner or later, so he asked Master Li for help."

Xu Tian actually read a lot of books, so he didn't know what Wu Guanghui was talking about about plasma. He looked at Wu Guanghui in bewilderment: "What are ion nuclear steel parts? Why didn't the books I read mention it? What about this thing?" How can it be related to today's matter? How can it be related to grandpa?".

He smiled at Xu Tian's question, and said apologetically, "Hehe... Mr. Xu's incident was caused by Mr. Wu, please don't take it too seriously. We cooperate with the state to secretly produce ion nuclear steel parts, mainly to cooperate with the army. Build a new type of air defense system. This attack may be a leak from someone in our company, which means that there is a traitor in our company."

"Tell me who the bad guy is, and if I help you solve him, won't there be no trouble?".

Wu Guanghui said with a very apologetic face: "Actually, Wu doesn't know who leaked the secret, so please trouble Mr. Xu to take good care of Wu's two daughters."

Xu Tian patted his chest with confidence, and said: "No problem, it's a pity that your daughter is so beautiful and was killed by the bad guys. Don't worry, I will look after them."

"Haha, then write more about Mr. Xu's help, Mr. Wu is very grateful." Suddenly, he said solemnly: "Mr. Xu, I hope that this matter will not be let to the second person, otherwise we will be in trouble."

"Oh, I see." Xu Tian nodded half-understood.

There was a knock on the door of the study. "Boss, the police are here."

Xu Tian walked out first, and said to himself with some doubts: "Are these policemen here to trouble me again? Didn't they beat up these guys yesterday?".

Walking into the living room, he found that it was the captain who was beaten up by him yesterday, but there was an extra policewoman beside them, which made Xu Tian's eyes brighten, and he walked over with a smile: "Beauty sister, why are you talking to me?" Is this bad cop together?".

Monroe didn't expect that she would meet this brat here. Thinking of what happened the day before yesterday, she became furious, and looked at Xu Tian angrily, "It's you, a rascal."

Xu Tian opened his huge eyes and reminded seriously: "Beautiful sister, didn't I tell you last time! I'm not a hooligan, because I'm not an adult."


"hehe……".The captain on the side couldn't help laughing.

Hearing the laughter, Xu Tian turned his head and asked suspiciously, "What are you laughing at? Do you still want to fight with me?".

The captain quickly took two steps back: "No, no, don't get me wrong."

Wu Guanghui came over and asked kindly: "Comrade policemen, did you come to see Wu for something?".

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