Rebirth of the best little prince

Chapter 201 The Dance of Luoshui

"It's actually a breakthrough at this time. And it has reached the highest level of dual cultivation. I don't know whether to cry or laugh." Li Yunfei felt that his true energy was constantly nourishing his muscles and strengthening his meridians.Li Yunfei believes that both his strength and internal strength have been further strengthened after recovery.But there is also a problem.That is how to face Li Yuzhen.This woman who didn't know if she was an enemy or a friend.

Li Yuzhen has also benefited a lot.Not only the internal force has been qualitatively changed.Moreover, the toxins in the body are also excreted from the body due to double cultivation.Even the skin becomes more radiant.Even the pain in the lower body has been healed.It is believed that Li Yuzhen's internal strength has been greatly improved.It can be said that this double repair is definitely a win-win situation.But Li Yuzhen did not stop because of this.Instead, it increased the size of the body.At this time, she has recovered her will.But she didn't know how to face Li Yunfei.Maybe this is the first time or maybe the last time.Li Yuzhen wanted to enjoy it crazily at this time.Quite possibly the first and last madness on the eve of parting.

"Husband. Please allow me to call you that. This time may be the last time we meet. But Yuzhen will definitely belong to you in the future. Whether it is body or mind." Li Yuzhen gently caressed Li Yunfei's handsome and resolute face .Gently stroked for a long time.Li Yuzhen even felt that she couldn't live without it.Gently tear off a piece of white gauze.Then Li Yuzhen gently bit her own jade finger.Looking at Li Yunfei's face with a faint smile as he fell into a deep sleep.

At this moment, Li Yuzhen felt that everything was worth it.I don't need what Li Yunfei can give me.Only this time, the joy of fish and water is enough.Li Yuzhen was very tired at this time.She wants to go back to her country.Live an ordinary life.Although it is difficult for her identity to want to be like this.But at least this is what she wants to pursue, isn't it?

"Husband, I must think of Yuzhen in the future. Yuzhen will never forget you in the future." Li Yuzhen gently pressed her red lips on Li Yunfei's mouth.Once again, I felt the slight body temperature of Li Yunfei.Li Yuzhen's pretty face suddenly turned red. "Husband, Yuzhen is gone. No one will pester you anymore. Husband, take care." Li Yuzhen stood up gently.At this time, she already exuded the demeanor of a young woman.The dark red mark on the grass marks Li Yuzhen's transformation from a girl to a young woman.But Li Yuzhen didn't regret giving her body to Li Yunfei.

"Husband, let Yuzhen dance for you. In fact, singing is not Yuzhen's best. Dancing is Yuzhen's best. Because Yuzhen once made an oath. Show her best things to her best." The one you love, look. Although the husband can't see it right now, Yuzhen knows that the husband will definitely be able to feel it." Li Yuzhen's eyes were misty.It may turn into water droplets at any time.But Li Yuzhen persisted in enduring it.She wanted to show Li Yunfei her most beautiful moment.

Li Yuzhen gently raised her left hand.At this time, Li Yuzhen was only wearing obscene clothes.Gives people a feeling of beauty coming out of the bath.In fact, it was also the reason why Li Yuzhen just came up from Luoshui.A few drops of water dripped from Li Yuzhen's hair.The waist moves lightly and shakes in lotus steps.Dance for Li Yunfei who couldn't sleep well.That wonderful dance is definitely rare in the world.It's a pity that no one can appreciate it at this time.Li Yuzhen has kept herself smiling.But there were still tears rolling down his face from time to time.But this not only did not reflect Li Yuzhen's grief.Instead, it has a poignant feeling.

Li Yuzhen is by the Luoshui River.The autumn wind swayed and the maple leaves flew up.Show off your dance moves to your heart's content.This may be the last time she dances.Because Li Yuzhen dances only for Li Yunfei.Then in the future without Li Yunfei.She will never dance for anyone again.Li Yuzhen's beautiful eyes were already wet with tears.Can't see anything at all.But she couldn't stop her dancing.Because Maple Leaf danced for her.Qingfeng applauded for her.Luo Shui accompanied her.And the person she loves the most is beside her.

"The mountain has no edge. The river is exhausted. The thunder in winter shakes. The rain and snow in summer. The heaven and the earth are united. I dare to be with you." Li Yuzhen danced for nearly an hour.But she didn't complain about it.Although Li Yunfei didn't see it.But as long as it's on your mind, it's fine. "Husband. Yuzhen is gone. Yuzhen knows her husband's identity. But Yuzhen does not regret it. Husband. I hope to meet her husband again one day in the future. This jade pendant can be used as a token of love between you and me." Li Yuzhen took Li Yunfei's suet white jade in her hand.Feel the breath of Li Yunfei still remaining on it.This will be her baby from now on.

"Husband. This is the only thing that Yuzhen's mother left for Yuzhen. Yuzhen hopes that her husband will cherish it." Li Yuzhen put a stone like chicken blood that she was wearing with her on Li Yunfei's neck.Then he kissed Li Yunfei's forehead.They disappeared into the woods step by step.

"Wow..." A gust of wind made countless fallen leaves dance.It seems to be sending this beautiful woman.Li Yunfei seemed to feel it too.I don't know when two lines of clear tears flowed from the corner of my eyes.But neither Li Yunfei nor Li Yuzhen knew about it.Because of Li Yuzhen's dance.Let Luoyang have one more legend.Luoshen reappeared in the world.Rumors of dancing on the banks of the Luoshui River.

There were still people who didn't believe it.But at that time, many fishermen saw it clearly.Surrounded by maple leaves.Luoshen is dancing.At that time these fishermen were shocked.Many people knelt down and prayed for blessings.Hope Luoshen brings good luck to forest where Li Yunfei is staying now.Later it was called Luoshen Dance Forest.It was later called the most famous scenic spot in Luoyang.This is also what Li Yuzhen did not expect.

Li Yuzhen left.As she comes gently.Did not take a cloud.What I took away was my own thoughts.But left a beautiful legend.And Li Yunfei's heart trembled for it.Li Yunfei didn't know how long he slept.When he woke up the sky was full of stars.There is a cool feeling.Clothes were soaked with dew.

"Li... Yuzhen." Li Yunfei originally wanted to call her Miss Li.But think about what happened to the two of them.Li Yunfei is not a person who shirks responsibility.So Li Yunfei already regards Li Yuzhen as his wife.But there is nowhere to see Li Yuzhen around.Li Yunfei was shocked.But when you feel something on your neck.Li Yunfei took it out and saw that it was a good chicken blood stone.It's like a chicken heart.Abnormally beautiful.

"This is..." Li Yunfei saw a white silk scarf tied around his hand.It is densely packed with words.At this time, Li Yunfei looked at things in the night, but the hairs were completely visible as if it were daytime.So Li Yunfei could clearly see the words on it.After reading it, Li Yunfei couldn't help being moved.At the same time, he said loudly: "You idiot, why would you think so. No matter where you go, I will find you. Even if Goguryeo is destroyed, I will not hesitate."

"Husband. Please allow me to call you that. When you read this letter, Yuzhen has already left. Husband. Yuzhen already knows your identity. I didn't expect you to be the King of Qin. Hehe. But I will take your husband's token." Let's go. I hope my husband will not blame me. Since my husband is the king of Qin, then I must know Yuzhen's identity. Yuzhen is a princess of Goguryeo. Yes. Yuzhen is a spy sent by Goguryeo. But Yuzhen was really The culture of the Tang Dynasty attracted me. I feel that Yuzhen will not appear in the Central Plains in the future. Yuzhen has returned to China. I hope that Yuzhen can leave a space in my husband’s heart. I don’t have to look for Yuzhen anymore. I hope that my husband will bring something to the people of Luoyang. Come live a happy life. I think one day Yuzhen will be able to see her husband again..."

"Yuzhen. No matter who you are, this king will find you. This is my guarantee. Yuzhen wait for me." Li Yunfei's skill has improved greatly at this time.The body disappeared into the woods like a phantom.Quickly headed towards Luoyang.He hoped that Li Yuzhen's assassin hadn't left yet.In this way, he could keep Li Yuzhen by his side.

"Husband, don't look for me again. Yuzhen is a bad girl. When she got close to her husband, her motives were not pure. But Yuzhen is very glad to have this opportunity. Yuzhen will definitely cherish this time. Yuzhen will always It belongs to the husband. But Yuzhen also knows that the husband is in his position to seek his own government. Maybe we will become enemies in the future. But Yuzhen knows that the husband will definitely bring happiness to the world. Yuzhen pen."

Li Yunfei galloped.The words on the silk scarf just now flashed before his eyes.At the same time, Li Yunfei made the meeting of the two even more.and subsequent contacts.Played it all back.Only then did Li Yunfei realize that at some point the two of them had formed a tacit understanding.Only now did he realize that he already had a place for this rebellious girl in his heart.

"Yuzhen, don't leave." Li Yunfei's speed can be described as lightning fast.Countless fallen leaves and smoke were rolled up along the way.Now I can only see a black shadow running fast.At this moment, there is still a trace of luck in Li Yunfei's heart.But sometimes the reality is cruel.When Li Yunfei saw Luoyang City, it was already closed.Li Yunfei didn't even bat an eyelid.Tap the wall with your toes.The body rises rapidly.Then two or three jumps to the top of the city gate.Like a roc spreading its wings, it swept towards the houses below.It didn't even catch anyone's attention.

"Hoo. Hoo..." The wind blew in Li Yunfei's ears.Already soaked in sweat.It's a little cool to be blown by the autumn wind.But at this moment, Li Yunfei couldn't care less.Quickly ran towards Tianranju.

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