Rebirth of the best little prince

Chapter 511 Zhumen wine and meat stink

"You all get up and tell me what you have discovered. Mr. Zheng is not an outsider. I believe Mr. Zheng knows what to do." Li Yunfei looked at the cold-blooded and chasing life, and did not mean to blame, after all, such a thing He also had a foresight, but he didn't expect that Liu Qingyun would be so frenzied. It's just that the men in black were all wiped out this time, so it can't explain that this matter has a direct relationship with Liu Qingyun. Rebellion, if you find Liu Qingyun when the time comes, you can be refuted with one sentence, and you can't cure him at all.

"My lord, Zheng Guanghe, the magistrate of Yangzhou, pays his respects to His Royal Highness King Qin, thousand years old, thousand years old, thousand years old." Zheng Guanghe is Lord Zheng's name, and he already had some doubts about Li Yunfei's identity, but now that Li Yunfei really admitted it, he still couldn't accept it. Because Li Yunfei's performance was so good, who would have thought that a man who looked so old would be a prince in his early twenties.

"Master Zheng, please, I think Master Zheng already knows what is right and what is wrong. Please hand over the evidence that Master Zheng possesses to this king, so that the guilty person can be brought to justice and the people of Yangzhou will be treated with justice!" Li Yunfei Lifting Mr. Zheng up, Li Yunfei couldn't help being surprised when he saw that Mr. Zheng seemed to have known this for a long time. Could it be that he really failed like this? Mao Mao, seeing a smile on the corner of Mr. Zheng's mouth, Li Yunfei thought, Mr. Zheng would definitely agree to himself this time, but Mr. Zheng did not do so.

"His Royal Highness Qin Wang, I think that it is safest to leave this item with the lower official, so I should hand it over to His Majesty directly. Since His Highness King Qin came to provide disaster relief and investigate the Yangzhou matter, it has nothing to do with this matter. , The things in the hands of the lower officials are indeed different from what adults imagined," Mr. Zheng couldn't help but said while looking at Li Yunfei, seeing Li Yunfei's slightly displeased face, he hurriedly explained.

"Oh, if that's the case, I don't want to pursue the matter anymore. It's better to handle the matter in Yangzhou right now. What did you find out that caused such a loss? I think you will give me an explanation. ," Li Yunfei couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard Mr. Zheng's words, but Mr. Zheng shouldn't be hiding anything anymore after reaching this point, so Li Yunfei didn't want to go into the details, and turned to Zhui Ming and asked.

"Little prince, this matter is actually thanks to Doudou and Snow Leopard. If it weren't for them, we would not have been able to find that place. Moreover, this incident also allowed me to know one thing. It turns out that what King Wei said It's all true," Zhui Ming couldn't help standing up when he heard Li Yunfei's words, and then began to explain, but his words made Li Yunfei frowned, not knowing what he was talking about.

Li Yunfei raised his eyes and glanced at Zhui Ming, seeing that he didn't look like he was joking, and then looked at Mr. Zheng, and found that this old fox was watching his nose, his nose was watching his heart, and the old god was standing there, and it had nothing to do with him at all. He seemed to hang up, but Li Yunfei still knew from small movements that Mr. Zheng was not as calm and composed as he appeared on the surface, and he seemed to be extremely concerned about this matter.

"Lengxue and I didn't go into the city, but were investigating outside. Today we came to the place where Boss Ruthless sent a message, and we did receive a message from Boss Ruthless saying that the little prince is in trouble, so we wanted to take a detour and sneak into Yangzhou City. However, when we turned to an abandoned village, we discovered an unexpected problem! There turned out to be a granary, which is also the reason for the noses of Doudou and Snow Leopard. It turned out that after we asked the caretakers about Knowing some things, it turns out that what King Wei said is true, but those things are for his own sake," Zhui Ming watched as Li Yunfei honestly explained what happened, but his words made Li Yunfei smile , Inquiry, I am afraid it is forced to ask.

"So, there is a lot of food there, but why do so many people starve to death? Master Zheng, do you know this place?" Li Yunfei couldn't help frowning when he heard Zhui Ming's words, and then looked at Master Zheng. He didn't know Does this matter have anything to do with Mr. Zheng? After all, it is not an easy task to hoard so much food. As the magistrate of Yangzhou, Zheng Guanghe is to blame.

"Reporting to His Royal Highness King Qin, this lower official really doesn't know anything about it. After all, the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion is an independent existence. We can only be restrained. It's just that the lower official knows that a few years ago, it was indeed the construction of water conservancy, a large number of land reclamation, and a lot of wasteland. A lot of land was leased to the common people," Mr. Zheng answered quickly when he heard Li Yunfei's question, he knew that Li Yunfei had some suspicions that he was in league with the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, of course this is a normal thought.

"My lord, what Mr. Zheng said is right. It is indeed the construction of water conservancy, but those canals are for the service of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, and the barren land that has been reclaimed is extremely barren. Let them rent it to the common people, while the good land cultivated by the common people before All of them were taken back. Naturally, the common people didn't have enough food to eat, and they couldn't wear them anymore. Naturally, the food was not something these common people could eat." Chasing life is not for nothing these days. After all the fuss, Zhui Ming still remembers the expression on his face when he saw the grain in the granary, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"It really smells like wine and meat from Zhumen, and the road is frozen to death. Mr. Zheng, I hope you can cooperate with this matter. In a few phases, we will gather all the servants and guards to follow orders to take that granary to the king. The king wants them You know what it means to take from the people and use it to the people," Li Yunfei saw Zhui Ming's expression and knew that there must be a lot of food there, and also let Zhui Ming know what the gap between rich and poor is.

"Your Majesty obeys my orders and will definitely settle this matter. Please rest assured His Highness King Qin," Mr. Zheng's eyes lit up when he heard Li Yunfei's words, and then he assured Li Yunfei loudly that Mr. Zheng had actually heard about it a little bit. , but he has not seen it with his own eyes. After all, there is the existence of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion here, and it is impossible for him to grasp the real power. He only understands a lot of things on the surface.

"Cold-blooded, go to the Lucky Inn to protect Mei Niang and Ming Ze. Tomorrow, you will go with them to meet the Medicine King and the others. If the Medicine King is here, I believe these plagues are just minor problems. This may save hundreds of people. Forbearance, I will go to the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion in person tomorrow, just to change my identity and have a good talk with this Liu Qingyun!" Li Yunfei thought of Liu Qingyun's appearance, this person had been written by Li Yunfei on the must-kill list, it turned out that a People can do such insane things for their own selfishness!

"My lord, it's absolutely impossible. Let me accompany my lord. In this case, I can have someone to take care of me." Zhui Ming was shocked when he heard Li Yunfei's words. After all, Liu Qingyun dared to come to kill Li Yunfei tonight. If Li Yunfei personally delivered it to the door, wouldn't it be the same as a sheep entering the tiger's mouth?

"Don't worry, since this king dares to go, there is naturally a reason why he didn't dare to do it. This matter is settled like this. The next thing is up to you and Mr. Zheng. Go cold-blooded," Li Yunfei said very Obviously made up his mind, he closed his eyes after finishing speaking, and began to close his eyes to rest his mind. Looking at Li Yunfei's appearance, knowing that it was impossible to persuade Li Yunfei's pursuit of life, he could only turn around and take Mr. Zheng away.

Li Yunfei knew that his identity had been exposed at this time, and Liu Qingyun didn't dare to do anything to him in the open and aboveboard, so he could only do something secretly. In the past, Li Yunfei was afraid that the other party would trip him up secretly, so he would make up and change up. Now there is no need for that Now, Li Yunfei decided to use his true identity to find Liu Qingyun, and at the same time let Yangzhou City know that he had to make a high profile, and let these Yangzhou people know that they no longer need to starve and freeze like before, and regain their confidence. In fact, this is also the case. Let Liu Qingyun be cautious, and dare not do anything to him at all. Li Yunfei is a prince no matter what, and he is fine before he goes to the Governor's Mansion. If something happens after he enters, Liu Qingyun may not be able to take care of it.

"Hey, hey, today is thanks to Your Excellency the Holy Maiden, otherwise I wouldn't know how I died. I really didn't expect that this King Qin is so powerful, whether it's acting or martial arts, it's scary!" Liu Qingyun replied After arriving at the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, looking at Bai Ningbing's appearance, he couldn't help saying to Bai Ningbing, but there was no fear in his eyes, it was clear that only arrogance and bloodthirsty remained, Liu Qingyun had been completely reborn.

"You'd better not underestimate him, even your master doesn't dare to underestimate him, let alone you, and this time I'm just sending you a message. As for your future affairs, I don't want to care about it, and I won't care about it." , so take care of yourself," Bai Ningbing looked at Liu Qingyun, and couldn't help shaking her head, thinking of the way Li Yunfei looked at her, Bai Ningbing's heart couldn't help but twitched, but she concealed it very well and didn't show it.

"Anyway, I would like to thank Your Excellency the Holy Maiden for saving my life this time. Even if he is the King of Qin, he would not be able to do anything to me if he lost his chance last time. I am a member of King Wei, and there is no evidence to punish me. Under such circumstances, who would dare to touch me," Liu Qingyun sneered disdainfully when he heard Bai Ningbing's words, he had already made up his mind, and Li Yunfei didn't dare to do anything to him, after all, Li Yunfei didn't have any evidence at all.

"Yes, if you think so, I can't say anything, I just hope you don't regret your confidence, I will explain the situation here to your master, it seems necessary, let him prepare early, "Bai Ningbing looked at Liu Qingyun, her eyes still showed a cold feeling, but when she heard Liu Qingyun's words, there was a trace of disdain in her eyes, then she turned and drifted away.

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