"Crack." Li Yunfei kicked open the door of Tianranju.Then under the surprised eyes of many people.Grab the shopkeeper by the collar. "Say. Where are the geisha now. Tell me."

"She...they had already left during the day today. They left in a hurry at that time. It's a bit strange for the young ones." The shopkeeper didn't dare to hide it.He knew the true identity of this person.Different from other people's surprise.The shopkeeper took it for granted.

"How could this be? How could this be..." Li Yunfei sat down on the stool.Sweat dripped continuously on the ground.The exhaustion and loss could not be stopped on the face.I'm still late.At the same time, Li Yunfei hated Goguryeo.If it weren't for them, Li Yuzhen might not have become a spy.Maybe Li Yuzhen lives like an ordinary person.

"Goguryeo. This king is bound to destroy it." Li Yunfei yelled in his heart.Of course Li Yunfei had another idea.Just destroy Goguryeo.Maybe Li Yuzhen will come back to her.But now Li Yunfei is more and more like a king.At this time, although he looked very down and out.But no one dared to underestimate him.Li Yunfei is like a giant sleeping dragon.Can take flight at any time.

"Young Master Li, this is it." The shopkeeper didn't know what was going on.There will be such a big change after the young club leaves for a day.But the shopkeeper faintly felt that the matter might have something to do with the gang that moved away.But he deeply knows that there are some things that he still doesn't know.

"I want to be quiet for a while. No one should disturb me. Including..." Li Yunfei gave the shopkeeper a gloomy look.Then go straight to the backyard.Li Yunfei didn't say it clearly.But the shopkeeper knew why.Hastily bowed to salute.

"Who is this Mr. Li? Why is the shopkeeper so polite to him?" Countless questions circled in everyone's minds.But no one dared to step forward to ask.Don't look at what Li Yunfei taught the shopkeeper was easy.But they are different.Anyway, many people know it.Those who have the guts to make trouble almost always go in vertically and come out horizontally.Everyone also knew that the shopkeeper of Tianranju was not as easy to mess with as he seemed.The rest of the people were just guessing who this usually amiable Mr. Li was.It actually made the shopkeeper so afraid.Even in awe.This has to make people suspicious.

Li Yunfei didn't care what other people thought.Instead, shut yourself in the room.He was thinking about what kind of relationship he had with Li Yuzhen.I am also thinking about the little things when I was with Li Yuzhen.Only then did Li Yunfei realize that he knew too little about Li Yuzhen.He didn't even want to know Li Yuzhen's thoughts and background at all.I am only because of the information given by Jin Yiwei.He drew a clear line with Li Yuzhen directly.

Go through this thing.Li Yunfei has greatly improved Li Yuzhen.He didn't even know when Li Yuzhen actually had a place in his heart.It wasn't that strong.But as the two had a relationship.Then came Li Yuzhen's departure.Only then did Li Yunfei clearly understand his thoughts.This is probably the so-called only know how to cherish after losing it.

"Yuzhen. No matter where you go, the king will find you. Since you know the identity of the king, then you should know the ability of me, the king of Qin. Are you also looking forward to it? I will carry you in eight sedan chairs Please come back." Li Yunfei carefully read the blood book several times back and forth.It was as if my heart had been stabbed out by someone.Li Yunfei held the scarf in his hand.Looking at the sky outside the window.Can't help but recall the madness on the banks of the Luoshui River.At that moment, Li Yuzhen really looked like Luoshen descending to earth.

Li Yunfei unconsciously held the white jade flute to his mouth.Think of every little bit with Li Yuzhen.Then soon a beautiful piece of music floated out.If anyone else can travel through time.It will definitely call out "The Song of Funeral Flowers".Li Yunfei also expressed his feelings.It is late autumn at this time.Many flowers have already withered.Thinking about the possibility that I and Li Yuzhen will be separated forever.Li Yunfei couldn't help feeling excited.When playing, I can't help but carry a trace of true energy.It makes the whole piece sound more tactful and poignant.

"What tune is this? Why does it sound like I want to cry." The originally noisy Tianranju became quiet.Not just a natural residence.Even half of Luoyang City is filled with this poignant tune.People resisted the urge to cry and continued to listen to the piece.That is, let go of the work in your hands.

"Ga. Ga..." I don't know when a group of moving geese passed by over Luoyang.But at this time, the geese seemed to be drawn by something.Hovering and hovering over Luoyang.He even danced lightly.This spectacle immediately caused countless people to look up.

A butcher preparing a pig for slaughter.He was sharpening his knife and walking towards a bound fat pig.But suddenly heard this slightly penetrating flute.There was an urge to cry.Looking up, the pig was crying. "Ah. What the hell is going on. Huh. Why am I so sad. Why can't I bear it. But I killed the butcher who has been working for so many years. How can I soften my heart in this situation." The butcher didn't understand.But this situation has happened more than once in Luoyang now.

"Ang..." With the mournful cry of the pig.That pitiful look.Let the butcher put down the butcher knife in his hand again.He just couldn't take it anymore.This is pure torture.In the end, the butcher raised his butcher knife.Then he swiped hard.Release the tied pig.This is the first time he has released his prey.

"You are lucky today. Thank you for the guy who played such a sad flute. Really, why don't you play such a sad tune for nothing. It will make people feel sad to death. Forget it, the business will not be done today." The butcher held the butcher knife fling.Then sit down at the table.Rest your chin on your hands.Enjoy this wonderful music.From his face, there is no complaint just now.

"Who the hell is this? How could there be such a beautiful flute sound..." Countless people.Look in the direction of Tianranju.This is a place that makes people yearn for and makes people feel sad.It is desirable because it has the long-coveted Yulu Spring.Heartache is every time here.They all want to give away most of their savings.So this natural residence can be said to be a place that people love and hate.

"I didn't expect my boss to be such an infatuated person. If I had known earlier, I would have kept those geisha. But those geisha are indeed beautiful. No wonder my boss has such an idea." The shopkeeper of Tianranju Some looked at the backyard in admiration.Can have such high musical attainments.He really couldn't think of such an achievement in being naturally centered.It's also because of his versatile boss.

"Yuzhen. Did you hear that... I gave you this piece of music. I will still play this piece when we meet again. I will never let you leave me again." Li Yunfei looked in the direction of Goryeo.There was a gleam of light in his eyes.Immortal Goryeo swears not to be human.This is a goal Li Yunfei gave himself.Li Yunfei knew.It is inevitable for him to fight against Goryeo.That's why Li Yunfei has the confidence to bring Li Yuzhen to his side.

"Ah..." Li Yunfei raised his head to the sky and screamed.It seemed that he wanted to dispel all his depression.Wild geese hovering in the sky for a long time.Immediately scattered and fled.Even Baiyun seemed to be shaken uncontrollably by the sound.After Li Yunfei vented all the depression in his chest.Suddenly it opened up a lot.During these three days, Li Yunfei understood a truth.That is parting is just for a better reunion.

"Uh. What's going on here. It's killing me." Li Yunfei's cry was similar to the Buddhist lion's roar.It is also a sonic attack.It was just wonderful music.In an instant it will become a cacophony of noise.This is unbearable to anyone.everyone.He kept shaking his dizzy head.The world is changing so fast.It makes people feel caught off guard.

"Boss. Boss. Are you okay? Do you want to..." The shopkeeper of Tianranju is quite sensible.I thought Li Yunfei was sick.Hastily came to see what happened.Before the person arrives, the sound arrives first.But with his round body, it's a bit funny.But when he saw Li Yunfei, he was a little dumbfounded.What the hell is going on here. .Who can tell him.

"It's helpless, the flowers are gone. The familiar Yan returns. Hehe." Li Yunfei, who was dressed in white, lightly waved a folding fan in his hand.Holding a withered flower in his hand.Seems to be sad about something.But that appearance is very chic and unrestrained.Where is the decadence when I just came back.It's almost like two people. "Luohong is not a heartless thing. It turns into spring mud to protect flowers. Ha. Ha. Ha..." Li Yunfei didn't care about the reaction of the shopkeeper of Tianranju.Haha laughed.As if nothing happened, he walked towards the outside of Tianranju.It's just that the petals are floating along Li Yunfei's hands.

"Boss. Where are you going? Do you want me to find someone to go with you? I'm afraid..." The shopkeeper looked at Li Yunfei's situation a little bit wrong.asked hurriedly.After all, this is his boss.And there is an identity that many people cannot accept.If something happens to Li Yunfei.Even if he loses his head, it is not enough to compensate! However.Seeing Li Yunfei's handsome figure than normal people.The shopkeeper has a feeling.It seems that his own club is more awake than ever.Or mature a lot.

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